The feudal system has altered over time, improving its functions, the allodium continues to be denied to us, and the Roman Catholic Crown still pulls the strings behind a wall of deceit. The Terrente (the peace of the mind threatened) system has been replaced with corporate and admiralty slave Law. The five forms of usury remain the basis of our slavery, with all possession held within a fiction and leased back to us through taxation, as a slave may not own the fruits of there own labours. We are re-presented as a straw man in order to apply slave law to a living soul, making it the property of the Crown Corporation through the registration of live birth, enslaving us to the Ba'alist Christian death cult, our labour represented by a certificate of debt, all intrinsic value removed, we work for a fiction, we own a fiction, we are subject to the fictions of the sovereign.

The History of Albien (Britain) Part Three

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The Knights Templar

The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, commonly known as the Knights Templar, the Order of the Temple, was founded in 1118 and quickly managed, through the practices of usury, to amass a financial empire with vast holdings after just two centuries. The Templars created the first international banking system. Pilgrims heading off to the Holy Land would deposit money with a local branch, in exchange for a letter of credit, redeemable just about everywhere along their route. By the 14th century, the Knights Templar had become Europe’s dominant religious order. They were more than 7,000 members strong. They held almost 900 castles. And they controlled unimaginable wealth in land, gold, and power.

Inventing History to Bind the Population Emotionally to a False Narrative

The legend of King Arthur was manufactured by Geoffrey of Monmouth who was born sometime around 1100, perhaps in Monmouth in southeast Wales. His father was named Arthur. Geoffrey was appointed archdeacon of Llandsaff in 1140 and was consecrated bishop of St. Asaph in 1152, he died c. 1155. In his ‘Historia Regum Britanniae’ (completed in 1138) he manufactured a line of English kings, a fiction where he installed Arthur, along with Merlin the wizard and Guinevere the adulterous, fabricating a history, to establish the fraudulent claim of monarchy.

Geoffrey also wrote a Vita Merlini (Life of Merlin) in verse in about 1150, these literary fictions were used by the corporations of both State and Vatican as part of their mental control of the slaves, and so these lies were perceived as true until the 17th century.

King Stephen of Blois 1096 – 1154 Reigned From 1135 Till 1141

“When King Stephen came to England he held his council at Oxford, and there he took Roger, bishop of Salisbury, and Alexander, bishop of Lincoln, and the chancellor Roger, his nephews, and put them all in prison till they surrendered their castles. When the traitors understood that he was a mild man, and gentle and good, and did not exact the full penalties of the law, they perpetrated every enormity. They had done him homage, and sworn oaths, but they kept no pledge; all of them were perjured and their pledges nullified, for every powerful man built his castles and held them against him and they filled the country full of castles.

They oppressed the wretched people of the country severely with castle-building. When the castles were built, they filled them with devils and wicked men. Then, both by night and day they took those people that they thought had any goods – men and women – and put them in prison and tortured them with indescribable torture to extort gold and silver – for no martyrs were ever so tortured as they were. They were hung by the thumbs or by the head, and corselets were hung on their feet. Knotted ropes were put round their heads and twisted till they penetrated to the brains.

They put them in prisons where there were adders and snakes and toads, and killed them like that. Some they put in a ‘torture-chamber’ – that is in a chest that was short, narrow and shallow, and they put sharp stones in it and pressed the man in it so that he had all his limbs broken. In many of the castles was a ‘noose-and-trap’ – consisting of chains of such a kind that two or three men had enough to do to carry one. It was so made that it was fastened to a beam, and they used to put a sharp iron around the man’s throat and his neck, so that he could not in any direction either sit or lie or sleep, but had to carry all that iron. Many thousands they killed by starvation.

I have neither the ability nor the power to tell all the horrors nor all the torments they inflicted upon wretched people in this country; and that lasted the nineteen years while Stephen was king, and it was always going from bad to worse. They levied taxes on the villages every so often, and called it’ ‘protection money’. When the wretched people had no more to give, they robbed and burned the villages, so that you could easily go a whole day’s journey and never find anyone occupying a village, nor land tilled. Then corn was dear, and meat and butter and cheese, because there was none in the country. Wretched people died of starvation; some lived by begging for alms, who had once been rich men; some fled the country.

There had never been till then greater misery in the country, nor had heathens ever done worse than they did. For contrary to custom, they respected neither church nor churchyard, but took all the property that was inside, and then burnt the church and everything together. Neither did they respect bishops’ land nor abbots’ nor priests’, but robbed monks and clerics, and everyone robbed somebody else if he had the greater power. If two or three men came riding to a village, all the villagers fled from them; they expected they would be robbers.

The bishops and learned men were always excommunicating them, but they thought nothing of it, because they were all utterly accursed and perjured and doomed to perdition.” This account is taken from Whitelock, Dorothy (translator) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1961); Davis H.W.C. (ed.), Medieval England (1928).


