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In the articles Below - Learn True Solutions and Better Understand the Roots of the Problems of Society
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The majority of pharmaceutical products work less than placebo, some feed the very diseases they are claimed to mask, as the objective of pharmaceuticals is seldom, if ever, cure, instead it is symptom suppression. In contrast to the allopathic model is the nutraceutical healing centered model, this does not reward suffering and death, instead if the 'need' bondsmen are sick and remain sick, it reduces the earnings of the healers and their collaborators, the less illness means the cooperative group that services the 'need' bondsmen can earn more and do less for it. Effectively reversing the allopathic model of profit from sickness.
An Internal Terrain Nutraceutical or Bioceutical Healing Bond
The modern concept of a hospital dates from 331 AD, six years after the council of Nicaea. A new medical conspiracy has been imposed through the corrupt legislative bodies around the world, to create regulations that promote the use of drug medicine, while simultaneously creating restrictive, controlling mechanisms, designed to limit and stifle the availability of non-pharmaceutical alternative modalities. The conspiracy to limit and eliminate competition from alternative therapies began with the Flexner Report of 1910.
The Nature of the Hospital System
Inherent power is unalienable, universal and immutable; it is derived from the nature of your creation, and binds all in reciprocation as everything is connected.
A right is a grant from a master to a slave, and exists precariously at the whim of the granter, ONLY slaves have rights, a free soul has inherent power which is unalienable, universal and immutable. Establish the inherent and break the chains of your slavery.
Inherent Power
We are communal creatures, without that inherent structure the soul suffers the pain of isolation, and feelings of loneliness, resentment, anger, and abandonment, this is a downward spiral, and for a large percentage ends in a despair so profound they begin to seek suicide. Isolation is the goal of all hierarchies of control, as ideally they do not want anyone to speak for or with you, the only voice of complaint, rebellion, truth or despair would be your own, and for the agents of hierarchy a lone voice is easy to dismiss, punish or imprison. The most repressive usury fiefdom presently is the American corporation, and this is reflected in its standing as the nation with the highest rate of depression. (Japan has the lowest rate of depression) Depression is rampant in American teenagers, who see a bleak future as the new American dream. Immediate suicide is now the second-leading cause of death among people ages 10 to 34 in the USA, the annual increase in suicides is now alarming.
Deaths of Despair
This is an example of a written unilateral bond, using bonds within the inherent allodium removes dispute and makes relief very simple to establish for any wrong inflicted.
Unilateral Bond of Behaviour
At no time in recorded history has a true medium of exchange existed,  Earthcoinage is a true medium of exchange cryptocurrency, that's generated ONLY when given in advance, fee and interest free, when linked to an external guarantee of repayment. A zero balance check determines if any advance is valid, comparing advances against guarantees, if no guarantee is connected to the advance it cannot exist. The platform is open source coded as a peer to peer system, when downloaded free from the internet, it would create an independent operating system below the operating system of the host computer.
Advancing Cryptocurrency Multilateral Bond
The legal fiction of Copyright, or for physical monopolies patent, is an extension of the fraud of ownership, being the control and monopoly of intellectual ‘property’, used to extort usurious revenue (taxation/profit) upon the application or copying of the idea or design of the copyright holder, further imposing regulations upon another who uses the copyrighted goods, services or ideas, so dictating what someone can or cannot do with their own real resource to possess and use that resource.
The Nature of Copyright
Government mafias are corporations, corporations, people foolish believe, are the ‘ONLY’ vehicle for collective action. The agents of government mafia’s many forms of extortion are given perceived validity, because people further believe, wrongly, government mafia's provide an efficient way to tackle projects that are larger than a single person or group of friends can take on. But we ourselves, the people of the local community are the source of collective action, when government mafia extortion is refused, common unity can be used as a different method to implement any collective action needed; it only requires a way to organise that action, which is easily done through the bonding method.
Paying for the Roads Without any Government Mafia
Reason is my master, truth my guide and love my destination. My Philosophical Perspective
Philosophy Of Existence
Allodium Platform
This Earth Is Precious - 1851 chief Seattle, of the Suquamish
Removing accountability is the purpose and foundation of hierarchy.  Demanding of your-self 100% accountability is the truth of anarchy and the pragmatic axiom of empathy.
