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Written By Abdun Nur
Usury is not trade. Trade is a reciprocal exchange of the fruits of your labour.
Usury is a one-sided extraction of the fruits of the labour of another.
Profit is a form of usury – the interest demanded on the use of capital.
Rental is a form of usury – the interest demanded on the use of infrastructure.
Taxation is a form of usury – the interest demanded on the use of labour.
( Interest Bearing) Debt is a form of usury – the interest demanded on the use of money.
Ownership is a form of usury – the interest demanded on the use of the land through “Eminent Domain”.
Ownership is the Foundation of Feudalism
“Eminent” means “outstanding – to project, stand out”.
“Domain” (Latin dominicus “of a master,”)
The constructed fiction of eminent domain of the “fiefdom”, is their claimed complete and absolute active right as the owner (Ba’al), to dispose of the thing within their domain; for example the owners of the corporation of State control all private property for ‘public’ use, this is termed ‘eminent domain, the corporation can do as they wish with the land and resources because they claim the constructed legal fiction of ownership and alienate the substantive “allodium” upon the land.
Fief – Old English feoh cattle, property; akin to Latin pecū flock of sheep, pecus cattle, pecūnia wealth
-dom means domain Latin dominium “right of ownership, property” “of a master”
A fiefdom is the “right” of ownership and property of a master over the herd (ride herd on, to have charge or control of, maintain discipline) and flock (a band or company of “persons”).
When the term “public” (publique Latin, as above) is expressed always remember it is synonymous with the term State (Latin status “a standing”), they are interchangeable and equal in definition denoting the whole body politic, the public is not the living souls of the Earth.
The State has no written social contract with those it dominates, but has a conceptual implied and inferred contract, consented to through ignorance and deception, claimed to bind all on the land to their corporate policy.
The majority of those investigating historical, political, economic and legal systems do not investigate truths; rather they search for authority, taking that as truth, instead of determining truth through reason.
State Your Terms
A common adage is ‘state your terms’, yet we do not, and so through silent consent accept the terms of the corporate State. The State system of control uses language to occult terms, we read the common linguistic parlance while in dispute they apply the terms of legalese which are well defined, however we are ignorant of legalese so hear one thing and cannot understand why the opposite is imposed, this is the casting of spells, expose the spell remove the mystery.
For example the term secular means the opposite of sacred. Secularism, which literally means materialist, non-religious, Hellenistic, etc., and pragmatically means expelling all ethical idealists and their traces out of State institutions in three areas- politics, judiciary and education; while the perception is created that secular means a neutral platform in which all kinds of people could have a say; this evidently is not the case. It is, in fact, a deceptive term used as an instrument of opinion control.
Two things hold us in the dichotomy of terms; the “soul” (living) from the “person” (straw man fallacy); and the “earth” (living) from the “world” (age of man).
Citizenship is the “person”; the age of man in usury, is the world.
In all hierarchical systems status is the dominant factor. What is “Status”?
“Status” grants certain rights and duties, with certain capacities or incapacities to take rights or incur duties, by which “persons”, as subjects of law, are variously determined to certain classes or ranks. These classes or ranks constitute a condition or status, with which the person is invested.
Some may claim they are a ‘private citizen’, what is the true “status” declared of such a claim?
Legally “Private” means, “not official”; being a definition of the negative; the positive of “private” is, you are subject to the official.
The word “Private” means, taken away, to rob, to deprive.
“Official” means sanctioned by a superior power; attendant to a magistrate the proposer of the law.
‘Practically’ the term Private therefore means, to take away, to rob and deprive through the “sanction” of a magistrate.
A “sanction” is a penalty or punishment provided as a means of enforcing obedience to a law.
So the Question is, What is Law?
Law simply means – things laid down (written), so is authored, as granted rights and imposed duties. In Latin law is ‘Leges’ – which is a system of rules of “human” conduct, prescribed by the governing power upon its members within a jural society. Law is a solemn expression of legislative will. It orders and permits and forbids. It announces reward and punishment.
All positive law is so formed, as a system of granted rights, this means the granter of the rights and imposer of the duties is superior (master) to those upon which grants and duties are binding, the inferior (slave). All laws are exclusively for slaves, as a free soul needs nor willingly suffers any superior to grant or restrict what is inherent, and only a tyrant imposes duties.
Law is expressed through “legislation”; legislation itself is only the internal policy of a corporate hierarchy, and is relevant only to the ‘members’ of that corporate entity.
The Roman magistrates openly declared:
“The axioms of nature are most perfect and immutable; but the condition of ‘human’ law is an unending succession, and there is nothing in it which can continue perpetually. ‘Human’ laws are born, live, and die.”
