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Written by Abdun Nur
“Man was born free, and everywhere he is in irons” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Before 1066 the lands were simply described not named:
(Latin)Britanniae a corruption from Celtic (Pretanic Isles) (Todays United Kingdom, all 4 regions)
“Pretani” is a Celtic word that probably means “the painted ones” or “the tattooed folk”, referring to body decoration
Albien (England, Wales and Scotland )
Iernē -Ériu – Banba – Fótla – Eirē – (Ireland) – goddess of the land
Cymru (Wales) meaning – fellow-countrymen
The false Latinised claim of “Albion” (Albidia – Whitish) (Latin – meaning White)
Albien – Gallo-Brittonic (Brythonic): British from albiyo – meaning “surface terrain (Earth)”
Albien was called Alba (Gaelic : Scottish – meaning Hilly land) (The Name “Scotland” originates through the Vatican from Latin “Scotia” initially used to refer to Ireland- meaning “buffoon/laughing-stock”) The original term was “Caledonii” modern Caledonia meaning a hard or rocky footing. Caledonii is likely a variation of allodarii (a utiliser of land in allodium), but one upon a hard footing of the allodium.
Albien was called Albbu (Middle Irish / Middle Welsh (Elfydd – earth, land): meaning the habitable surface of the Earth)
The land in allodium has no name, and is only referenced by its terrain, or the unique aspect of the local inhabitants, but, when the land is enslaved to the Ba’alists, every slave takes the name of its owner (Ba’alist), and so the land is named; it’s so designated, marked out, defined as a geographic area owned as a fiefdom by a corporate legal entity, through a commercial, monarchic or religious Mafia.
After Ba’alism (ownership) was imposed, the land was, with the first census in 1086, recorded in the doomsday book, a book so named as the land would be owned (through tri-ba’alism, the holy trinity of corporation and trust) until doomsday, made a “state” of ownership, and once the land was enslaved, it took the name of its master, Angle-land (named after the Angles, a German tribe of white slavers and Mafia). It was then transformed into that which lies opposite, reversed; masking the allodium with the constructed legal fiction of ownership, the word “country” means “that which lies opposite”.
All were allodarii before the conquest. The lands were in allodium, the usury of ownership did not, and could not exist, ownership is the payment of interest for the use of land (held in nominal ownership, meaning shared interests through Ba’alism), demanded by the Ba’al (owner) sovereign. The sovereign is the slave master held above account, and dominating through a monopoly on violence, the slave may not own, they are only tenant, and through a grant of title the sovereign sells deeds of tenancy and demands annual rental (land or property tax, rates etc.), this feudal Ba’alist model of slavery did not exist before the conquest of 1066.
By the 1st century AD, the name Albien refers unequivocally to modern Great Britain. The Pseudo-Aristotelian text De mundo has: “The largest islands they reached were two, called the Britannic [Pretanic isles], Albion (latinised) and Iernē.”
Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23 – 79), better known as Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, likewise has: “It was itself named Albion (Latinised), while all the islands about which we shall soon briefly speak were called the Britanniae.”
Disinformation and Propaganda
What we’re taught about the histories of Albien, and the Crown corporation itself, now administrated through the subsidiary United Kingdom PLC, through the Roman Catholic version of events, are half-truths at best; history created as both propaganda, and corruptions, for an engineered conformity of the population, in support of the Ba’alist sovereign and corporate models (the term Ba’al means owner). If the facts are examined without the confluence of agendas, to a predetermined conclusion, the story of the histories of the nominal United Kingdom takes on a different complexion.
After the conquest a policy of disinformation and propaganda began with the forging or outright fabrication of documents and histories, the systematic destruction of evidence and authentic documentation that conflicted with the lies of the church. In the 13th century the concept of perfidious Albion meaning: guilty, treacherous, faithless or deceitful; was used to establish the view of Albien as a faithless place before it became England with the conclusion of the Roman Catholic subjugation, as history paints a picture written by the victors.
