Views: 145
Written By Abdun Nur
At no time in recorded history has a true medium of exchange existed, a medium of exchange is needed because in free trade, I may have something you want, but you have nothing I want, so the medium of exchange holds the value within a ledger of the stored or given labour traded, until I find someone else with something I want to trade.
Some believe a medium of exchange is not needed, they propose a gift economy or gift culture as a system of exchange, where valuables are not sold, but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. In this gifting model there are three obligations associated with gift exchange: giving, which equates with the first step in building a social relationship; receiving, which signifies acceptance of the social relationship; and reciprocating, which demonstrates the recipient’s integrity. This system may work on a small scale if all involved are willing to reciprocate, as unlikely as that may appear, but falls apart with large trades, for example, if I want a car, I seek it as a gift, or if I want a house, at this level I cannot reciprocate the gift, and so the gifting model is unsustainable.
Below is a claimed token model, although I don’t believe it’s well thought out or practical, I present this before my own explanation, giving this model more than a fair hearing:
The ENabling Token Model

In the ENabling Token model, they believe, in the short term, you can supplement the existing parasitical monetary system using a cryptocurrency ledger model, using value (to the individual and the community), recorded and verified within the distributed ledgers, not linked to any exchange value. There is no exchange value or speculation in ENabling Tokens because they aren’t traded. There is a rider. In order to attract sufficient support to achieve the necessary momentum to guarantee universal acceptance, this model needs a hybrid model that creates a self-sustaining endogenous (resulting from Human Activity) value system, while allowing some external funding to projects and ventures that exceeds the usual thresholds of Return on Investment. Realistically, there has to be a means to “monetise” tokens in the short term to satisfy the ambitions of those investing in projects and ventures. However, once endogenous tokens take root, “money” made from such speculation becomes worthless or at least irrelevant to those within the distributed endogenous token ecosystem, i.e. when most of the people on the planet use the model.
The new political economy (Ba’alist corporate model), powered by ENabling Tokens (endogenous – integral to human activity) values both human Needs (consumption) and Capacity to Create (production). Without Need or consumption, there is no value in Create or production.
How this model would address the legal system, the corporate system or the education system is not answered, you cannot address one element, you must address the whole externalising fraud, not addressing the whole is akin to saving your hand, by hanging it outside the oven, while the rest of you is cooked alive.
I do not see the benefit in the ENabling Token model, the need token, and the creating token forming the validation token within a ledger, I have requested clarity from the inventor, if I ever receive clarity I’ll add it to the explanation.
My questions for the inventor:
When the validation tokens are created, what is the mechanism, if any to destroy that token at a future point, as if these token are endlessly generated without any mechanism of destruction they would quickly, through dilution, devalue, to the point they would become almost worthless? (This dilution of value would be accelerated greatly if both the local fiat and the token which is somehow linked to the value of the local fiat currency expands, if the model got traction, what mechanism links it isn’t explained))
If these validation tokens cannot be traded externally, outside the ledger, what is the mechanism in place to prevent that?
If anyone with a need, can generate a need token, why would the validating token have any value, the need token is given value by the creating token, I do not understand why anyone would give value to the need token, which is generated from nothing?
Response at request to answer these three simple question, and nothing more, from Peter:
“Each L ‘token’ in our system is valued for barter purposes at the national currency of the country where it is used. (this would carry the burden of the inflation attached to the local fiat currency)
Your allegations of ‘no answer’ are baseless; you choose not to understand while many people do. (This is the answer I got, seems to be no answer)
Meanwhile, your proposals contain much complexity as to make them unpractical and confusing. (Insulting my model still doesn’t address the questions asked)
I’ve tried to open doors to a parallel exploration but no longer. (Not taking the time to grasp my model isn’t commonly considered exploration)“
Money or a True Medium of Exchange?