The frankpledge was installed within the southern counties and some other areas, but would only function with a population who understood they were abject slaves, this limited its range.

  • A legal system that applied only to the subjugated slave population, holding them within a separate class, the Serf owned by the Norman land lord.

  • Tithings (ten things) composed of ten households (comprising of around a hundred male members), every male reaching the age of 12 was compelled to be a member, and then to be held responsible for every other members conduct.

  • The group was required to ensure that any accused of a crime appeared before the sovereigns court.

  • A system of neighbour bound under legislation to spy on neighbour.

  • If the accused did not appear as requested, fines were imposed on the group arbitrarily at the discretion of the court.

  • A fine (the murdrrum fine) on any random hundred where a dead Norman was found unless the killer was promptly produced.

In reference to our modern legal system; bail, release, and pledging for another’s appearance, as well as duty to inform on a neighbour, all descend from the frankpledge.

True frankpledge never existed in the six northern counties of England or in Cheshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, or Wales. (Ref:A. Crowley , ‘The Later History of Frankpledge’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 48 ( 1975 ))

Under the Roman Catholic legal system introduced in to Albien after 1066, property was of far greater value than any human life of the indigenous population.

G.G Coulton has described an incident recorded on the Northumberland assize rolls for 1255. “A certain ‘foreigner’, Gilbert of Niddesdale, met a hermit on the moors of Northumberland, ‘beat him and wounded him and left him for dead, and stole his garments and one penny, and fled away.’ Gilbert was caught. The hermit asked for his stolen penny. But he was told to observe the custom of the country: to recover his stolen chattels a man must behead the thief with his own hands. Determined to regain his penny, the hermit mustered enough strength to get it by the custom of the country”

“The law of medieval England was not much influenced by Christian doctrine of the duty of forgiveness and turning the other cheek. It assumed that a deliberate wrong would be resented, and in the Middle Ages, at least, it held to a doctrine of strict liability for intentional or unintentional injury. It assumed that the desire for vengeance was natural and proper.” (Arthur R Hogue. Origins of the Common Law. p.147)

After the conquest, upon the poor of conquered Britain the legal system was described as, “the most efficient police system in Western Europe” (Bryce Lyon, Constituional and legal History of Medieval England (New York 1960),p.197)

The Templar Develop the Slave Law of the Ba’alists

Legislative law in England was formalised by the Roman Catholic knights templar (Knights of the Military Order of the Temple of Solomon) established the Temple bar; initially constructing a building on what is now Chancery Lane , a round church patterned on the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. An inscription on the Round recorded that it was consecrated by the Patriarch Heraclius on 10 February 1185, in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is thought that King Henry II was also present on that day, one of a line of monarchs installed and instructed by the Roman Catholic Church from its inception.

In the 12th Century, Nicholas Sheakspeare the true “Father of English” also known as Pope Adrian IV– the first and only English Pope of the Catholic Church was instrumental with King Henry II in the formation of a uniquely “English” brand of hybrid Anglaisé-Latin to form the legal framework of English. This was designed to have a duel language, the common language, and legalese, allowing the slave law system to manipulate, confuse, extort and deceive their victims.

In the 13th Century, individuals such as Pope Innocent IV, Francis of Assisi and Thomas Acquinas were key in the establishment of the backbone of the modern legal system from Venetian maritime law through the creation of even more corrupted Latin words and even hybrid English back to Latin.

This tri-Ba’al slavery system of corporation and trust, is formed again and again, using invented religion after religion through the centuries, for example in Hasidic Judaism—through the three worlds of BiYA – Beriyah (the World of Creation – in Ba’alist Christianity the “Father” – Settler), Yetzirah (the World of Formation – in Ba’alist Christianity the “Son” – Trustee), and Asiyah (the World of Action in Ba’alist Christianity “The Holy Ghost” – Beneficiary).

This same Ba’alist concept is repeated in Buddhism adopted from the ancient Ba’alist Āryan concept, the Form Realm (rūpa-loka) “Father”, the Desire Realm (kāma-loka) “the Son” and the Formless Realm (ārūpya-loka) “Holy Ghost”.

Again this structure of usury ownership is repeated in Hinduism, through the triple deity of supreme divinity. The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world (world means “the age of man”): Brahma the creator (Settler – creator of the substance), Vishnu the preserver (Trustee – administrator of the substance) and Shiva the destroyer (Beneficiary – the consumer of the substance).

The Egyptian Ba’alist usury ownership model claimed Osiris (husband), Isis (wife), and Horus (son).

Religion is a key tool of the Ba’alist control system allowing Ba’alists to dominate through a parasite-based model.

The Ba’alist Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu.

The Ba’alist Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem, all establishing the trinity of corporation and trust.

