Part Three – Establishing Accountability – Witena-Gemot Administrators of Terrente Relief

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Written by Abdun Nur

Witena-Gemot Administrators of Terrente (the peace of their mind threatened) Relief

All administrators of the witena-gemot of inherent power must be fully bound to a community, holding a full surity. Community is diametric to hierarchical society, common unity has no division, while hierarchy is division into ranks, community cannot truly exist within any hierarchical society because of this conflict, as you cannot have division within unity.

The hierarchical structure of human farming is well ingrained into the minds of the farmed populations. These two forms of social structure are dichotomous, so, what exists in one cannot exist in the other, which is why hierarchical society is backwards, where medical care is designed to generate illness, education requires irrational thinking, science is built on false foundations etc. To form any community requires all the individuals within, possess the skill of reason to truth, if this skill is missing it would be a prerequisite of community, for all to study and eventually master this skill. In contrast all hierarchical social structures require irrational minds, the reasoning are purged, marginalised or attacked. A reasoning soul is not fit to be a slave.

A full surity means holding twenty three (23) independent written reciprocal bonds (bindan- to tie up with bonds) in surety with living souls, demonstrating they are trustworthy, well liked and honourable. (23 chromosomes are held within a male as a full community, and 23 in a female, when combined a new separate community can be created, so each full community is represented by 23, this still holds true in the fictional court of a grand jury)

An Aldormonn (Alderman) is not someone to worship, to be held as a superior, or a lord, or in any superior rank of status, an Aldormonn (Alderman) has a purpose not used in corporate trust courts. In the hierarchical model of corporation a leader is a dictator, sovereign, employer, boss, lord, or judge, etc., this is an imposed and enforced leader, subjugating.

In a system free of hierarchy a leader in the corporate sense does not exist, what could by some be considered a leader would be a teacher, guide, adviser, etc. absolutely devoid of any dictatorial power.

An Aldormonn (Alderman) can be considered within this definition: a valid ‘luminary’ can never tell you what to do, they can only show you how it’s done; they cannot decide on your behalf, they can only present a deliberation of reason, or express their point of view openly to be considered with all other perspectives. They cannot impose regulation, legislation, laws, rights, title, grant or claim, as no living soul is superior to any other, all are created equal in accountability for their actions, with reciprocal obligations, and a reciprocal duty of care to those around them, bound only by self-imposed agreements, in all other things we are not equal, so in skills, knowledge, wisdom, strengths, passions, determination, wealth of resources etc. we are different.

"A society that does not recognise that each individual has value of his own, which he is entitled to follow, can have no respect for the dignity of the individual, and cannot really know freedom." ~ F.A.Hayek

A trusted figure is a guide to show a way freely followed or freely disregarded, all living souls are potential leaders in this sense, yet all living souls may be guided now and then as a free choice; a leader is a term so abused as to have an aggregate meaning of parasite, thief, fraudster and betrayer.

In a system of trust and virtue reason is the teacher, those who reason well may help to show truth, reasoned understanding or explain concepts; all are free to learn or to refute; a reasoning soul is an organiser who stimulates the development and differentiation of a task or objective, I will reiterate not an employer, lord, boss, official, leader, master, overlord, king, queen, pope, authority or sovereign.

The true purpose of an Aldormonn (Alderman) is similar to a Procurator (meaning manager-‘to attend to’). A procurator is a corporate trust office used in socialist corporate trust systems, handling investigations directly, which in alternative corporate trusts, known as courts, is performed by branches of the police (corporate policy enforcers, the problem with the idea of police is they are simply a costumed mafia, and as such very dangerous to all freedoms and equity).

The word Aldormonn (Alderman) originates from ‘a very old or venerable man’ and it is limited to that definition.

An Aldormonn (Alderman) must infer, think, or hold as an opinion, conclude about, or assess evidence, and interpret evidence, as a detective for the benefit of the truth, and present all information for the consideration of the arbitrating peers (jurors), but not exclusively.


