Trust Rating for Selfish Advantage

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Written By Abdun Nur

Reasoning to Truth

Trust is the foundation of all relationships, whether individual or communal, trust establishes firm belief, in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. This means quantifiable trust, not coercion, forms the inherent basis of trade and social interaction.

Hierarchies impose rules to maintain a structure of order, using positively imposed rules, known as legislation (corporate policy), these positive rules require a strawman to enforce and are imposed through the threat or use of violence, extortion or restriction, so, using the stick to force compliance to the dictates of the social system.

Anarchy in contrast cannot use the stick (which would require hierarchy), and instead uses selfish advantage to maintain a social order.

The foundation of “common unity” is the skill to “reason” to truth, diametrically, the foundation of all “hierarchy” is “irrationality”, hierarchies purge or prevent reasoning, while real community can only be built by those who can reason.

Therefore, anyone not already proven untrustworthy, can join the TME (True Medium of Exchange) platforms, however, they can only gain limited access until they have proven they can reason to truth, they could save and trade on the platforms, they could join some need bonds, they could request allodial land utilisation, but, they could not form surety, they could not stand as an explicit guarantor, they could not acquire advances from the platform, they could not act in arbitration, they could not form need bonds, they could not join cooperative bonds. Link: Arbitration of Disputes Platform

The selfish advantage to mastering the skill of reasoning to truth, is twofold, firstly, you would gain access to all the features of the platforms, and secondly, you would gain a 10% trust rating. It is of course a free choice, unlike hierarchical structures there is no coercion beyond selfish advantage. Additionally, there are huge advantages to possessing the skill of reasoning to truth, beyond the simple advantages of the platforms, you will no longer be easy to manipulate by the main stream media, by advertisers or by social engineers, you will not fall for the government narratives, or the financial traps, in short “you will be unfit to be a slave”. Link: Mastering the Skill of Reasoning – The Trivium

Securing Advances

With 10% trust rating the platform allows the individual to secure up to 10,000 TME (True Medium of Exchange) in advances, initially an advance could be done through joining a collective risk advancing bond, half of your available advancing potential would then be used for the advance, and the other half applied to the collective bond as guarantee. This means practically with 10000 available, using this method you’d be able to gain 5000 TME max of suspended trades within a collective bond, where all within that bond guarantee all others proportionately to outstanding advance of TME.

If a “surety bond” was formed, an advance could be secured through that surety bondsman’s agreement, and no additional unsecured advance could be gained until this advance was returned in full.

Now you have established trust through proving you can reason to truth, you can begin to build a trust rating and gain more advances and selfish advantages.

Each individual can build a maximum of 12 surety bonds, each surety adds 5% to the trust rating, to a maximum of 60% trust added. Link: Surety Bond

The higher the trust rating the greater the amount you can secure in advances or stand as guarantor through the platform.

For example, if you wished to buy, or build a house, building or feature, on your allodial utilisation, and you only had the initial 10% rating plus a minimum of one surety bond, adding 5% trust rating (for every 1% trust rating increase after the initial 10%, you gain the possibility of an additional 5,000 TME unsecured advance and 50,000 TME secured advance), you’d only have 260,000 TME available and need to provide the remainder from your own savings, assuming your surety would stand guarantor for any requested advance.

So, let’s say a house cost 500,000 TME to build, you have 15% trust rating, your surety bondsman agrees to stand guarantor, and you had no other unsecured advances, you would need to pay from your savings, 240,000 TME, if you had unsecured advances they would reduce your ability to gain the full advance, so, for example if you had 10,000 in unsecured advances, you would have to provide, 250,000 TME, because you are in this example combining both your unsecured and secured advancing capacity together.

Your ability to stand guarantor is equally related to your level of trust within the system, after the first 15% trust rating, each additional 1% adds 5000 TME unsecured guarantees and 50,000 TME secured guarantees to your ability to grant guarantees for advances.

If you have the initial 15% trust rating you’d be able to stand guarantor for up to 35,000 TME in unsecured advances, and up to 250,000 TME secured advances for your surety.

If you had 20% trust rating, you’d be able to guarantor up to 60,000 TME unsecured advances, across your surety, and 500,000 TME in secured (tied to physical assets (stored labour) that could be traded to recover the advance) advances.