449AD – The arrival of the Germanic Bandit White Slavers
The Angles and the Saxons began to invade the southern regions of Britain, starting around 449AD (all RC dates may ‘not’ be reliable, as it is possible dates have been manipulated and the timeline is not as long as claimed by the church by several centuries), the Angles came from Schleswig-Holstein (the two duchies of Schleswig and Holstein) the northern most of the sixteen states of Germany, while the Saxons (Known by the Albannach (British) as Sassenachs (Saxons)) were a confederation of old Germanic bandits.
The main documents to explain the history before 1066 are the Anglo-saxon chronicles, these are not accurate and were written by Roman Catholics as a narrative of their doctrine of events, so laying a foundation of historical support for themselves in many aspects, this is clear from the fact it is written in hindsight with reference to events such as the birth of Christ; this makes the Chronicles just a narrative, not an accurate sequence of events. The Vatican has systematically destroyed, or occulted, all documented evidence that would openly refute their fantasy version of history over the centuries.
If we examine aspects of the Chronicle we can get the feel for the Roman Catholic perspective, this accounts for the predominant references to Christianity, and the description of events based upon the perspective of religion, (self)‘righteous’ religious subjugation, sovereign based thoughts and the perception that the actions of murderers, thieves, rapists and betrayers are Kingly, they also use the Chronicle to establish a fabricated lineage to “Offa Rex” (which in reality is not a reference to a king but to an event that was put right).
This historical figure is fictional, a rex before the conquest meant “to put right”, and was not in reference to a king, but to the wite payment from the arbitration of wrongs, the coinage is used by the Vatican to paint this false picture of kings, coins were minted to pay the wite for those who actively put to right a wrong, for large events needing to be put right, coins were minted that referenced the event.
For example, these coins could reference a group of bandits that landed in Albien and were defeated by those acting as rex, and the wite was their payment, with coins struck to honour their actions, this explains the mixed up timelines of coinage, where coins with different referenced events happen at the same time or very close together, or the same event reoccurs many times over the centuries, in the Roman Catholic fantasy king version, this makes no sense.
The Roman Catholics connect these coinage rex events falsely to the Anglo-Saxon immigrants, in a bid to support the idea of their authority, the entire purpose of the Chronicle is to achieve this goal, they want the Ba’al usury practice of ownership of the land, and the sovereignty of a slave master, to be perceived as always being the case, while clearly only the allodium model existed before the conquest of 1066, they also want you to believe all the lands were dominated but the Anglo-Saxon white slavers and extortion racketeers.
From the Anglo-Saxon chronicles it is clear from the outset the A-S immigrants murdered and plundered and stole the land of southern Albien, the details from their own account proves they were white slavers, extortionists, and murderers, no amount of Roman Catholic romanticising can mask that reality.
A-S chronicle 449 – “landed in Britain in a place that is called Ipwinesfleet (Isle of Thanet, Kent); first of all to support the Britons, but afterwards fought against them. The rex directed them to fight against the Picts (Picts – any of the peoples who lived in Britain north of the Forth and Clyde); and they did so; and obtained the victory wheresoever they came. They then sent to the Angles, and desired them to send more assistance. They described the worthlessness of the Britons, and the richness of the land. They then sent them greater support. Then came the men from three powers of Germany; the Old Saxons, the Angles, and the Jutes…”
457 – murdered 4000 at Crayford (Borough of Bexley) driving out the people of Kent.
465 – fought with the Welsh at Wippedfleet (Ebbsfleet in Kent, near Ramsgate) killing 12 leaders.
473 – attacked the Welsh and stole immense booty.
477 – attacked the Welsh driving them into Andred’sley (The ruins adjoin the west end of the village of Pevensey in East Sussex).
485 – attacked the Welsh.
490 – besieged the city of Andred murdering every single inhabitant.
495 – attacked the Welsh.
508 – murdered the rex and five thousand men with him, stealing Netley as far as Charford (Worcestershire).
514 – attacked the Albiens at Cerdic’s-ore (near Southhampton) putting them to flight.