Legislative laws are the policy of a corporate entity, that legalize actions – to make legal or lawful; is to confirm or validate what was before void or unlawful; to add the sanction and authority of law to that which before was without or against law.
So the law makes lawful what was prohibited – Namely the five forms of usury which would be prohibited inherently.
Those Imposing the Law Falsely Claim it Apply to Humans, but the Human is “Represented” as the “Person”
A ‘Human’ being is falsely claimed the central figure in law; but in reality it is the ‘person’ (straw man fallacy). Persons have legal personality capable of having legal rights and duties and with legal capacity; with granted ability to amend (enter into, transfer, etc.) constructed legal fictions of rights, obligations, and to enter into contracts, and to sue, and be sued.
“Legal persons” exist as two basic constructed legal fictions, the straw man fallacy used to represent a living soul as the “natural person” and the “judicial person” also called juristic or artificial or fictitious person (lat. persona ficta) – this consists of a group of people acting within a constructed fiction to avoid individual accountability, such as corporation, trust or State. These constructs are treated by law as if they were persons (a external mask, like a character in a play). The State authors these fictions, so can impose authority upon them, as persons are incorporated authored fictions.
Living souls are registered to gain legal person-hood shortly after they are born, just as factious persons of corporation are registered with the granting corporation to be brought into existence. Human rights are implicitly granted only to natural or judicial persons, as a right can only be granted by a superior upon an inferior, rights cannot therefore attach to a living soul, but only to the constructed fiction they consent to represent them.
The definition of the term ‘human’ has been removed from legal dictionaries, to find it you have to go back to printed dictionaries before 1948, (Law Dictionary with Pronunciations, James A. Ballentine 1948 edition) which state “Human being. See monster.”
“Monster. A prodigious birth; a ‘human’ birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit (even if) to be brought forth in marriage.”
The term ‘human’ is unknown in classical Latin, and was invented in the 14th century to replace the term serf, having the same definition.
Serf – in feudal polity, the serfs were a class of ‘persons’ whose social condition was servile, and who were bound to labour and onerous duties at the will of their lords. They differed from slaves only in that they were bound to their native soil, instead of being the absolute property of a master.
According to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the prefix “hu” means “like unto, but not quite the same”.
So a human is not quite the same as a man.
“Man” in feudal law is a vassal; you have the lord and the man.
Man is an ancient word meaning to garrison, which means to defend. So a man is a defender of their Ba’al lord.
A human is a slave bound to the (Ba’al) owner of the land, don’t get confused here, neither a human nor a man can own land, they can only be tenant. The status of an owner is ‘lord’ the legal instrument of control is corporation; a human known as the natural person, is the property of the owned land, not owned directly but as a natural resource attached to the earth, just as the wildlife or forests, the land lord controls the activities of the humans, like any good farmer, to develop a natural resource to be exploited, as a pri-vated soul.
A ‘human’ can be likened to a field slave as compared to a ‘man’ who is a house slave.
My standing is therefore “not a man” defending those imposed as superiors with constructed authority over me; nor a ‘human’ slaving upon the earth to labour for my imposed superiors in subjugation and servitude, nor a ‘person’ or ‘natural person’ which embodies these two states. Link: The Master of the Soul
My standing is a living soul, which takes away all status beyond the substantive.
What is a Living Soul?
In my view we should define the term independently of the statist system. In Latin “Ratiocinationis Anima” meaning- ‘reasoning soul’ or ‘soul of premeditation’; or “inventivum anima” inventive soul’; a shortening to ‘anima’ – ‘soul’, which is the root of animated and animal.
“Anima” is the inner consciousness that is turned toward the unconscious of the individual, this is substantive; anima is in direct contrast with persona, the constructed fiction of the straw man of the person, which is the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment; the status of person clearly does not represent a living soul.
We’re Told we’re Members of a Jural Society, What’s That?
“Jural” pertains to the doctrine of rights, to jurisdiction, and is sanctioned by positive law. The “jural sphere” is to be distinguished from the “moral sphere”
The moral sphere is the whole scope of ethics and the science of ethical conduct. Link to consider further Morality – The Act of Virtuous Conduct
The jural sphere is constructed legal fictions that are subjected as legal sanctions upon the dominated.
The term “society” has origins from Latin societās, from socius ‘a comrade’ meaning a group of soldiers billeted together.