Money is a token, all money tokens are fiat or tokenised cryptocurrencies, so not a true medium of exchange, after barter (silver and gold coins would be examples of barter) comes a ledger model (not a token ledger), not a token (money) model, however you also need a physical barter medium (an imperfect medium of exchange) as a companion to the non-tokenised cryptocurrency structure. Link: True Medium of Exchange Barter Notes
A TME (True Medium of Exchange) ledger is the recording of deferred unreciprocated trade only, not the tokenisation of trade, a TME only exists when advanced as a deferred unreciprocated (suspended) trade.
This means when you gain an advance of your future labours from the platform, free of any fees or interest, you are gaining your future labour immediately through a suspended trade.
A token is created from nothing and bought or mined from the ones holding the monopoly who become wealthy from that model, a TME is therefore not a token, it is generated through guarantee of return by three individuals or groups of people.
In all tokenisation models, those who manufacture the tokens hold a monopoly of wealth generated from nothing, fiat currencies and speculative cryptocurrencies are examples of meritless value money for this reason. Tokenisation monopoly is effectively fraud, a token being a representation of value, when made tangible as a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services. A TME is therefore not a token, but a suspended trade. This means, I, as the inventor have absolutely no special advantage, I would be held to the same structure and advantages as every other soul using the platforms. I cannot create a vast number of tokens within this model, as there are no tokens, if I did create a vast number of suspended trades for myself, they would be required to possess three external guarantees, and they would be dependent on their repayment over a preestablished timeline, in other words it would be impossible for me to possess any special advantage.
Fiat tokenised money ‘devalues’ over time as those holding the token generating that monopoly, increase the volume of tokens, so devaluing them through dilution, stealing the real value held, so effectively robbing the holder, likewise a tokenised money model that increases in value takes unearned value from a future trade, establishing an unreciprocated element within that trade.
The key to a TME is a fixed value of return, the TME uses three external guarantees to form intrinsic value for the suspended trade, held in the suspended trade ledger, so guaranteeing that advance of future labour being returned, to honour that original trade.
The value of a TME is fixed to purchasing power, and only reciprocal trade is possible, so, if trading for goods or services outside of the bond, those trades cannot be settled using fiat, as fiat has no intrinsic value. Fiat and tokenised cryptocurrencies are not I.O.U’s, they are both representative tokens generated from nothing.
Therefore, on the fiat trading platform element, you cannot trade fiat directly, because fiat cannot form a reciprocal trade, as fiat by definition is worthless, this includes all tokenised cryptocurrencies. Fiat, is simply a formal authorisation or proposition; a decree, generally imposed as a monopoly. Because fiat currencies and tokenised cryptocurrencies possess no intrinsic value, they cannot be traded for something with intrinsic value, however fiat can be traded indirectly.
If you have an invoice outside of the bonding platforms that you wish to settle using the TME, you place your invoice onto the fiat trading platform, and any bondsman wishing to gain your TME, pays the external invoice with fiat directly, in part or full, and gains part or all of the TME in trade.
The invoice is for real goods or services, so is a ‘true’ reciprocal trade. The invoice is paid using fiat or tokenised cryptocurrency, because the one trading outside of the bond platform is willing to accept fiat or tokenised cryptocurrency for real goods and services, in settlement of their invoice. The value in the TME of the fiat used to satisfy the invoice is determined according to the prevailing fiats purchasing power at the moment of the trade.
To determine fiat purchasing power value, the platform takes all consumable and perishable commodities listed on the commodities market (the commodity market trades in raw or primary products rather than manufactured products), adds up their fiat values, then divides by a predetermined number, to derive the real purchasing power value of all fiats, as the USD underpins all fiats, and all fiats can be compared to their USDA value in exchange. Link: The Trading Platform
This means there is no tokenisation, it is a suspended ledger trade, therefore all that is needed is a ledger accounting model, that allows the generation of value through advancing of future labour, through a suspended trade, always and only as an advance of your future labour, only when you and others guarantee to return that advance of labour at an agreed future point, this creates a true medium of exchange.
Presently fiat currencies dominate, these have no intrinsic value, they hold value through govern mental imposed (corporate) monopolies. Labour is the basis of value, mechanisation does not alter this, it merely reduces the cost of production, which in the usury monopoly model is not passed onto the consumers, but is used to increase the unearned profits of the parasites.