519 – attacked the people of Charford and took the region from them.
527 – attacked the people of Cerdic’s-ley.
530 – attacked isle of Wight, and slew many men in Carisbrook.
552 – attacked the people of Sarum (Salisbury) putting them to flight.
556 – attacked the people of Beranbury (near Swindon).
571 – attacked the people of Bedford, and stole four towns, Lenbury (Herefordshire), Aylesbury (Buckinghamshire), Benson (Oxfordshire), and Ensham (Oxfordshire).
577 – murdered three Rex’s, Commail, and Condida, and Farinmail (South Gloucestershire), stealing Derham, Gloucester, Cirencester, and Bath.
584 – attacked the people of Fretherne (Gloucestershire) stealing immense booty and wealth.
591 – a great slaughter of the indigenous Britons at Wanborouge (Wiltshire).
These mass murderers and white slavers eventually settled, (after the cataclysm) in what is now Southern England, and established themselves within Kingdoms based on protection racketeering of a region (protection from them not any other), in contrast to the Albic model, these were named the kingdom of the East Angles, the Kingdom of the Middle Angles, the Kingdom of the south Angles, which later became East Anglia (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and part of modern Essex).
The Saxons settles in the Kingdom of the East Saxons, the Kingdom of the West Saxons, the Kingdom of the Middle Saxons, and the Kingdom of the South Saxons (Middlesex, Sussex, Wessex and part of Essex), as you can see this means they settled in southern Britain, additionally they attempted from this point in the chronicled A-S history to give the perception of a Christianised indigenous population, the real installing of the ignorance of the Ba’alist invented Christian religion and its subjugating infrastructure however, didn’t take hold until after the extermination of the population from 1066 onward.
Mercia: meaning “land of the border people”, and was in reference to the boundary between the Anglo-Saxon immigrants Mafia’s domination and the allodarii indigenous population, the north south divide, this was never a kingdom, as the indigenous peoples were not structured with a sovereign and ownership model.
No counties existed at that time, the counties were the gift of the Normans after 1066, the region the A/S call Mercia was split into seven small sub-region, and each of these was split again into many, many even smaller sub-regions. Each one functioned independently, local autonomy for each small sub-region, as evidenced from the Hidage.
The ‘Hidage’ document established, it’s claimed, around 757 – 796, presents the polycentric structure of small autonomous communities, the word ‘Hidage’ means unit, and describes a hereditary unit. A polycentric nodal community system without sovereignty, based on inherent power, and through the rex’s (anyone could act as a rex) “championing of the weak”, within a bonded society, functioning through the surety model. The remnants of this old system are still present today within the market town and village organisation of communities throughout the country.
The hidas was the land of one family, the hida was divided into four virgates each around 30 to 40 acres, a yardland is a measure of land varying from fifteen to forty acres. So at most a hidas was 120 acres or 40 hectares.
Britain is 60 million acres comprised of 48 million acres of “agricultural” land, 12 million acres mountains, bog, moor and so on.
Within the ‘Hidage’ are listed the name of the community and the number of family hida within them:
Myrcna continet 30000. hidas.
Woken-setna 7000. hidas.
Westerna 7000. hidas.
Pec-setna 1200. hidas.
Elmed-setna 600. hidas.
Lindes-farona 7000. hidas.
Suth-Gyrwa 600. hidas.
North-Girwa 600. hidas.
East-Wixna 300. hidas.
West-Wixna 600. hidas.
Spalda 600. hidas.
Wigesta 900. hidas.
Herefinna 1200. hidas.
Sweordora 300. hidas.
Eyfla 300. hidas.
Wicca 300. hidas.
Wight-gora 600. hidas.
Nox gaga 5000. hidas.
Oht gaga 2000. hidas.
Hwynca 7000. hidas.
Ciltern-setna 4000. hidas.
Hendrica 3000. hidas.
Unecung-ga 1200. hidas.
Aroseatna 600. hidas.
Fearfinga 300. hidas.