Arbitration of Disputes Platform
The Three Men - A short parable: Three men lived in the worlds, the first claimed sovereign, the second claimed god and the third could simply reason.
The Three Men
Movies have deteriorated in story quality and increased in spectacle over the decades, as technologies advance and the costs of using them drops. Corporation isn't interested in story telling as much as formulaic methods, that they believe, allow them the least risk for the greatest returns.
Movie or Small Screen Series 'Need' Bond
The monopoly on violence wielded by the corporate government mafias around the world within their self proclaimed fiefdoms, allows fear to maintain control of the slaves.
The Monopoly on Violence
Revolution is Spinning in Circles - Rebellion is the Revolt of the Conquered
Revolution is Spinning in Circles - Rebellion is the Revolt of the Conquered
Virtues are easy to recognise, they're external expressions of an internal reality; virtue is the essence of all Bonds
Morality – The Act of Virtuous Conduct
A bond is a reciprocal agreement, even in its unilateral form, where someone must willingly consent to, and even impose freely upon themselves, certain restrictions in behaviour, and amercements in relief of breaking witnessed bond, that reason demands will actually lead to greater freedom and/or more opportunities.
The Bonding Platform
The main purpose is for the benefit of offspring; children need stability, they need the love and support of both parents, they need a safe environment, and all their needs provided for until they are mature enough to fend for themselves. Matrimony (meaning ‘motherly behaviour’, which is an act anyone can express) is the agreement between the parents to bind both parties to the obligation of matrimony.
Matrimonial Reciprocal Bond
Islamic Banking
Providing No fault, Comprehensive Cover with Zero Excess for a Driver, to Drive Any Car. Using a Reciprocal Bond at a Fraction of the Cost of Corporate Insurance
Car Driver Assurance Bond
Ownership is the key building block in the establishment and advancement of the modern capitalist socio-economic system, now utilised to enslave mankind, pollute the earth and drain all resources from nature and humanity collectively, under the control of a comparatively small number of people, but what is ownership?
The Nature of Ownership
Money monopoly limits human potential through poverty and misery all across the Earth. No legal tender law is ever needed to make men take good money. Its only use is to make them take bad money.
A True Medium of Exchange
Relief does not mean to inflict punishment on the wrongdoer, rather it means to provide relief from mental anguish, to pursue the wrongdoer in such a way that they are held accountable for their actions, and relief is established for both the souls wronged and the souls who acted to wrong. It means that in the substantive system, no wrongful action shall remain untracked, unanswered or ignored
Part One. The Writ (Notification)
In the legal (slave law) system, meaning a system of imposed waged violence monopoly (positive law), those working as police (policy enforcers) extort revenues for the benefit of the corporation (mafia), a mafia they have sworn an oath to serve. The police resolve less than 1% of substantive wrongs, and inflict a large percentage of true wrongs directly.
Part Two. How a Substantive Witena-Gemot of Axiom- logical Inherent Power, Could Function Through Axioms of the Land, if Re-established
In a system free of hierarchy a leader is the opposite end of the dichotomy, as a teacher, guide, adviser, etc. An Aldormonn (Alderman) can be considered within this definition: a valid ‘luminary’ can never tell you what to do, they can only show you how it’s done; they cannot decide on your behalf, they can only present an deliberation of reason, or express their point of view openly to be considered with all other perspectives. They cannot impose regulation, legislation, laws, rights, title, grant or claim, as no living soul is superior to any other, all are created equal in accountability for their actions, with reciprocal obligations, and a reciprocal duty of care to those around them, with only self-imposed agreements, in all other things we are not equal, so in skills, knowledge, wisdom, strengths, passions, determination, wealth of resources etc. we are different.
Part Three - Establishing Accountability - Witena-Gemot Administrators of Terrente Relief
A witena-gemot of inherent power establishing relief through the application of the axioms demanded through a reciprocal duty of care
Part Four. Wite and Surety Bound-Souls
Positive law compels, and exists only through the active, and  positive threat of violence, so force of arms. Juristic ‘law’ is the policy of the landlord upon their chattel, existing upon the jurisdiction of the land as determined by the fraud of ownership, laws are held upon the ship of a citizen as an economic slave, which in truth and in fact is inequitable and therefore a aberrant imposition.