Link to Consider Further: A True Medium of Exchange
Fiats function on a form of Ponzi economics. For any fiat, such as the pound, dollar, yen or euro, whatever the fiat currency may be, to exist, it must be borrowed with fees and interest, this means to pay the interest and fees they must double the volume of debt certificates approximately every decade, to maintain the system, which effectively halves the value of token fiat money held as savings.
If they want to steal the assets of the economic slaves, and consolidate control of areas of commerce, they simply restrict the issue of debt, generating a bust, if they want the economic slaves to generate more wealth, for them to steal in the future, they increase the availability of debt and have a boom.
They control the central banks through bond issues, the national central bank creates interest bearing bonds when they want to print extra fiat, and the bankers take the bonds and create the value for the bond from nothing, then the central banks tax the economic slaves to pay both the principle and the interest, averaging around 4% per annum, on that bond. In this way they can fool the slaves into thinking the central bank is not controlled by the bankster, but by the agents of the govern mental Mafia.
The US dollar underpins all fiat, the dollar itself is linked to oil, and they must aggressively maintain that monopoly, any nation that dares to sell oil outside of that monopoly is attacked (this oil dollar monopoly is presently dying).
An example of this was Kuwait, they sold fuel across Europe under the brand Q8, the cabal ordered their puppet Saddam Hussein, who held control of the govern mental Mafia of the fiefdom Iraq, to attack Kuwait, offering him it as a gift. The royal family Mafia of Kuwait ran away leaving the population to the abuses of their invaders. The royals hid in the Jewish controlled fiefdom of Arabia, where the banking cabal offered them a choice, they could shut down all Q8 petrol stations throughout Europe, allow the American industrial military complex to install a military base in Kuwait, and pay them $50 billion to evict Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, or it was Hussein’s and would become a part of Iraq. This blackmail was agreed and the Iraqi’s were expelled, the cabals betrayal of Saddam Hussein outraged him, and he became a problem for the cabal, so they destroyed Iraq and murdered Saddam Hussein.
This oil monopoly underpinning fiat, also allows the banksters to hold fiefdoms in poverty, being forced to sell oil in dollars means that these fiefdoms build up dollars, they either invest these dollars in the corporate monopolies forming the stock market, or trade these dollars to other fiefdoms to get rid of them, but for many fiefdoms, like China and Japan dollars accumulate, and the fiefdoms cannot use most of this dollar build up, so they use it to perpetually buy bonds from the American F.E.D. A total of 7.04 trillion is presently held by foreign countries, with China holding 1.07 trillion U.S.D, and Japan holding 1.26 trillion U.S.D worth of bonds, these bonds generate more substantively worthless fiat dollars and the cycle spins.
The F.E.D is a private corporation granted a monopoly by the govern mental Mafia corporation America, this was created after the sinking of the Rothschild owned Titanic. With the lifeboats stripped from the ship, it was rammed into an iceberg as it was blown up with explosives, when in a deep part of the Atlantic, with all those American politicians and men of power, who stood against the creation of the F.E.D, on board.
An Advancing True Medium of Exchange
The advancing cryptocurrency is firstly within a closed bond (not open to the public), it cannot be traded outside of the bond. This is contrast to both fiat and tokenised cryptocurrencies.
Tokenised cryptocurrencies are traded on exchange platforms, who extract a percentage for themselves for each trade, and hold the tokens somewhat precariously. The blockchain of tokenised cryptocurrencies is not private, and all transactions can be identified, with details of account holders, balance of account holders, the exact time of the trade and the full history of the coins traded openly available for scrutiny. Tokenised cryptocurrencies are speculative, holding only perceived value.
Fiat currencies are inflationary, if we take the value of $1 US in 1900 it was $32.66 US in purchasing power of 2020, using this model if you’d held the TME equal to $1 in 1900, then traded that held value in 2020, your TME would have a value of $32.66 US, the value would have not altered in real terms.