In legalese, society means “partnership” as an association or company of persons generally not incorporated. So the partners of society are not incorporated in the union of one domain (“owned” territory) to the other, but are in alienation (the transfer of the deeds of property rights.) of one domain to another. A partnership is a voluntary contract between two or more competent ‘persons’ to place their money, effects, labour, and skill, or some or all of them, in lawful commerce, with the understanding that there shall be a proportional sharing of the “profits” and losses between them.
So if all Law is Positive Law, What’s Positive Law?
All Law is enacted and enforced by sovereign political determinate authority for a government of a jural society. This can be expressed another way; in order to emphasize the fact that all ‘laws’ in the strict sense of the term, are thus authoritatively imposed through the threat or force of arms, they are described as positive laws.
What is authority?
Authority (the condition to increase) is based upon the citations of statutes, a citation is a writ as the act by which a “person” (straw man fallacy) is summoned or cited (cited meaning named).
Positive law has to be constructive in its nature; it cannot be substantive even if some claim elements are, as a hierarchy must author, so construct the law or instrument to impose authority, as only the author has authority upon and over the authored, hence the need for the straw man of persona.
What is a Statute?
Statute is a word that is formed from the word ‘status’; the word State, and estate are also words that are formed from the word ‘status’, so we arrive back at the start of our short journey through the spells of legalese at ‘status’. Statute is the decree of acts imposed or prohibited upon status, so Statute codifies as regulations binding status.
Estate ’emits’ meaning sends out, so circulates status, for example all possessions at the point of physical death are recirculated through inheritance and often status is pasted on in death to an heir.
‘The corporate State’ manifests and imposes status, while ‘to state’ expresses status. And all status is the standing within hierarchy.
So What is Hierarchy?
Hierarchy is the power or dominion descending upon persons or things ranked one above another. Originating from Greek “hierarchía” meaning rule or power of the high priest. It can be likened to a pyramid structure where power, wealth, resources, etc., from the bottom are channeled to the apex.
The opposite of hierarchy is anarchy, the psychopaths establish hierarchy to hold dominion, and propagate a deceitful perception of anarchy to mean chaos, disruption, turbulence, and community disintegration. However anarchy is the innate substantive nature of community.
Community means common unity and cannot contain hierarchy as hierarchy is division into ranks, and manifestly common unity cannot have division.
Anarchy is community in a true form, as it has an absence of imposed mental governance, is free of superiors and dominion, free of all constructs of usury such as ownership, rental, interest bearing debt, profit, and taxation. Community must always be free of sovereignty, corporation, hierarchical bureaucracy, and laws, etc. to be a true form of common unity. But that does not mean there is no structure, the anarchic natured structures of common unity, are far superior to any hierarchical models of enslavement.
Terms ending in –arch, denotes the dominion over, as in overarching, being dominant from above, such as olig–archy (meaning ‘a few dominant from above’), meaning practically mental governance where all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class. While anarchy is anti-arching dominance.
So where did the modern systems come from, after all we are told the Roman system of centralised military force dominated by emperors collapsed under the abuses of usury, as all the wealth of Rome was in the hands of a few men. The hierarchical system we now suffer globally, at present, was a model evolved and developed from those abolished origins of Roman hierarchy and status, which evolved from military to religious garments.
How did the total domination of hierarchy get reinstalled?
This Question is Answered in One Word “Feudalism“
The origins of feudalism was a system of blood feuds, between psychopathic bands of immoral hierarchical gangsters who roamed the land and waged bitter, continuous war between one another, while murdering, mutilating, enslaving, raping and pillaging any vulnerable souls that had the misfortune to meet them. Link: The History of Albien (Britain) Part One
This is the basis of the political, economic and legal systems we suffer today.
Before feudal psychopaths could dominate the land, the Holy Roman Empire had to ‘remove’ the ability of those wronged to establish relief, if the psychopath was held to account for murder, rape and theft their ability to dominate would and could not exist.
So the inherent power model of arbitration to relief system was destroyed, the ordinary soul on the land was free only as long as arbitrated relief was maintained and the Earth were held allodially. To consider further link: The Nature of Ownership
The feudal psychopaths attacked the communities of allodarii, who even if they repelled an attack from one gang, soon faced attack from another. This system of systematic siege could only work if each town or city stood isolated, if other towns and cities had come to the aid of the victimised towns people the system would have quickly collapsed.
The ordinary soul faced a choice as the feudal psychopaths gained more and more control, with the full support of the Vatican and the Jewish Ashkenazi money lenders,, either perish or swear fealty to the strongest local feudal psychopath, who hypothetically in exchange for the termination from their attacks would provide defence from any competitors attacks, so the essential element of giving yourself in fealty (slavery) was the duty of the Lord to protect the serf, this lie was the basis of their consent of enslavement.