Unlike a corporate court, the Aldormonn (Alderman) in a witena-gemot of inherent power does not preside over the witena-gemot, the arbitrators must always preside, order is maintained by the witena-gemot rex (meaning ‘to put right’) also an Aldormonn (Alderman) of the closed bond of the witena-gemot, this task being performed by the sheriff in a corporate trust court. The rex stands in a physical witena to protect, prevent and secure all souls present from intimidation, fear, violence or outburst and interference.

The position of an Aldormonn (Alderman) within an reason based disquisitive system of terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ investigation is that of a detectives, to help the arbitrators to establish the truth, working to reach the best resolution for everyone within the investigative determination system of the witena-gemot case, which pits the evidence against the assertions of the complainer and those of the retorter, in order to establish who has asserted truths that are supported by the evidence.

Equity is done when the physical evidence, and witness statements are combined with the most effective and credible account of events when examined with all evidence (provided by either the complainer or retorter), so able to convince the arbitrators, when any claim is rebutted, which perspective on the case is the correct one, or that both parties are free of wrongdoing, or both equally culpable.

The Aldormonn (Alderman) becomes involved in terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ case once a complainer (plaintiff) has filed a writ with the witena-gemot that is rebutted, or the wrong-doer is unknown and sort.

When a wrong-doer is unknown the Aldormonn will establish an open wite to anyone interested in acting as a rex, to identify suspects, collect evidence, and take statements, if a rex establishes these things to the satisfaction of the Aldormonn, then any expenditure of resources and time would be reimbursed by the wite.

They disclose, before consideration by the arbitrators, all their findings with all parties, of the complainer, and retorter, in a timely manner, providing all evidence or information especially that tends to negate the guilt or culpability of the retorter or mitigates the terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’, as the main objective of the witena-gemot is not to vilify but to settle dispute, find relief and maintain equity. Living souls tend to wrongly judge others by their behaviour and themselves by their intentions.

To search private resources, they need a warrant upon the writ, just as a rex must; they prepare an application to the relevant witena-gemot for search.

In the early history of England, within the corporate trust court system of constructed legal fictions the victim of a crime (breach of corporate policy) and his family had the granted right to hire a private attorney to prosecute criminal charges against the ‘person’ (fictional legal construct of a straw man) alleged to have injured the victim. In the 18th century prosecution of almost all criminal offenses in England were private, usually by the victim, not until the invention and imposition of the modern corporate policy enforcers (police) was a monopoly installed by the Crown Corporation to protect its agent from prosecution by controlling and restricting those who could be brought to justice through their system.

If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be confiscated.

If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested.
if you resist arrest you will be clubbed.

If you defend yourself against the clubbing, you will be shot dead.

These procedures are known as the Rule of Law." ~ Edward Abbey

Public prosecutors should not exist, misconducts should instead be treated as terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’; a terrente is a wrongful act, as a wrongful act is a mental distress agonised by a living soul, inflicted by another, these distresses if proven encroaches upon their mental equitable state, through wrongful physical acts upon their body, immovable and movable resources, or equitable agreement. So there could be no misconducts or terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ against an ill-defined ‘society,’ ‘trust’, corporation’ or ‘religious institution’, as a legal fiction has no mind to endure distress and can have no collective right invented to encroach, and therefore no such fictions as a ‘district attorney’ or ‘public prosecution service’ who decides on a charge, or dismisses a charge, so at their discretion presses those charges against an accused, and treats the complainer simply as a witness, can exist equitably or be reasonably vindicated.

The corporate trust courts claim jurisdiction which is the power and authority (labelled ‘constitutionally’ established) with respect to the “act of settling, settled condition, anything arranged or settled upon, regulated, ordered, or in ordinance,” being the imposed policy of the corporate State or feudal lord in control of the land, that has conferred authority upon a court or judge to pronounce the sentence of their Lord (feudal superior- ‘Lord’ originally meant a wandering criminal (bandit) on the land) and it is to that superior they swear an oath. This is why if you leave the area held by a landlord, you are outside of their jurisdiction, as they impose through their control of the land, upon all slaves within or upon it. Witena-gemot’s of inherent power are universal in their application, having no false foundation of ownership to limit their action geographically, as the foundation of inherent power is the innate axioms of the nature of the living soul upon their creation.