Belmiga 600. hidas.
Witherigga 600. hidas.
East-willa 600. hidas.
West-willa 600. hidas.
East-Engle 30000. hidas.
Eastsexena 7000. hidas.
Cant-warena 15000. hidas.
Suth-sexena 7000. hidas.
West-sexena 100000. hidas.
This adds up to: 243,600 hidas. This means the population at that time was large, average families contained 14-17 people, and hidas were divided in to four populated by 56 -68 people, structured as four extended family groups, these hidas collectively formed villages of around 150, if 243,600 hida families populated Britain, that means 13 to 16 million lived in allodium around 800 AD.
The Catalytic Event
Modern archaeology suggests, the population of Britons at the time of Christ could have numbered as many as ten million. If you go back to 54 BC Caesar remarks that the population of Britain was huge, so the population six centuries later would have been large.
It took 127 years for the world population to double, just before modern industrialisation, let say on average populations in the ancient world doubled every 200 years, so by 200 you have 20 million, 400, 40 million, 562 you have a huge population of maybe 50 million, even if the invading German tribes in Southern Britain had reduced this through genocide, it would reasonably have been still very large, they built, in what is referenced as, the Roman style of construction, with under floor heating, steam baths, viaducts, mosaic floors etc, quiet advanced and developed methods, they were an artisan culture, and traded with the Europeans which explains why so many Roman coins exist lost to the plow from that period, the Romans never conquered Britain.
The catalytic event that transformed the nature and order of Albien was in 562, after this event the surviving population were returned to stick huts covered in mud, the population was drastically reduced, the buildings that had existed before that point, were gone.
Many assume a meteor struck, but it is far more likely from the evidence, an electrical discharge arcing across from the moon to the Earths surface (electric universe model), cutting across Britain and impacting the North Sea in 562, this is supported not only by the physical evidence of the event itself, but the transformation of the society after that point, from archaeological sites examined demonstrating the return to a primitive state of living, this energy arc settled in the north sea and the ocean boiled.
“And then a Star of enormous size appeared to Ythyr, having a single shaft, and at the head of the shaft a ball of fire in shape of a dragon, and from the dragon’s jaws, two beams went upward, the one beam reaching towards the farthest parts of Ffraink (France) and the other beam towards Iwerddon (Wrexham in Wales), which split into seven smaller beams. And Ythr and all who saw this spectacle feared, and they asked the wise men what it might mean. And then Merddin wept and said, “O nation of the Bryttaniait! now are ye bereft of Emrys Wledic, a loss that cannot be replaced.” Brut Tysillo, aka the “Ystorya Brenhined y Brytanyeit” the most ancient surviving written history of the British Isles.
“This same year two islands were consumed by fire, which fell from the sky. They burned for seven whole days, so that they were completely destroyed, together with the inhabitants and their flocks. Those who sought refuge in the sea and hurled themselves headlong into the deep died an even worse death in the water into which they had thrown themselves, whilst those on the land who did not die immediately were consumed by fire. All were reduced to ash and the sea covered everything. Many maintained that the portents which I have said earlier that I saw in the month of October, when the sky seemed to be on fire, were really the reflection of this conflagration.” Gregory of Tours, circa 563 AD, Ch. 24, Book VIII, History of the Franks.
Note he says the fire burned for seven whole days, only the electrical arc would have persisted this long. Evidence of the vitrification from the electric arc, can still be seen, this example is Limestone Corner in Northumberland:
Archaeological evidence of the vitrification of several ancient hill forts and stone structures gives compelling proof to the contention that Britain and Ireland were devastated in the year 562 AD.
According to R.W. Morgan’s History of Britain, the Saxons were barbarous savages when they invaded these obliterate lands after the electrical arcing had dissipated, they brought with them barbarism, debauchery and they imposed feudal government, within the southern fiefdoms they established.