The earliest known trinity forming tri-ba’alism is Heket. This had three central characters, namely Khnum (Ram headed God – creates the substance – Settler), Heket (Frog headed Goddess – Trustee) Child (humans – beneficiaries))

Hathor  is the “eye” of the sun god Re of Heliopolis, a common Ba’alist symbol; Ba’alists endlessly recycle the same stories and symbolism religion after religion, century after century.
Islam was originally formed as an anarchic community creation model, not a religion, this was soon subverted, and the Jewish, Christian, Ba’alist structure installed. Of all the “major” religions Islam stands as the only one that did not originate as a Ba’alist manufactured belief system, designed to control, extort and enslave humanity, at least until it was subverted into one.
Ba’alists form one-sided models using these religious fantasies, and externalise what inherently is internal (“this is my own land” – internal / “I own this land” – external), for example a ‘bondsman’ becomes a slave, but inherently a bondsman is created within the reciprocal nature of free anarchic agreement, without inherent bonds community cannot exist, this makes the masses fail to grasp what must always be reciprocal and never usurious.

Corporation and trust are the structure of the constructed legal fictions of control, trade and wealth hoarding, created through forming company; company is a term from the 13th Century Latin companio meaning “a body of (normally) Jewish servants bonded to a vassal of the Vatican under the rules of SERVI CAMERAE REGIS and USURY”.

The legal slave law system floats on the fictions of the Holy See, common English name of the highest legal personality under Roman Law and Common Law being the SEDES SACRORUM (Latin Sedes for seat/see, Sacrorum for holy/ holy right) otherwise known as Santa Sede and the “SS.” founded in the 13th Century by Anti-Pope Innocent IV and Venetian Doge Giovanni (a.k.a. Francis of Assisi).

Under both Roman Law and Common Law, all personalities (persona) are “owned” by the Holy See, also commonly known as the Vatican: which encompasses the legal apparatus by which the Roman Cult Pope and its Curia of Bishops, who claim sovereignty over the whole Earth.

Ba’al (Owner) is hierarchy through tri-ba’al-ism, being corporation/trust, which forms legal possessor constructs.

The serf was re-designated as either man (house slave) or human (field slave). From Latin Humanus – “a lesser/inferior man or woman defined legally as an animal and/or monster as distinct from the ancient (pre Vatican) Roman term homo – man “. A key rule of Law from the 14th Century describing a fundamental legal fiction –that is the notion of an inferior man or woman as an animal (as defined by Papal Decree) and therefore not subject to the laws of free souls, but the laws of property.

The decision to create a 2nd word for Homo (man), denoting an inferior “animal” man was crucial to the legal implementation of the Vatican global slave selling trade from the 14th Century–to overcome the questions of legality and morality of the Vatican slave trade. Therefore, unbaptized indigenous populations were legally defined as “humans” –therefore animals. Legally, the name of a human must always be in CAPITALS to identify that individual as property as distinct from a free soul.

Justice from 13th Century Latin justus Old English justice, Old French justise meaning “LAWS, RIGHT” of LAW- the exercise of legal authority in vindication of ancient Imperial (Roman) rights and precepts by assigning reward or punishment”.

The word was formed upon the claims of the Roman Cult Popes to have in their possession “untampered” ancient legal documents from Constantinople such as the Codex Justinian and earlier which (apart from several extraordinary anomolies) also claimed the Catholic Church to be “above the law”–hence the ultimate origin of the word Justice; forged laws of Justin and Emperors, equals, Church above the law.

The first and foremost pledge of all senior legal representatives of the “Justice” systems in Western Christian nations is not to impart fair and true legal judgment, but to protect the Roman Cult Ba’alists from being held accountable for their actions, and this is the fundamental meaning of Justice.

Law is exclusively for slaves, based on a grant form a superior to an inferior, from 3rd Century BCE Latin lāres, meaning “a group of ancient Roman deities (gods) defining localized activities, customs and practices accumulated over time including (but not limited to) home, family, the state, the sea, land and travel”.

By the 12th Century this had evolved, Old English lārs = “a collection of common doctrines, customs and practices accumulated over time; and the teaching of such customs”, later 16th Century Middle English lore/law = “A collection of rules (doctrines), customs and practices (accumulated over time) enjoining or prohibiting certain action; also the individual rules themselves “.

Contrary to misleading information, the Ancient Roman Legal System never considered the customs of lāres as being other than religious doctrine and ancient superstitions (witchcraft). Instead, the Roman Empire was founded on lēx/lēgis (statutes) and later (under Constantine) ilex (universal statutes). The modern western legal systems of nations are therefore based on inferior lāres –religious doctrines and concepts designed by the Roman Ba’alist Cult. While the Roman Cult reserved the formal structure of superior lēx/lēgis in the form of covenants and agreements such as Concordats, Official Church Councils and Papa; Bulls.