In the modern version, fealty is now termed citizenship, as a constructed person who is a member of the political body who swears allegiance in exchange for a duty of protection from the government. However it has been ruled time and time again in the supreme courts that the police and the government have NO DUTY to protect. And if there is no duty to protect, then there is no implied or inferred agreement of fealty or ownership.
We are born into fealty, so know only the slavery of corporation, but, fealty to a soul who only knew freedom was an appalling choice to accept, faced with such a choice must have been almost unendurable, to swear an oath of fealty meant giving yourself, your family, and everything you held to the feudal psychopath in ownership, granting the feudal psychopath the ability to impose any dictate no matter how perverse or obscene, to subjugate you and those you loved to endure any extortion and exploitation levied.
The oath of fealty given in homage turned a free soul into a serf, being a vassal of the feudal psychopath, this legal construct evolved further in the 12th century and the vassal was floated upon the Holy See of commerce, the term serf was updated to human, but the meaning did not alter and the meaning remained ‘an abject slave’; a slave cannot possess anything as their own, everything they create is owned by their master who grants them benefits and imposes duties. This means if you buy a house you are the tenant, if you buy a car you are the keeper etc.
Homage was given to the liege lord only by those who possessed land that was being transferred into ownership this was a ‘man’, a serf was attached to the land considered farm animals so they did not swear fealty, this was a ‘human’.
Homage was an oath of service given by the lord upon his tenant, who was now bound to perform to his lord’s will on receiving investiture of a fee, or succeeding to it as heir, in acknowledgement of the tenure.
The tenant, being ungirt meaning they had removed their sword belt (to ungird a sword); and with bare head, knelt before his lord, who was sitting, and held his hands extended, the lord took his hands, and said:
“I become your man from this day forward, of life and limb and earthly honour, and to you will be faithful and loyal and bear you faith for the tenements that I claim to hold of you, saving the faith that I owe unto our sovereign lord the king, so help me God.”
The tenant then received a kiss from their lord. Homage could be done only upon the lord himself.
Ownership is separated title; ownership means control, which means a duplicate account; ownership is a ship on the Holy See of commerce, and grants ‘interest’ in property, this means the physical labour invested by the ‘person’ (economic slave) in the owned resources of their owner, must share their gains with their feudal master. In other words, you must give your labours to pay the interest, upon the loan of the resources; loaned from there controller, this means ownership as well is both a monopoly and a forms of usury.
In definition; “Usury is a certain benefit which is received for the use of the thing lent beyond the return in full of the thing lent, and is not lawful.”
After fealty, meaning fidelity, was sworn the feudal liege lord was entitled to allegiance and service from his vassal; the vassal was his liegeman or true subject; the term liege (Latin ‘lētī’) is a word meaning ‘barbarians allowed to settle on Roman land’, and the term Lord originally meant ‘a wandering bandit on the land’.
The Vatican has claimed the constructed legal fiction of ownership of the entire Earth, so all subordinate claims are grants from the Vatican to liege Lords, these Lords were granted, by the Vatican, a divine right to rule over the area of their jurisdiction, in exchange for their fealty; jurisdiction is the right of dictatorship over a dominated area.
Why is Your Name so Important to the Process of Enslavement?
When you own in tenancy any property, it is owned in your name, this is also true of the property of slaves; a slave takes the name of his master. The slaves name is authored and owned as the property of the master; this means the slave must seek authority to act, through the granting of permissions, licenses, authorizations, certifications, etc.
The slave registers with his lord births and deaths as the Lords informant, failure to inform imposes penalties, so the slave requires proof, for which he gets a birth certificate of proof, or death certificate of proof; this same concept is applied to licenses, if you act without license from your master penalties are imposed, so proof of permission to act is required, for example a marriage license or a driver’s license.
A license is only required by a slave, a free soul needs no permission to act.
A license is permission to do something that is unlawful, as to commit the act without a license imposes penalties and breaks the positive law.
Likewise rights are granted to the slave by the master, only slaves have rights, the rights or law system has evolved over the centuries, the terms law, rights and legal are misleading terms, they all represent corporate policy, which is imposed to subjugate the economic slaves to the dictates of their feudal psychopaths, whose dominance is founded on violence and fear.
James Bovard said; “As long as enough people can be frightened, then all people can be ruled. That is how it works in a democratic system and mass fear becomes the ticket to destroy rights across the board.”
I would revise that quote and say, ‘fear becomes the ticket to destroying the inherent power of a soul’.