The feudal model is based upon ownership Ba’alism, structured around tri-ba’al administration with a view to imposing all five forms of usury. The control of information is vital to this model and pseudo-religions have been invented throughout history to form external entity gods for worship as a trinity allowing corporation and trust hierarchical domination. Reasoning minds threaten such structures of slavery, and inquisitions and genocides are a tried and tested method to purged those who could reason. Feudalism was savagely enforced by the invading Germanic tribes at the behest and commission of the Holy Roman Empire. Link: The Five Forms of Usury Enslave Humanity to a Ba’alist Elite
Ba’alism (Ownerism)
The Pontiff College rebranded the Vatican, was directed to invent Christianity in 312 by the Emperor Constantine, this new religion was installed into the legal system in 313, and at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 it was completed as a means to re-establish the usury mafia’s empire (Roman), with the establishment of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. This reinvention of the empire was needed as the forces of usury had effectively destroyed the old Roman Empire’s domination, and its ability to fund a military based empire, making the old empire weak and divided. By creating mental slavery to a fictional religion, the empire became holy, and was re-established as the Holy Roman Empire.
The ecumenical council was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I, who had invited all 1800 bishops of the newly created Christian church. “Resplendent in purple and gold, Constantine made a ceremonial entrance at the opening of the council, probably in early June, but respectfully seated the bishops ahead of himself.” (Carroll, 11) “proceeded through the midst of the assembly, like some heavenly messenger of God, clothed in raiment which glittered as it were with rays of light, reflecting the glowing radiance of a purple robe, and adorned with the brilliant splendor of gold and precious stones.” (Eusebius, The Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine, Book 3, Chapter 10)
Constantine was an idolater who believed in the worship of the Sun God, Deus Sol Invictus (“the Unconquered Sun God”), whom he regarded as the only God, Christ acquired the traits of this solar deity. He filled all the trappings of state, such as banners, statues and coinage with symbols of his religion. Right up to the conclusion of his life he acted as the high priest of this religion, calling his reign the era of Sun-Emperorship, only as he lay dying was he claimed baptised, when the Ba’alist Christians completed the rebranding from Sol Invictus to Christianity.
Due to the usury collapse within the Roman empire, Rome was no longer viable as the base of operations, so ultimately Constantinople was founded, Constantine without question began the construction of two major churches in Constantinople, Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) and Hagia Eirene (Holy Peace); the foundation of a third, the Church of the Holy Apostles, may be attributed to him with a measure of certainty. Unlike the Old Rome, which was filled with pagan monuments and institutions, the New Rome was essentially the Emperors vision of a Ba’alist Christian capital.
Constantine worked to incorporate the religions, to form a united, cohesive single religion of the state. “Faith…. was for Constantine a political matter, and any faith that was conductive to unity was treated with forbearance.” (The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. 1996 ed. p.388)
Constantine began by forming two monopolies in 325, one a medical monopoly, and one a religious monopoly, and they quickly purged all competition systematically, either through destruction or absorption across Europe. Christianity was constructed by cobbling old religions together to form a new version.
“Of the five thousand extant early manuscripts of the New Testament, not one pre-dates the fourth century. The New Testament, as it exists is essentially a product of fourth century editors and writers.”(The Heretics. By Walter Nigg.)
In the 325 council they established the new foundations of their ecclesiastical corporation, “ecumenical” derived from Greek ‘oikoumenikos’ meaning “worldwide”, proclaimed Constantine as Augustus, who had in the past claimed to be ruler of the oikoumene/world, therefore the Pope was owner of the world and all within it; Augustus (Constantine) promoted the ideal of a superior Roman civilisation with a task of ruling the world, so an Emperor, a king, a president could rule what the Pope owned.
The ancient Ba’al trinity: Ba’al is a title of respect for position or rank meaning “owner” – Ba’al was three – the settler who provides the substance known as the “mother” – the trustee ‘father’ – and the beneficiary the ‘son’ through spirit (taking in and expelling). The trinity is the structure of corporation and trust; the Vatican altered the designation but the structure was the same, which held a father (settler), son (trustee) and ghost (beneficiary) – The Holy Trinity of corporation and trust.