Maritime law grew from 13th Century Latin maritimeo/maritimus – “The mariner fleet of the Sea (Holy See) to be feared”. From earlier Latin maris “sea” and timeo “to fear, be afraid, dread”. From 16th Century English/French “Of the (Holy) Sea”.

The Roman Catholics had installed a two tier legal system, one law for the slaves and another law for the Ba’alists, this is made clear in Sir Edward Coke’s ‘First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England or Commentarie upon Littleton’ (first published in 1628, 19th ed. By Charles Butler, 1832, 58a.) “This court is of two natures. The first is by the common law, and is called a court Baron, as some have said, for that is the free-holders or freemans court (for Barons so in a sense signifies freemen), and of that court the freeholders being suitors be judges, and this maybe kept from three weekes to three weekes. The second is a customary court, and that doth concern copiholders, and therein the lord or his steward is the judge…..And when the court baron is of this double nature, the court roll containeth as well matters appertaining to the customary court, as to the court baron.”

To understand the reality of this slave system, within the counties the smaller regions were called hundreds, each hundred contained a number of villages, “of the estimated 628 hundreds in England, by the end of the thirteenth century 358 had fallen into private hands as franchises or ‘liberties’ obtained by royal grant as well as by usurpation and prescription, and 270 hundreds were still controlled by the crown. Thus the fees and fines extorted from the hundred courts, the profits of justice, were shared by the king and local officials.”(O.O.T.C.L)

By the thirteenth century the population had not recovered greatly numbering around 2 million.

To this day the people of Albien are slaves, we still suffer under the same constrictive controls, the minds of the people have been subjugated so deeply with the passage of almost a thousands years, they fail to comprehend their condition, and worship the Ba’alist parasites.

The feudal system has altered over time, improving its functions, the allodium continues to be denied to us, and the Roman Catholic Crown still pulls the strings behind a wall of deceit. The Terrente (meaning someone down to earth (terra), realistic and sensible of mind, referencing a system of arbitration for those with the peace of this state of mind threatened) system has been replaced with corporate and admiralty slave Law. The five forms of usury remain the basis of our slavery, with all possession held within a fiction and leased back to us, as a slave may not own the fruits of there own labours.

We are re-presented as a straw man in order to apply slave law to a living soul, made the property of the Crown Corporation through the registration of live birth, enslaving us to the Ba’alist Christian death cult, our labour represented by a certificate of debt, all intrinsic value removed, we work for a fiction, we own a fiction, we are subject to the fictions of the sovereign.

They condition and indoctrinate the population to not only be compliant to their dictates, but to be so subjugated, they enthusiastically force those around them to be just as compliant.

The Ba’alist Consume the Ba’alist, Canni-ba’alism

In France, King Philip IV owed the Templars a lot of money, which he didn’t really feel like repaying. So a scheme was hatched with Pope Clement V. In 1307, the Pope summoned Jacques de Molay, the group’s Grand Master, to Paris. There they were supposed to enter negotiations on merging the Knights Hospitallers with de Molay’s group. No such luck. Instead, he and his staff were arrested by King Philip and turned over to the Inquisition. Philip’s men swept through the country, in just two days arresting 15,000 men associated with the accused.

The Pope wanted what they had amassed, so in collusion with the king of France forcibly disbanded their organization in March 1312, announced in a Papal Bull accusing the Templars of having fallen “into the sin of impious apostasy, the abominable vice of idolatry, the deadly crime of the sodomites, and various heresies.” Plus, renouncing Jesus and spitting on the cross.

In March 1314, Jacques de Molay was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Inquisition. The sentence was announced during a public ceremony at Notre Dame cathedral. In exchange for his full confession, de Molay had received leniency. But before they could stop him, de Molay suddenly retracted his confession:

I confess that I am indeed guilty of the greatest infamy. But the infamy is that I have lied. I have lied in admitting the disgusting charges laid against my Order. I declare, and I must declare, that the Order is innocent. Its purity and saintliness have never been defiled. In truth, I had testified otherwise, but I did so from fear of horrible tortures.”

So, instead of life in prison, de Molay and his subordinate Geoffroy de Charnay were burned alive three days later. They were taken to the Isle of Javiaux in the Seine, not far from Notre Dame. There they were slow roasted over a pile of hot, smokeless charcoal. It took hours for them to die.

The Roman Catholic Church assumed control of all the assets and businesses of the Templar’s, and expanded their functions as a loan shark to the sovereign heads and land barons of Europe, while the Jews served as loan sharks to the poorer classes. “It was a conspicuous practice in the communities of Jews in England, whose money-lending activities had been supervised by the Crown since the days of Richard I” (A R Hogue- Origins of Common Law- p.219)

Link: The History of Albien (Britain) Part Four

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