When the commodities market and global fiat monopolies self destruct in the future, as the banksters cannot allow the USD to crash alone, they must orchestrate all to crash together, or convert together, forming a new tokenised cryptocurrency monopoly free of physical money.
The banksters Great Reset is underway, in the early stages using a cycle of extended global totalitarian lock-downs, through the fraud of a recurring virus scamdemic, the orchestration of wars, the manipulation of markets such as energy, the forced immigration within the first and second world regions to destabilise the cultures. This process of global hyperinflation could last for 10 years, to impose a new cryptocurrency fiat model, linked to a single global monopoly of economics, government, education, law, and military monopolies; savings and assets will be stolen, power consolidated and global populations culled by as much as 95%, so you would not trade in physical fiat any longer, under the claim it spreads germs and viruses.
With such a monopoly the banksters would be able to control all transactions, tax every trade, control the masses through closing down access to their own resources, restrict access to certain groups to easy credit, interest and fee bearing, while giving easy credit to other groups, allowing the wealthy to dominate ever more on the masses. If they establish a one world corporate communist government, as they desire, then you can have nothing, you become the absolute property of the corporation, then they dictate everything.
The caba’al believe with the use of indoctrination and imposed medications the population will be happy, existing in a dim half life of slavery and conformity, founded on fear and poverty, within newly constructed mega city prisons like the one presently being constructed in Saudi Arabia, named the Line.
For the TME earthcoinage (the name of the currency isn’t important) cryptocurrency to exist it must be given in advance, fee and interest free, but only if three external guarantees of repayment are attached, just as a tally stick was split into two unique and complimentary halves to prove a trade. Link: The History of the Tally Stick
If no guarantees are connected to the advance it cannot exist. All held trades are checked by comparison of blockchains, proving both a guarantee is attached to the suspended trade and the origin and validity of the original trade to acquire it. This means there is absolutely no centralised data base needed, as presented below:
This allows a direct guarantee as presented in the diagram, and a general guarantee, of all bondsmen within a local area, to underpin all advances, and so gives true value to the currency the advance generates.
The direct guarantee is formed in three ways, through surety, through collective bond or through labour stored within infrastructure, the second guarantee is generated cooperatively through an agreement formed when the closed bond is joined by each individual, who proportionately stand guarantor for all other bondsmen that dishonour their guarantee within the local bond their a part of, within the polycentric network.
The guarantee of labour is the only guarantee that gives any currency value, which means, if the individual that gained the advance dishonours the repayment of that advance of their future labour, then the directly linked guarantor will honour it.
The direct guarantor of the three forms; an individual held in surety or group of individuals; a group of individuals held within a sealed collective bond of advance; or the labour stored within infrastructure, will honour that repayment.
If that direct guarantee fails to honour that advance in part or full, then collectively all indebted bondsmen within the closed bond will proportionately honour that dishonoured advance, this would be part of the agreement created gaining any advance was given within the platforms.
That responsibility would maintain the intrinsic value of the TME, so would be important to all, but would only be a burden to those holding advances proportionately. This mean if I held 1000 in advance and you held 2000, I would be liable for half as much as a share of that loss, this is not related to savings that are held within the platform, only advance due to be returned.
Why would people want to honour all advances?
Because this makes their medium of exchange a true medium of exchange (TME), one with both intrinsic and extrinsic value, and to maintain that guarantee means the value of their savings is protected, the value of their labour is reciprocated perfectly, no inflation, no deflation, no boom and bust cycles, no parasites (no taxation, no profit added, no interest to pay, no fees, no rental).
The platform is coded as a peer to peer system, when downloaded free from the Internet, it would create an independent operating system below the operating system of the host computer, which may use Windows, Mac or Linux. The new operating system functions like a sand box presently used for anti virus software.
To generate true encryption, a method to generate true random numbers would be needed. True random numbers would make the system even more powerful, this is simple to achieve. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation is shown to be capable of functioning as a Random Bit Generator, and constitutes an effectively infinite supply of truly random one-time pad values of arbitrary length.