Part Five. Terrente – Duty of Care – Outcast
Love towards an unfamiliar soul is expressed as an absence of judgement. Loving a soul you do not know, means to care and help if that soul is in pain, just as you would want help if your soul suffered, a soul that causes mental distress to others souls does so because they are themselves suffering mental confusion, pain, hatred, or some conflict they cannot resolve.
Part Six - Universal Accountability - Relief, Recourse and the Peers
egislation is constructive in its nature; it constructs fictional rules of conduct, fictional regulations of circumstance and fictional instruments of commerce.  These fictional constructs which cannot exist without having their character assigned to them and applied upon others by coercion or deception, are constructed legal fictions created their self, by a legal fiction, acquiring their characteristics in consequence of the way in which they are regarded by a rule or policy of the authoring corporation
Part Seven. Constructive versus Substantive
Need Bonds: Part 1 - Automated Walk In Supermarket Bond
Walk In Supermarket Need Bond, Forming Cooperative Bonds
There were over 200 Artisan skills required to make a Victorian town functional, if you go even further back in time, to before the genocide committed by William the Bastard and the Vatican, the entire population of Britain were artisans, famous across Europe for their unparalleled skills and craftsmanship.
The Artisan
The only conspiracy that matters is the conspiracy of the psychopaths against the rest of us.
Predator and Prey
The Master of the Soul
Trading thoughts, which are ideas or opinions produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind, is important, as knowledge builds knowledge, ideas beget ideas; however, only when truth is the foundation, as truth is almost always the foundation of discovery; chance being the exception.
Thought Deposit Trading
The germ theory of disease is the current allopathic foundation for medicine. Germ theory is not new, in ancient times, when people were afflicted with various types of ailments and diseases, they commonly blamed evil spirits. The belief was that the evil spirit had invaded the body and then caused disease. If one could placate these spirits or induce them to leave then the disease would be cured. Bacteria and the constructed fiction of viruses are the modern version of these evil spirits.
A Pandemic Myth, Using A Virus Bogeyman, For Totalitarian Control and Global Genocide
Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. Under 1% of children and adolescents aged 5-19 were obese in 1975. In 2016 6% of girls and 8% of boys were obese. This is accelerating, now even children under 5 years of age, that in the past were never obese, are suffering obesity, in 2019, an estimated 38.2 million children under the age of 5 years were overweight or obese.
Obesity and the Food Pyramid
The Child Abuse that is State Mandated Schooling, the whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive.
Edification of Child Need Bond
Nuclear Weapon
The Claim of Nuclear Weapons
Physical slavery is only an advantage in the sex, and organ harvesting businesses, otherwise economic slavery is much more profitable for the owners, it was for this reason, and no other the owners ended the physical slave business around the earth.
True Common-Unity
People are controlled through fear, in the past the owners had trouble with the slaves, who sort to prevent the constant dumping and spreading of toxic waste across the earth, this was resolved for the owners through the fiction of global warming, changed to climate change when no warming was shown, now the owners use the fraud of CO2 as the bogeyman to tax and extort from the masses, while simultaneously diverting attention away completely from toxic pollution. Here is an explanation of why that con is easily disproved.
Climate Change Fear Porn
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This is a fictional novel, set in the wilds of Scotland, about an elderly woman and her great talent. Written by Abdun Nur
The Love of Solitude
Overpopulation propaganda is a construct to create utter contempt for ordinary people, the useless eaters as expressed by the paedophile class of psychopaths dominating humanity.
Overpopulation – Is It Genuine, Or Just Indoctrination?
Mass Brainwashing Depends Completely on the Ignorance of the Victims
Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset. By winter oak
Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset
The glaring problem with gravity, as a claimed attraction of mass, is, if it were indeed an attraction of mass, then it would pull in all directions, however gravity only attracts to the center of the planet, if it were an attraction of mass, then when I stood at the side of a huge mountain, I should be pulls sideways slightly, or when I traveled deep into the earth the mass around me and above me should pull me sideways and upward as well as downward, and a mass close to me should have a greater effect, than the mass further away, this is not the case. So the glaring question is, what is the reason this attraction of mass would a line itself as a centralized attracting force within a large planetary body and not pull in all directions?