So essentially the terms rights and law are synonymous, a right is a grant from a superior to an inferior. We now suffer a culture of entitlement based upon rights; rights are an extension of a grant (unattested), a grant is to believe without witness a superior will give a benefit or privilege, as benefits under a government (government means-mind control – govern mental); to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something; furnish a person or thing with grounds for laying claim.
A ‘Right’ means a just claim (superiors grant), ‘to cry out justly’ to the author who granted the right, who then has the authority if that granted right is denied or infringed.
All law is corporate policy expressed through legal codes, all law is positive law; authoritatively imposed, meaning the law is authored by the corporations agents, who impose it upon their authority, through the threat or force of arms, upon implied or inferred consent; this consent is to be re-presented as a straw man fallacy in order to enter in to contract.
As one group authors the law, upon another group; “All crimes pertain to slaves.” As all crimes involve those who have a commercial obligation to another, as an economic slave, and the body of a debtor is security for his debt. This exposes the two tier legal system, the State corporations agents act freely from accountability, the state corporations owners act with total impunity, if you author a thing you are the authority.
This means all legal systems are based exclusively on constructed legal fictions, authored by a master or their agents, who author, so acts with impunity, imposed upon the slave who is subject to all authority using a straw man fallacy.
“For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.” Noam Chomsky
The Basis of the Feudal Model is Ownership.
All titles are legal constructs; ownership is title, which is separated and held by different parties, the slave is the property, and the master holds the title to that property, so is entitled to a share in the fruits of the labours of the slave, this is called taxation when labour is involved, but above this, the slave must pay simply for being tenant on their masters land.
The master owns as author the slaves ‘name’ which is a constructed legal fiction, representing a ‘person’s rank” within the status of hierarchy; status is commonly identified through a prefix such as King, Emperor, Lord, Mister, Mrs (mistress), Doctor, General, Minister, officer, Barron, Duke, Bishop, Vicar, Captain, professor, etc.
The person is a constructed legal fiction of property, whose name as title is registered at birth, meaning the name is given in fealty to the feudal master.
The term ‘Register’ is from the Latin regi strum, meaning English King, or master King; the king is monarch, meaning ‘rule by one person’, again a constructed legal fiction whose title dominates the hierarchical feudal State.
The monarch or head of State owns all titles authored in their name, so all registered persons are the property of the monarch or head of the feudal State.
The interest levied on the loaned resources of the feudal State are called land tax, property tax, rates, or another label for rent seeking, which are liberally applied upon the population; additionally all labour is taxed when expressed on the land, this is painted to pay the cost of the benefits granted from the owners, as a form of social charity, while being in practice a form of theft, enforced through aggressive violence and imposed monopoly.
Nobody has any justification to take away property from another without voluntary consent. Charity, forced at gun point, isn’t charity, it’s oppressive theft.
The idea of consent is exposed or can be considered with the difference between rape (without consent) and sex (with consent), robbery (without consent) and a gift (with consent).
Ownership is the founding deceit imposed through violence and fear, and this remains the case to this day.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe said; “(The State is) an institution run by gangs of murderers, plunders and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners, propagandists, sycophants, crooks, liars, clowns, charlatans, dupes and useful idiots – an institution that dirties and taints everything it touches.”
Government is the rule of some men over others by initiated force, this is a form of slavery, if slavery is defined as one man’s dictates upon the activities of another soul by threat of violence, a soul who must seek the consent of another to act, so is compelled to seek license, permit, and registration, then to advocate government is to advocate slavery.
To advocate limited government is to attempt to limit that lack of consent, as if you could have limited slavery.
Noam Chomsky said; “See, people with power understand exactly one thing: VIOLENCE.”
The Feudalisation of Britain
The establishment of the constructed legal fiction of ‘ownership’ was perfected through the Norman feudalists, as the hierarchical preference for land use.
In the feudal system the crown, represents the construct of the ‘public’, which as I said earlier is another term for corporation, the body politic, violently imposed by its advocates as the legal possessor of all land and resources, and the punisher of all crimes, and granter of all privilege.
So everything under ownership is held by the (corporate) State and they require a share of the gain from that title, which is there (legal) en‘title’ment; additionally as they hold second (after the Church) in title they can take possession of the land whenever they require from the tenant who purchased the tenancy.