Everyone tries to get out of jury duty, like it's a big pain in the ass.

But it's honestly the easiest way YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE as a single human being.

If it's any kind of bullshit crime...drug possession...victimless crime...anything that's none of your goddamn business.. you just say:
- doug Stanhope

Rules of Evidence

The purpose of the rules of evidence is to be fair to both parties, disallowing the raising of allegations without a basis in provable fact. A fact is information both the complainer and the retorter agree is true, or is proved to be true by evidence.

  • Hearsay testimony is inadmissible; this makes it impossible for the complainer to induce friends or family to give false evidence in support of their accusations because, normally, this evidence would be rejected. Similarly the retorter would be under the same constraint to prevent them from perverting the truth.
  • Relevance of evidence is the tendency of a given item of evidence to prove or disprove one of the truthful elements of the case or to have probative value to make one of the elements of the case likelier or not. Probative is a term used in equity to signify ‘tending to prove’.
  • The distinction between knowledge and opinion, or knowledge and belief, can be established by reasoned debate, when presented as evidence, it is then open to the conclusions of the arbitrators.
  • A professional witness is a witness, who by virtue of education, training, skill, or experience, is believed to have expertise and specialised knowledge in a particular subject beyond that of the average soul. No single professional witness of this sort should be considered in isolation, as in many claimed professions the validity of their doctrine is not founded in fact, such as psychiatry, medicine, or economics, but in pseudoscience or fantasy. This should be considered by the arbitrators, and at least two or three professional witnesses independent of each other, that have not conferred and do not have any knowledge of the expressed opinions provided, should be considered. The majority of so called professional witnesses are used to pervert equitable truth in the trust court system, so great care should be given to this area of hearsay, and should only be used in the examination of evidence.

Court Stenographer

All equitable courts must keep a permanent record of proceedings, a court stenographer transcribes what is said into a written document, with the augmentation of any additional form of recording if desired, held for a perpetual memorial, containing all the oral evidence of witnesses, victims or complainers, retorter’s, and relief, of such high and super eminent accuracy, that its truth is not called into question, all recordings and documentation stored within a filed witena-gemot records system, this can be part of the arbitration software platform, and open to access by any bondsman.

The complainer and the retorter receive copies of the transcript, and any interested party may view the transcript online, or obtain a copy by printing a copy from the arbitration platform.

Clerk of the Witena-Gemot

The Aldormonn (Alderman) acting as the clerk of the court issues writs and warrants; accepts affidavits, statements, and evidence, and issues requests to compel testimony by a witness or production of evidence upon the truths of litigants.

The Aldormonn advises the arbitrators if questions are asked, in the understanding of the natural axioms of the land, which is free of legislation of any kind, or in understanding due process relief, terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ or any other questions within their area of knowledge.

The Aldormonn takes statements with witness and seals, seals with their physical imprint documents and organises the proceedings of the witena-gemot.

"Give people substantive power in their own affairs, encourage and support them in taking responsibility for themselves, offer them assistance as they design tools for the exercise of that power - and the chances are good that they will do remarkable things."

Peace Keeper of the Witena-Gemot

The Aldormonn (Alderman) acting as the peace keeper and the witena-gemot Rex, keep order in the witena-gemot, they assemble the arbitrators, they organise restraint for violent retorter’s, and remove onlookers who disrupt the due process of determining the truth of the dispute within the witena-gemot.

The Rex acts as organiser upon direction of the arbitrators, and to facilitate the execution of the arbitrators’ relief if required.

The Rex oversees the witena-gemot detention; a short-term detention facility for those awaiting a matter coming before witena-gemot who present a clear physical danger to another or to those around them, until that situation is given relief.

Part Four – Establishing Universal Accountability – a Substantive Witena-Gemot of Axiological Inherent Power

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." Thomas Paine
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