Is Gravity an Attraction of Mass?
The reality is, the disease labelled Rabies is simply dehydration, which causes foaming around the mouth, headache, sever irritability, and if left without water, eventually death; this simple condition of dehydration has been transformed fraudulently into the fictional virus of Rabies.
Post-exposure vaccine causes about 24,000 to 60,000 deaths worldwide per year.
Always remember the basis of the con - In order for the post-exposure vaccine to work, it must be administered before the onset of symptoms. Post-exposure vaccine causes about 24,000 to 60,000 deaths worldwide per year.
Always remember the basis of the con - In order for the post-exposure vaccine to work, it must be administered before the onset of symptoms. 
Rabies the Fictional Disease
Everything is made of atoms, which are energy, but what is energy, main stream science presently does not know in any way what energy is, only what it does, they name it, they quantify it, they discover the rules of interaction between various forms of energy, but they do not have any answer to what it is.
What is Energy?
Just like monopoly has only one answer, being the establishment of alternatives to the monopoly. A schooled mind only has one answer, to learn the skill of reasoning!
In Fear You Exist. Only Within Courage Can You Live!
There are several advantages to forming a closed bond, it allows the exclusion of some at the outset, and it’s not open to constructed legal fictions of the person, public, corporation, citizen or trust.
Closed Bond Protection
Governments around the world are working towards the development and implementation of AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems. You may think they want AI to improve services, or reduce costs, but no.
Artificial Intelligence - Dystopia
A surety bond is a bilateral reciprocal agreement, witnessed and sealed, an intimate bilateral agreement that connects people. The anarchic reciprocal surety bond is the basis of community, the guarantee to establish relief in arbitration, the guiding light to trust in trade, and the foundation of "exclusive" (differing to collective) external guarantee for advances.
Bilateral Reciprocal Surety Bond
Mandated Hierarchical Monopolies
Trust Based Guarantee verses Collateral Based Credit
Multilateral Reciprocal Bond of Behaviour Forming Cooperative Community
The History of the Tally Stick
Corporation is Simply Another Term for Marketing
Isolation is the goal of every hierarchical govern mental mafia, the more isolated the individual the more power the govern mental mafia have upon them, isolation increases fears, and fears are the stock-in-trade of all hierarchical control models.
How to Form Pre-agreed Cooperation: Free Cooperation is Always the Answer
Isolation is the goal of every hierarchical govern mental mafia, the more isolated the individual the more power the govern mental mafia have upon them, isolation increases fears, and fears are the stock-in-trade of all hierarchical control models.
Getting Back to Normal, or Getting to Miraculous
The most important thing required to form a physical common unity (community) is the skill of reasoning. Everyone is convinced they can reason, which is a part of the indoctrination of being schooled, however, for the vast majority, that belief is utterly without foundation.
Mastering the Skill of Reasoning - The Trivium
Freedom of speech is a huge problem for a system of lies and frauds, to prevent free expression, and to silence any voice other than those of the liars and thieves of the hierarchical political system, a new company was started by Imran Ahmed. Imran is former political advisor to Labour MP Hilary Benn, with the objective of targeting and attacking anyone presenting any information that would expose the official narratives.
Will State Mafias Criminalise Freedom of Speech?
The surety bond is the basis of community, the guarantee to establish relief in arbitration, the guiding light to trust in trade and the foundation of external guarantee for advances.
The Surety Bond
The study of Economics is the study of fraud, and the biggest fraud in economics, is economics itself. Most economists are fools or charlatans. The charlatan wants to get prestigious jobs and Nobel prizes by offering crackpot advice. The fools think it will work.
The Nature of Economics
The origins of feudalism was a system of blood feuds, between psychopathic bands of immoral hierarchical gangsters who roamed the land and waged bitter, continuous war between one another, while murdering, mutilating, enslaving, raping and pillaging any vulnerable souls that had the misfortune to meet them.