Encrypted messages are sent to-and-fro between the interface on the computers main operating system and the sand boxed operating system, which sends encrypted messages to other computers hosting the software for other bondsmen. These messages use key pair encryption and establish a blockchain independently for each bondsman on the platform, with all information shared through networking across each hub.
The platform is structured polycentrically, with hubs of local bondsmen connected as nodes, and the hubs forming a wider network. When joining the platform the location of the bondsmen determines which hub they become a part of, this is important, as when the bonding platform is used, bonds for the most part need to be local, it would for example, be no good to you, to join a supermarket bond, or a healing bond if it was physically located 2000 miles away.
The account number is generated using 26 letters and 10 numbers, this mean if you have a 7 digit account code you have 367 = 78,364,164,096 combination possibilities, if you use an 8 digit code 368 = 2,821,109,907,456 combinations.
Each hub is semi independent, it establishes the zero balance within the hub not the whole network, if a trade results in an advance generated by another hub being held, the system uses a collective hub accounting system, tracking all external advances, while always attempting to return all advances to the original source hub, and all advances are tracked within the system, by which each hub can always determine a zero balance at each transaction.
This limits catastrophic events. If for example, 1000 people colluded as a team to commit fraud, of the other bondsmen on the platform, by collectively working to establish maximum advances then converting those advances into fiat, and abandoning the platform without any repayment. When the system recognised fraud the hub would be shut down, and all accounts would be frozen, until it was determined the source of the fraud, and quickly establishing relief.
An assurance bond could be created to share the risk of such an event by each bondsman wanting such protection, across the entire network. For example, if such a catastrophic event happened and 20 million was stolen, with 200,000 bondsmen within the hub, then the shared loss would be 100 each to return the system to a zero balance, those within the assurance bond would pay less as the burden would be shared across a larger group, so they may only pay 2 or 3 directly. Such events would become less likely as the system grew larger, as the benefits would become exponentially greater.
Those involved in the fraud would be banned from the platforms, and those who witnessed their bonds, would be banned, unless on appeal it was determined by their peers no fault. Once banned it would be impossible to ever access the platforms again, and as the advantages of the platforms are so huge, they would be more and more valued as people joined and used them.
The more likely loss, would be from individuals, rather than large groups working in consort.
The “Advancing Cryptocurrency Multilateral Guarantee Bonds” (ACMGB), allows advance determined as the development of trust rating increases, for example, a new bondsman with no rating may be able to gain 1000 within a ACMGB, while a bondsman that has used the platform for a few months with a greater rating may be able to gain 10,000 within ACMGB, trust takes time to develop, through interactions within the platforms.
The trust ratings are built through interaction, and determined by each bondsman they trade with as well as through honouring commitments established on the platform itself, for example when gaining an advance, always repaying each advance instalment back on time and in full.
The platform allows the bondsmen to build trust ratings, which dictate the amount of advance they can request, or the level of guarantee they may give to others. Trust is built through trade, honouring agreement, and through the forming of unity (surety) with other bondsmen on the platform.
The ability of an individual or a coordinated group to rob the bondsmen within a hub would be limited to their ability to gain advance, which builds with reciprocal trading, the development of relationships between bondsmen and the honouring of agreement.
To maintain a closed bond, a witnessed and sealed declaration is required, this declares you‘re able to join the bond, and the witnesses give their seal, as proof the declaration is true.
Once you’ve created a bond the platform requires an ear/face scan and voice scan, to open your account the system generates a random sentence and you read it, the scan is checked and you can then enter your password. No legal names are used on the platform. This means you cannot join the bond more than once.
If you’re banned from the bond because you’re later proven to have made a false declaration to join, all three are banned, the proven liar and their two witnesses that sealed the bond as true.
If they attempt to re-join after this, they again must provide an ear/face scan and voice scan, which would prevent them from re-joining as the system would recognise the patterns and reject the bond.