Feudalism was imposed through the machinations of the Vatican who wanted that model universally applied. Feudalism was conceptualised in 870 within the edict given at Mersen contained the following clause:
“Every free man shall be allowed to select for himself a lord, either the king or one of the king’s vassals; and no vassal of the crown shall be obliged to follow the king to war, except against foreign enemies”
This is a statement of enslavement, every free man must have an owner, every owner is owned by the King, this required the giving of an oath of fealty, giving someone ownership of yourself. Under the sovereign you were bound, and the King was under oath to the Pope.
At the start feudalism in Normandy, under the Carolingian dynasty, property was of two kinds; the holders of allodial lands enjoyed them absolutely and independently. On the other hand within the fraud of ownership granted through the church, benefices (meaning “a church living”) or fiefs (from the Anglo-Saxon feof, cattle, money) were granted by a lord to a person who, in return for that grant, and for the protection it insured on the part of the baron, obliged himself inferior, and to do military service, to render pecuniary assistance, and to be in subjugation.
Now it would frequently happen that the owner of allodial property, isolated amongst all his independence, found it impossible to live securely and comfortably in the vicinity of barons stronger or more powerful than themselves, as no equitable system of arbitrated relief was in place, as it had been removed.
He would then select one of these barons or feudal lords, recommend himself to him, as the saying was, make over to him by a kind of feigned cession (meaning to yield, the act of ceding) his allodial property, and then receive it back again as a benefice, together with all the duties, obligations, and burdens belonging to it. As a matter of course, beneficiary property soon formed the rule, except south of the Loire, and there was no landed property which did not depend upon another property, no man who was not the vassal or dependent of another man. The hereditary transmission of landed property and of all charges, offices, and positions of trust was sanctioned by the edict of Kiersy (877).
This shows the difference between a community without the protection of arbitration and substantive bonds, a system of society, founded upon ex-tort-ion. A tort is a wrongful act, replacing trespass which itself replaced terrente (meaning someone down to earth (terra), realistic and sensible of mind, referencing a system of arbitration for those with the peace of this state of mind threatened).
In 562 a meteor (or far more likely an electrical discharge arced from the moon (electrical universe model)) struck the North Sea, this devastating event wiped out the development that had existed in Britain, if that was a hierarchical system, then the lies of hierarchy could no longer bind the survivors.
If monarchy had existed prior to 562, if the Church had existed before 562, both primarily founded upon the claim to have the defence of God, they were proven liars. The people were forced to wake up.
Albien (the surface of the Earth) was established as a bonded community structure with equitable arbitration of tort relief, without these substantive bonds no soul can be free, as torts are never given relief and fear of your neighbour, who can act without restraint or accountability, drives souls to seek the comparative safety of slavery.
This is the difference between an un-bonded community without recourse, which leads inexorably into feudalism, and a bonded community free of hierarchy and able to establish relief in all disputes.
The feudal system imposed through the domination of the land by war ‘lords’, established the ‘simple trust’ which holds all in ownership, in the case of Albien feudal slavery was imposed through genocide, a common method historically.
A simple trust annually distribute to the beneficiaries any income it earns on trust assets. The trust cannot distribute the principal of the trust. The trust cannot make distributions to charitable organizations.
War is about theft, always was, always will be, feudalism is about sustaining that theft through imposed slavery.
The Christian sovereign King model installed by William the bastard in 1066, later given justification by the Vatican’s agents using the proven fabricated document; ‘Rex Anglorum’ attributed to Offa from 758 to sanction William the bastard as sovereign, through the corruption and perversion of all that was honest and true.
Twenty years of murder, rape and theft left Britain in wretchedness, its peoples starving, destitute and hunted, at this point ownership was imposed and catalogued through the Doomsday book in 1086; those upon the land held by the Landlord were subject to the policy of the landlord known as law.
From the Doomsday book, it has tentatively been estimated there were between 1¼ and 2 million people, including the large influx of Europeans eager to subjugate and exploit the survivors of the extermination. The population distribution was on average10 people per square mile in the southern counties, while the northern counties including Wales had a density of less than 3 people per square mile.
After the great success of the first crusade against Albien, in 1085 the Roman Catholic King Alfonso VI of Castile captured the Muslim city of Toledo murdering all its inhabitants, including women and children, upon the direct orders of Pope Gregory VII given before his murder in 1084.
The possessions acquired by this genocide of the Muslim people by the church revealed a far more advanced culture, rich in knowledge, technologies and wealth compared to the enforced Stone Age of feudal Europe, imposed by the Roman Catholic Church and its governing systems.
Rumours spread across the courts of Europe of the fabulous wealth held by the Muslims, thereby creating desires among the liege lords to ransack their lands.