The Motivation and Basis of Feudalism, Was and Remains the Five Forms of Usury
Always keep in mind all forms of positive law are based on the same logical fallacy, that fallacy being you’re bound by the grants, claims and dictates of another within the area designated as a fiefdom.
The Nature of Civilisation
“Only psychopaths want to run other people’s lives.” Consider an animal does not need a farmer, the farmer fleeces them, butchers them, uses them for toil, often abuses them and cages them, likewise government works just the same on people.
One World Government
Investment is the New Term to Ameliorate the Term Gambling
Gambling: The Seeking of Unearned Reward
The bonding platform allows a collective purchasing bond to be formed. In the transition from corporations to cooperatives, economy of scale bonds can reduce costs considerably for the bondsmen.
An Economy of Scale Bond
The earthcoinage platform is structured as a polycentric peer to peer network, each hub is a self contained network that interacts with all other hubs on the platform.
Earthcoinage Polycentric Hub Network
The History of Albien (Britain) Part One
Graves were unearthed, containing brass armour from just after the period of the conquest with three Welsh words, “budro” “fudron” “Cristnogion”, which translate into “Dirty Filthy Christians” they were found in an ancient stone grave site in the American Smoky Mountains, in 1799, where 8 skeletons encased in brass armour bearing the Welsh coat of arms, discovered having these three words inscribed upon them. Many took exile to escape the miseries of Norman oppression sailing even as far as the Americas.
The History of Albien (Britain) Part Two
The feudal system has altered over time, improving its functions, the allodium continues to be denied to us, and the Roman Catholic Crown still pulls the strings behind a wall of deceit. The Terrente (the peace of the mind threatened) system has been replaced with corporate and admiralty slave Law. The five forms of usury remain the basis of our slavery, with all possession held within a fiction and leased back to us through taxation, as a slave may not own the fruits of there own labours. We are re-presented as a straw man in order to apply slave law to a living soul, making it the property of the Crown Corporation through the registration of live birth, enslaving us to the Ba'alist Christian death cult, our labour represented by a certificate of debt, all intrinsic value removed, we work for a fiction, we own a fiction, we are subject to the fictions of the sovereign.
The History of Albien (Britain) Part Three
Silence is suicide now, to sit silently, hiding from the global lockdown on freedom of movement, expression and truth, will end very badly, you have ONLY one option left, and I will continue to make that as clear as humanly possible, YOU MUST FORM ANARCHIC COMMUNITY NOW!
Humanities Extinction Event
“The basic concept of Ba’alism is an evil (soulless) desire to occupy, dominate, and control through the fiction of personhood, all souls from within. A soul that is invested in the Ba’alist externalising fictions is effectively possessed by the power of psychopathic (evil) will.” Abdun Nur
It’s a Simple Choice “Anarchism or Ba’alism
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Usury is a one-sided extraction of the fruits of the labours of another, which has 5 basic forms: Debt (the interest demand for the use of money) Profit (the interest demanded for the use of capital) Rental (the interest demanded for the use of infrastructure) Taxation (the interest demanded for the use of your labour) Ownership (the interest demanded for the use of land through the fiction of eminent domain)
The Five Forms of Usury Enslave Humanity to a Ba’alist Elite
Contract is the basis of the entire legal fraud system, they invent contract deceptively, but they cannot invent contract upon a living soul, they must re-present that soul as a constructed legal fiction, because we, as living beings, are not able to enter contract.
The Cell on Death Row has No Door, No Bars and No Guards, Yet the Inmate Refuses to Leave, Eager to be Injected
The entire legal mafia system which administrates the spells of the corporate govern mental mafia is based on the correct recitation, often with accompanying gestures, of legalese, used to unleash supernatural power, the better the spell caster the better your legal defence, fear of these legal spells hold many extorted, subjugated and enslaved in fear. The very thought of entering the hallowed halls of the legal courts makes most shake in their boots, their blood runs cold and for some a quick change of underwear is sometimes required, now that’s a powerful fear of spells.
How to “Dispel” Fear
True community can only be formed by those empathic that have mastered the first skill, all community requires the mastery, of reasoning to truth; this must be established, without that, community cannot exist. The psychopathic created and imposed the schooling system, in order to prevent that skill from developing.