The platform excludes some individuals from joining the bond, those who impose the present hierarchical economic slavery models would be unable to join the bond, as would psychopaths and convicted criminal who were proven fiscally dishonest against another living soul. Others that would be excluded would be landlords (within 5 years), murderers, paedophiles, rapists, military, police, bankers, lawyers, politicians, all monarchy, landed gentry, members of any Mafia and anyone holding an Israeli passport.
If someone working to hold those around them in the slavery of hierarchy, wished to join the bond, they would have to leave that job, after five years unconnected to their job or any other job that enslaved others, they could then join the bond, after a witnessed written and seal declaration revoking any and all sworn oaths, to any constructed legal fiction of monarch, corporation, fraternities, religious hierarchy, etc. Assuming they could find two witnesses to seal their declaration as true. Anyone could appeal on the platform to their local peers to allow them to join earlier if they could show mitigating circumstance.
Guarantee is the Key to Value
There are several ways to establish guarantee:
Collective Guarantee
This is simple, a bond of advance is created by anyone on the bonding platform, after a minimum number of bondsmen join, lets say 50 for the example, then the advances are issued, the advance is set, so all would originally gain the same amount of advance, lets say 5000 for the example, the length of repayment is also set universally, but once a bond exists others can join it at any time, so in theory a bond could, once running, continue in perpetuity, with bondsmen joining and leaving when their advance was returned in full.
If someone dishonours their self imposed obligation of repaying the advance which is interest and fee free, then all others in the bond must pay proportionately. So for example the 5000 is to be repaid over 3 years that’s 36 repayments, that’s 139 a month, if 70 bondsmen are in the bond, originally started by 50, then the level of advance outstanding for repayment would vary, but your liability is proportionate to your outstanding advance. Say you now only owe 1666, but collectively the whole bond of 70 owe 246,666, while the dishonoured bondsman holds an advance of 5000 and the dishonoured repayment is 139 (one monthly instalment), then you would be liable proportionately for (246,66 – 5000 = 241,666) 139 / 241,666 = 0.000575174 x 1666 = 0.96 TME
The bondsmen that dishonoured their obligation would still be liable to repay that dishonour in the future, reimbursing all those who contributed to the cost, but if they fail to honour their obligations three times, they’re banned from the bond, even if the dishonouring bondsman, for example, took the full 5000 without ever repaying anything, then it would cost you ultimately (5000/241,666 = 02068971224 x 1,666 =) 34.47 if you had 1666 as an outstanding advance.
The system would quickly expel forever, anyone out to rob others, so the longer the system runs the more trust based, and the more confident bondsmen would be within it.
Surety Guarantee
The surety is a reciprocal bilateral bond, under the substantive seal of the two souls seeking surety, and sealed by two witnesses. (None in substantive reciprocal agreement can bind in legal name, but referenced through seal in substantive print of thumb, finger, hand or other impression, that can be verified indisputably, in union with their autograph of their true identification reference, and their bond number, free of titles or legal slave name, for ease of reference).
A surety is a written form of reciprocal unity, similar to the natives of the Americas that formed blood brothers as a union of two. This written surety forms a bond that makes the problems of one, the problems of both. This is the foundation of all common unity.
Within the structure of the platform the surety allows guarantee of advance, you may form up to fifteen surety bilateral reciprocal bonds as a maximum. The more surety bondsmen you are in union with the more you can seek in advance, as you have an ever greater pool of guarantee.
There are several characteristics of guarantee, for example you may want to buy a house available on the allodium platform, which costs 250,000, this is not possible as a loan, it is advanced with the guarantee mainly within the stored labours of the building, the surety simply stand any losses, to stand guarantor they simply commit to all or part of 3 months repayments, they are making themselves liable to other costs if their surety bondsmen does stupid things, like refuses to leave a house after dishonouring their self imposed obligations, or if they leave a house filthy or in disrepair, to the point the outstanding advance is not fully covered by the value held within the stored labours of the building. The surety are given the chance to remedy these things themselves, but if they do not, the surety bondsmen carry the burden of the costs of others doing so.