King Stephen of Blois 1096 – 1154 reigned from 1135 till 1141:
“When King Stephen came to England he held his council at Oxford, and there he took Roger, bishop of Salisbury, and Alexander, bishop of Lincoln, and the chancellor Roger, his nephews, and put them all in prison till they surrendered their castles. When the traitors understood that he was a mild man, and gentle and good, and did not exact the full penalties of the law, they perpetrated every enormity. They had done him homage, and sworn oaths, but they kept no pledge; all of them were perjured and their pledges nullified, for every powerful man built his castles and held them against him and they filled the country full of castles.
They oppressed the wretched people of the country severely with castle-building. When the castles were built, they filled them with devils and wicked men. Then, both by night and day they took those people that they thought had any goods – men and women – and put them in prison and tortured them with indescribable torture to extort gold and silver – for no martyrs were ever so tortured as they were. They were hung by the thumbs or by the head, and corselets were hung on their feet. Knotted ropes were put round their heads and twisted till they penetrated to the brains.
They put them in prisons where there were adders and snakes and toads, and killed them like that. Some they put in a ‘torture-chamber’ – that is in a chest that was short, narrow and shallow, and they put sharp stones in it and pressed the man in it so that he had all his limbs broken. In many of the castles was a ‘noose-and-trap’ – consisting of chains of such a kind that two or three men had enough to do to carry one. It was so made that it was fastened to a beam, and they used to put a sharp iron around the man’s throat and his neck, so that he could not in any direction either sit or lie or sleep, but had to carry all that iron. Many thousands they killed by starvation.
I have neither the ability nor the power to tell all the horrors nor all the torments they inflicted upon wretched people in this country; and that lasted the nineteen years while Stephen was king, and it was always going from bad to worse. They levied taxes on the villages every so often, and called it’ ‘protection money’. When the wretched people had no more to give, they robbed and burned the villages, so that you could easily go a whole day’s journey and never find anyone occupying a village, nor land tilled. Then corn was dear, and meat and butter and cheese, because there was none in the country. Wretched people died of starvation; some lived by begging for alms, who had once been rich men; some fled the country.
There had never been till then greater misery in the country, nor had heathens ever done worse than they did. For contrary to custom, they respected neither church nor churchyard, but took all the property that was inside, and then burnt the church and everything together. Neither did they respect bishops’ land nor abbots’ nor priests’, but robbed monks and clerics, and everyone robbed somebody else if he had the greater power. If two or three men came riding to a village, all the villagers fled from them; they expected they would be robbers.
The bishops and learned men were always excommunicating them, but they thought nothing of it, because they were all utterly accursed and perjured and doomed to perdition.” This account is taken from Whitelock, Dorothy (translator) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1961); Davis H.W.C. (ed.), Medieval England (1928).
Just as with any owned property it is held in the owner’s name, when a liege lord subjugated a region of the earth his jurisdiction was imposed against those upon the land hence the term country which originates from the Latin. ‘Contra’ meaning “opposite, against”. The name of this new jurisdiction was applied, or co-opted , for example Albien means the surface of the earth this was changed to Angle-land, England, the Angles were a German tribe.
Feudalism is based on theft, it does not create resources; so the feudal lords once settled within their dominions looked further afield for victims to supply their theft of resources, and this was encouraged by the Vatican and so began the crusades.
Feudalism like all non-productive structures of external sustenance , eventually arrives at a point that all resources are consumed and ultimately dry up, or become so overpriced in the expenditure of your own resources, that to steal those of your neighbours is no longer cost effective.
The common souls suffered greatly under such a non-productive model. Hope arrived with the trivium which was brought back into Europe from the Middle East in the 12th century, generating the Renaissance, to counter this method of reasoning, from the 12th century until the 14th century, but not completely prevented until 1820, the Vatican imposed the Inquisition, where violence, torture and mass murder were unleashed upon all individuals and groups that were not considered ignorant, injudicious and blind supporters of Vatican and feudal authority.
To create an environment of fear and mistrust, psychopathic violence and murder applied without recourse holding the masses in compliant subjugation. The numbers murdered are unknown, the released Vatican records show only a few thousand were executed, while vast numbers were tortured, mutilated and imprisoned, the media claims as high as 9 million were executed, but the Vatican state that is without supporting evidence, it may be impossible to establish the truth, but the Vatican’s figures are implausible as ever.
In the Medieval Inquisition, Vatican sources claim approximate 2,000 – 3000 people were executed by them between 1231 to 1400, I suppose from their perspective it depends what you view as people.