True Community is Through the Development of Consciousness
Demanding "your rights" is a kin to demanding the dictates of an owner, to protect you from the abuses of the owner. You have inherent power. It is inherent power that is immutable, universal and unalienable, rights are transitory, and limited. So stand upon inherent power, do not accept to be represented a constructed legal fiction in name, do not contract, begin to form reciprocal bonds of unity, free yourselves from the Ba'alists fictions of ownership, corporation and trust.
I have the “Right”!
The Ba'alists impose simple methods to control the slaves physically. Imposing hierarchies, forming monopolies, hoarding resources, imposing slave laws, while always working to maintain poverty, ignorance and to isolate the individual from the influence or unity of other slaves.
The Ba'al Serpent and the Bridge Builder
Fear weakens our immune system, stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released, and if this state is suffered for a prolonged period it can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It can lead to accelerated ageing and even premature death.
Fear is an illness
This is the story of William the Bastard, a evil soulless psychopath that, with utter ruthless depravity, imposed a brutal genocide, with the full support and power of the Vatican, upon the British peoples, crushing them into abject slavery, and established the blueprint for the feudal ownership model, as the dominant structure of human suffering globally,; a system that has continued to evolve to the modern age.
Evil William the Soulless - The Vatican's Man of the Millennium
The great reset is the expansion of the ba'alist ownership corporate model, taking control, so imposing a monopoly and extorting revenues from water, seeds, food and pollution, establishing more dominating monopolies of government, finance, military, police and medical treatment, restricting free movement, restricting reproduction, and imposing a global monitoring and weapons system under the control of an AI system to identify and eradicate dissent.
Tri-Ba’al Corporation; The Fictional Corpse of the Trinity
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The great reset of capitalism, is the plan presented in 2020 at the the World Economic Forum's (WEF) by the representatives of the banking mafia, to impose totalitarian slavery upon humanity.
The Great Reset: The Panopticon Planet
We’ve entered a new astronomical energy era, commonly known as the Age of Aquarius, made famous through a song from the 1960. On December 21st, 2020, the winter solstice, the planets Jupiter and Saturn arrived at the great conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius, signifying we have entered Aquarius, and the age has begun.
The Age of Aquarius
The ego man is easily dominated by the ‘soulless’ men, who exist without conscience, disconnected, with no empathy nor compassion, the psychopathic fiery consciousness that burns out after a brief existence. The psychopath, known as jinn within the ancient Arabic language, hides easily within the sea of ego mankind, the family of Jinn, this would not be as possible in a benign man consciousness. The man of Jinn is a fleeting creation that lives like a raging flame reaching out and consuming all it can then evaporating into nothingness, a disconnected song contained by both the nature of the reality they exist within and the nature of their ego consciousness.  
The Third State of Consciousness
Transform Your Thinking and New Perceptions are Formed
Movies are used to reshaped history, supposedly in the name of entertainment, turning criminals into heroes and victims into villains. For example, if you think about the “Wild” West, we’re led to believe it was an unruly time with lots, and lots of shootings. The West wasn’t actually that violent. Between 1859 and 1900, there were only around 1.5 gun-related murders per year, when statistics taken from town records, court proceedings, and local newspapers are examined, of course that excludes slave deaths and the massive death toll of the indigenous peoples, who at that time were not considered people.
Almost Everything You Believe to be True, is a Lie!
Monkeypox is the Rebranding of Smallpox
Polio is found only among humans and no other animals.

What factors excludes all other animals that generate toxin build up within the body?
Polio (Poliomyelitis – Grey Marrow)
Presently the Tetanus vaccine cause APS in 1 in 20,000 people per year, who survive, only, between 4 to 10 years after diagnosis, thats 398,000 people per year!
Tetanus Does NOT Cause Lockjaw
Dr. Rima Laibow - DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda
Dr. Rima Laibow - DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda
Everyone with Cholera is both vitamin A and zinc deficient. Children with Cholera are more commonly retinol (vitamin A) deficient, while zinc deficiency is equally prevalent in both groups.
Cholera - Vibrio Cholerae
I believe diseases like herpes, spongiform encephalitis and possibly others, are actually enzyme reactions, a prion is an example of this.