If you had 25% trust rating, you’d be able to guarantor up to 85,000 TME unsecured advances, and up to 750,000 TME in secured advances, and so on.

If you had 100% trust rating, you could guarantor up to 460,000 TME unsecured advances, and up to 4,500,000 TME in secured advances. Of course you could only guarantor whatever the surety bondsman was able to gain in advances.

The level available to stand guarantor is linked to the outstanding balance of all guarantees, so if a bondsman repays some of the guaranteed advance it would slowly increase your available ability to stand guarantor for other advances across your surety.

The ability of a guarantor is linked to the outstanding advances of the guarantor, if, for example, the one guaranteeing any advance themselves holds advances, this is subtracted from their ability to guarantee. Let’s say you have a 36% trust rating, and hold 60,000 TME in unsecured advances and 790,000 TME in secured advances, this would reduce your capacity to guarantee the advances of others.

The max. unsecured guarantee for 36% TR max. = 140,000 TME – you hold 60,000 TME in unsecured advance, so you only have a remaining capacity of  80,000 TME to stand guarantor for. You have at 36% TR max. = 1,300,000 TME you hold 790,000 in secured advances so only have a remaining capacity of 510,000 TME of secured guarantees available for others. Each return of an advance, either for yourself or from those you are standing guarantor for, alters this capacity.

Trust Building Through Honouring Obligations

For each advance, equal to or above 20,000 TME, that you gain and return in full, 1% trust rating is added, if you return the advance in full, over a period of not less than 2 years, but if at any point you failed to honour the agreement, with another fulfilling your obligation, that you repaid at a later date, you would gain no additional trust rating from the completion of that advance.

For those possessing a trust rating, which is created once full access to the platforms is achieved, for every 12  month period you trade, without anyone claiming you caused a bad trade, or any failure to honour an obligation, you gain an additional 1% trust rating.

If you’re proven to have, with intent, caused a bad trade, you would lose a maximum of 33% of your trust rating for a period of 12 months, after which period your trust rating would be returned. (Three bad trades in any 12 month period results in being banned from the platforms permanently.)


To join the bond, you’re required to make a sealed bond with two witnesses, and if at any point it is proven you lied on that sealed bond agreement, you are banned from the bonding platforms, and those who witnessed your bond are also banned from the platforms, however, if the witness agreed to pay their half of all losses incurred by the dishonest banned bondsman within a 30 day period, they are not banned from the bond, and retain their standing in trust. Link: Closed Bond Protection

Land Dispute

In the allodium, you can request the utilisation of land, through seeking the acceptance of those surrounding the land, one issue, of freely gaining land through agreement of those surrounding the claim, is human greed, people are selfish, as we well know. So let’s say, idiot one and idiot two want a piece of land that separates their two present land holdings, but neither have any genuine need for that extra land, there just selfish greedy halfwits, they would both refuse to give consent to the other, but equally they would refuse to give consent to any one with a real need seeking that land.

When you successfully gain allodial utilisation of a piece of the Earth you gain 5% trust rating, if you agree to witness the unilateral behaviour bond of another, that holds no other land utilisation, you gain 1% trust rating as the witness.

If you witness a behaviour bond of another, that holds a land utilisation somewhere else, you gain no additional trust rating. If you witness a unilateral behaviour bond agreement of someone neighbouring that land utilisation directly, you lose 5% trust rating, unless the allodarii seeking the extra land can prove, independently through the wider local community, that they have a genuine need for that extra land, additionally, for each neighbour that has agreed to witness the claim for land utilisation, that is based purely upon greed, each will lose 1% per year trust rating, for as long as that unreasonable land utilisation continues. Link: Allodium Platform

Once you attain 100% trust rating, it cannot increase beyond that. No one can show more trust than 100%. By definition that is the most anyone can show.

The fastest time period anyone could attain 100% trust rating would be 25 years:

10% Reasoning

5% Allodarii

60% 12 sureties

25% after 25 years at 1% per year when trading virtuously

Example of Trust rating information below:

One comment

  1. Well explained article regarding establishing an alternative system for people living in common unity instead of hierarchy. Educating public living in hierarchy is very difficult job. However , people will need alternative in future .

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