Silvia Federici, in ‘Caliban and the Witch. Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation’ 2004 stated:
“A history of women and reproduction in the “transition to capitalism” must begin with the struggles that the European medieval proletariat (meaning a social class of ancient Rome that had the lowest status and possessed no property) – peasants, artisans, day labourers – waged against feudal power in all its forms.
Only if we evoke these struggles, with their rich cargo of demands, social and political aspirations, and antagonistic practices, can we understand the role that women had in the crisis of feudalism, and why their power had to be destroyed for capitalism to develop, as it was by the three-century-long persecution of the witches. From the vantage point of this struggle, we can also see that capitalism was not the product of an evolutionary development bringing forth economic forces that were maturing in the womb of the old order.
Capitalism was the response of the feudal Lords, the patrician merchants (members of an aristocratic family originally of ancient Rome whose privileges included the exclusive right to hold some high-status offices), the bishops and Popes, to a centuries-long social conflict that, in the end, shook their power, and truly gave “all the world a big jilt.” Capitalism was the counter-revolution that destroyed the possibilities that had emerged from the anti-feudal struggle.”
The Vatican had attempted to dominate resources and impose their constructed authority and restrain the constructed authority of the liege lords of Europe with charters, this required the creation of a mental governor to hold them to the contract, as the liege lords were beyond account or constraint, and no agreement was binding or honoured, without establishing these internal governors upon the liege lords minds, the Vatican was forced to pit one lord against another in order to use the threat of force to achieve compliance to their dictates.
In England the Vatican’s Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton drafted the Magna-Carter in 1215 and the lesser feudal lords signed and imposed it upon their liege lord, King John, the Vatican amassed a huge military force on the coast of France to aid the lords in creating Vatican dominance, John signed.
In 1265 parliament was created with two houses: the Lords and the Commons, the govern-mental system was in place upon the monarch.
For over 250 years the charters of the Vatican remained and they held the power and shared the revenues until 1534 when all charters were dishonoured by Henry VIII, who expelled the Vatican from Britain, their spell of authority was broken.
The German printer Johannes Gutenberg in 1450 had invented a printing press, this allowed knowledge to flow far more freely and this accelerated the deterioration of the absolute power of feudalism.
The Vatican needed to govern-mental process of the common man not just the liege lords, the existing govern-mental institutions needed to be adapted to incorporate the slaves as well as to hold the slave masters to honour corporate contract. Also they wanted to create a new usury system in order to take advantage of the vast wealth the Vatican had amassed; just as they had achieved with the ownership usury monopoly model, they plotted to impose a capital usury monopoly system.
England was the key to this implementation, the Vatican continually petitioned the monarchs to charter a bank with granted monopolies in money creation, and to act as the bankers of the govern-mental corporation, all pleas were rejected.
They resolved to replace the line of Stuart. The first attempt to remove the line of Stuart and install a Scottish royal by the Jesuits was the Essex rebellion of 1601, this failed. They tried again, using among others Guy Fawkes, a member of 13 conspirators, a group of provincial English Catholics, who planned to blow the House of Lords up, a Gunpowder Plot which failed in 1605; intended to destroy the monarch and his supporters.
They achieved limited success with the creation of the English Civil War (1642–1651) which led to the trial and execution of Charles I, the exile of his son, Charles II, and the replacement of English monarchy with Oliver Cromwell’s personal dictatorship.
Cromwell was a puritan, a branch of the Protestant religion, not a Catholic, so for 7 years, until his death in 1658, the Vatican had to wait. With his death infighting and disunity swept the country, as the greedy psychopaths vied for power, perfect conditions for the machinations of the Vatican.
The second son of Charles I, James II who suffered from dementia was a Catholic and was given sovereignty in 1685 as monarch, this did not create the harmony the Vatican required; after three years the Vatican plotted to replaced him with the homosexual William of Orange, although a protestant he was their man, and all the power and influence of the Vatican was put behind him. In 1690 the two rival claimants met in Ireland, at the Battle of the Boyne, Williams victory was the first proper victory for the League of Augsburg, the alliance between the Vatican and Protestant countries.
It took just 4 years before William granted the Royal Charter in 1694 to allow a monopoly for the creation of a private institution owned by bankers, this was the realisation of the Vatican’s efforts, the Bank of England.
If you control the money, you control the institutions; if you control the debts you control the debtors. With the charter established they used their man Napoleon and others to impose representative democracy into the institutions of the govern-mental corporations across Europe.
Cardinal Chiaramonti, the Bishop of Imola, in his 1797 Christmas sermon, baptised democracy, this Bishop was the Pope elected in 1800 to replace Pius VI, as Pope Pius VII