Enzyme Generated Disease (Ex. Spongiform Encephalitis - Herpes)
Diana West - The January 6th Committee Charade and Trump FBI Raid
Diana West - The January 6th Committee Charade and Trump FBI Raid
The more alternatives that are used, to the corporate hierarchical monopolies, the less power these monopolistic parasites wield, the weaker the structures of enslavement hold sway. You cannot use violence to remove a system of violence, you must simply establish alternatives to the monopolies, giving a free choice, and let a better model supersede, so rendering the old monopolies redundant, without violence, without forcing your model on to others.
Anarchic Militia
The government Mafia is imposing fear to establish thought-crime policing, this will continue to expand as the suffering generated by the government to establish, the global great reset plan, moves forward. When you instil fear, when you kidnap children and adults from their homes for writing, reading or sharing information you do not agree with, it is YOU, not them that mare the terrorist!
Censorship of “Disinformation” Means There is “NO” Freedom of Expression
On the fiat trading platform, you cannot trade fiat directly, as fiat by definition is worthless, this includes all cryptocurrencies, fiat is simply a formal authorization or proposition; a decree, generally imposed a monopoly. Because fiat currencies possess no intrinsic value, they cannot be traded for something with intrinsic value, however fiat can be traded indirectly.
The Trading Platform
"Eventually, even the darkest night, that always produce the brightest stars, will end, and the freckled stars will either be engulfed by the fearless burning light of a new fractal soul, shinning so bright it's the Sun of a new dawn, or fear will break upon hope, dashed upon an empty world of soulless horror." Abdun Nur
Sharing Platform
“The shortest and surest way to live with honour on the Earth is to be in reality what we would appear to be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice and experience of them.” Socrates
The Reasoning and Virtue Reward Platform
No physical money note has any intrinsic value in and of itself, fiat currency cannot be converted or redeemed. It is intrinsically valueless and used by government decree, for this reason cash can easily become worthless.
True Medium of Exchange Barter Notes
The foundation of common unity is the skill to reason to truth. In the modern world knowledge has fallen more and more into the manipulations and confusions of the elite sovereigns who dictate upon the people, this has inevitably led to a situation were, what is taught is not what is useful, true or evolving, people suffer false knowledge.
Community Formation Platform
Inherently, therefore fundamentally, all fairness or equity, is built upon the 'reciprocal duty of care' each has for all others, this is the only power over others anyone could claim to exert, it is then, by this virtue, 'inherent  power'. Therefore under this fundamental paradigm, there can be no superior authority above the inherent power of any individual, no superior to grant any right, or impose any duty, no superior to impose agreement, further even in the fictional legal system there is no collective right, which means if 51% of a population want to encroach inequitably upon you, it does not make it somehow just and equitable, as no collective right can or could exist to suspend the immutable inherent power that all are unalienably bound to through reciprocal obligations and responsibilities binding every individual inherently.
The Nature of Democracy
Capitalism is the control of production by owners that possess access to capital, to generate profit: Profit is an added amount after all costs of labour and production have been met, profit is the interest demanded for the use of capital and is a form of usury.
The Nature of Capitalism
"The traditional anarchist position regards the state as nothing more than a criminal organisation that exists for no genuine purpose beyond the control of territory, the protection of an artificially privileged ruling class, the exploitation of its subjects and the expansion of its own power"- Keith Preston
What is True Anarchism?
All reality is thought generated through the product of consciousness, death is simply a change of perception.
The Immortality of a Soul
One question that frequently comes up is the old story of giving ‘infected blankets’ to the Native Americans to kill them. This story is a cover-up for the real killer which was again allopathic medicine and their vaccines. The proof is in plain sight as always. They vaccinated them. They got sick from the poisoning and died.
Contagion a Fairy Story
1998 Saturday Night Live (SNL) parody of Schoolhouse Rock satirizing PCB pollutants derived in the manufacture of “manufacture capacitors, hydraulic fluids, lubricants, plasticizers and transformers”.
1998 Saturday Night Live (SNL) parody of Schoolhouse Rock satirizing PCB pollutants derived in the manufacture of “manufacture capacitors, hydraulic fluids, lubricants, plasticizers and transformers”.
Trust Rating for Selfish Advantage