For advance of the medium of exchange itself, if they agree to stand surety in full or in part of such an advance they are liable for any outstanding advance that are dishonoured.
Surety works like a network, if you have 10 surety bondsmen, each one of those would have their own group of surety, when someone dishonours a self imposed obligation, and the advance falls to the surety to honour, it is proportionately spread across the whole surety, so if you have 2000 outstanding and your surety are liable in the example:
Each of your 10 bondsmen would be liable to pay 200, if one could not pay the 200 then their own surety becomes liable, say they have 6 bondsmen in surety, then it would be shared proportionately, 33 each, if one of the bondsmen of that surety could not pay it would fall to their surety to pay if they had 4 bondsmen in surety then each would pay 8 and so on, so no matter how large the liability the burden spreads throughout the community of surety.
The surety guarantee is not only used for advances, but also for some bonds, for example to become an allodarii on the allodium platform the surety must seal the unilateral bond of behaviour, to give guarantee to the witnesses that physically neighbour the land to be utilised.
To learn more – Link: The Surety Bond
Infrastructure Guarantee
The final type of guarantee, is to form need bonds on the bonding platform, to create infrastructure required to establish the product or service the need demands.
When a need bond is formed collectively on the platform, the advance is guaranteed by the value of stored labours within the infrastructure the advance creates.
The need bondsmen collective guarantee the depreciation of the infrastructure as an annual cost proportionately across the need bond, for as long as each bondsman remain in the need bond.
So for example if the infrastructure costs 5,000,000 and the bond is activated at 1000 bondsmen committing to the bond, then they would be guaranteeing to repay the cost of depreciation of the infrastructure over the estimated life expectancy of all structures and equipment required to satisfy the need.
This means the higher the quality of the construction, with longevity the focus when designing the structure, the less the cost of depreciation annually, this is the reverse of the usury model, were cheapness is the driving factor of construction.
For example, lets say the construction was designed with a life expectancy of 100 years, around five times that of construction in the usury model, this would mean the collective cost of depreciation for the 5,000,000 advanced would be 50,000 per annum, this means at the outset, the initial 1000 need bondsmen would be guaranteeing to pay 50 per annum each.
Presently production is backwards, companies produce products, they make them as cheaply as possible, and sell them for as much as possible, the landfills and oceans of the earth are filled with these products, often made so poorly they fail within a few uses (especially Chinese manufacture).
The idea of producing huge amounts of products, people do not really want, but have no better alternatives available, because capital monopoly exists, generates waste, pollution and great expense for the end consumer.
Production dictated through capital monopoly, requires advertising, and a string of middlemen, each adding more profit onto the cost for themselves, which is then further inflated by the government mafias, who add taxation to every aspect of production and sale, which creates a situation that makes a product many, many times, more expensive to the end user, than its production and delivery cost.
To learn more – Link: Corporation is Simply Another Term for Marketing
The need bonding concept reverses this, the need dictates production, and creates it, funded by the advancing cryptocurrency. This mean production is maximum quality, free of advertising costs, free of middlemen, free of taxation, free of capital interest (profit), free of debt interest and fees, free of rental, as the “need” who created the bond, exclusively uses all production, no massive excess is generated, everything is engineered for maximum use, quality and durability, as you would not make cheap crap for yourself, given a free choice.
The cost being free of profit, middlemen, taxation, employers and banking costs, this means besides high quality, the cost is very, very, very low, while the earnings of those servicing the need bond, within the cooperative it generates, earn many times more in purchasing power than in any comparable usury model, and the wealth circulates locally to production.
For example in the supermarket need bond explanation posted on this website, a worker in a supermarket earns £8.07 – £12 an hour in the corporate system, while the cooperative bond model begins tax free at the equivalent of £25, while the cost of goods would be at least 40-50% less, even lower if the products were created symbiotically as a need bond, this is a local model, keeping the wealth local.
To Learn More – Link: Supermarket Bond Forming Cooperative Bonds
What Everyone Really Needs to Know by David Icke