The Pope was made the substitute of Christ on earth, Christ was claimed God, and as the “substitute of God” the Pope (made god on earth) owned the Earth. This ownership fraud allows the Earth to be bought and sold under the control of the Vatican, who formed fiefdoms (corporations – the Ba’al trinity). Using mindless brutes; these psychopaths formed monarchic fiefdoms under the control of the Vatican. This is why, for example, when Christians landed in the Americas, populated with over a 100 million souls, the Christians claimed ownership of the land, as the indigenous souls were not Christian, so had no ability to claim the fraud of ownership.
Ba’al (Owner) is hierarchy through tri-ba’al-ism, being corporation/trust, which forms legal possessor constructs.
Canni-ba’al-ism and other forms of ritual sacrifice are used by Ba’alists to this day for the same reason they were originally created, to identify psychopaths from empaths. Ba’alism is for the psychopathic, and secret societies of psychopaths allows collective influence, manipulation and domination. Ba’alism is not a religion for psychopaths, as every psychopath is a narcissist, so they have no interest in any other beyond using them, in the mind of a psychopath they themselves are a god. (Rituals of torture, murder, rape and mutilation appear to an empath as Satanic, but they are for a psychopath pleasurable tools of determination, a pragmatic method used to exclude non-psychopaths from a group.)
Kab-ba’al-ah is the doctrine of Ba’alism claimed the religion (religion means the affair of binding) of ‘the sons of the serpent’, a serpent is a wily, treacherous, or malicious person (psychopath). This is Rabbinic (masters or doctors of slave law) being dichotomous to Karaitic (readers/teachers).
Ca-ba’al – a small group that use underhand machinations or deceitful stratagems., esp one formed for political purposes; to plot, conspire. The global caba’al functions upon the Holy trinity of corporation, which allows the expression of the five forms of usury, this is not a conspiracy theory but self evident reality.
The word (“o-ba’al-isk”) ‘obelisk’ literally means ‘Baal’s shaft’ or Baal’s organ of reproduction’ (Page 341 Masonic and occult symbols illustrated. Dr. Cathy Burns)
O-ba’al-isks are common around the world, these are built as monuments of triumph dedicated to powerful Ba’alists or pivotal Ba’alist events, the largest o-ba’al-isk from a single piece of stone ever worked in human history is in the o-ba’al-isk quarry of Ba’albek Lebanon. A few famous o-ba’al-isks:
- The ‘Leacht Wellington’ which translates as ‘The Wellington Testimonial’ in Ireland (Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington)
- Bunker Hill Monument, United State (Battle of Bunker Hill 1775)
- Capas National Shrine, Philippines(soldiers who died at Camp O’Donnell at the end of the Bataan Death March WW2)
- Bennington Battle Monument, United States (Battle of Bennington 1777)
- Jefferson Davis Monument, U.S (Jefferson Finis Davis American president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865)
- Victory Obelisk, Russia (Red Army’s victory in the German-Soviet War.)
- Washington Monument, United States (George Washington)
- Juche Tower, North Korea (Kim Il-sung’s Juche Ideology of North Korea)
- San Jacinto Monument, United States (the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle of the Texas corps. domination)
- Trylon and Perisphere, United States (To mark Washington’s Inauguration – Tri-Pylon “the three gateways”)
Other names attributed to Ba’al are Moloch, Moleck, Marduk and ‘the abomination of the children of Ammon’, Sol Victus, Jesus Christ. April 19th is known as the Feast of Moloch (Ba’al), traditionally an owl-headed (or bull headed) idol is used to sacrifice living infants or children, roasted alive on a stone or metal plate with a fire underneath it, just like the giant idol used at Bohemian Grove, Monte Rio, California, where people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood etc. go to be initiated or honoured as Ba’alists. Link (Remains of thirteen children unearthed near Bohemian Grove)
To learn about the creation of the Vatican link: The Ba’al Serpent and the Bridge Builder
Usury – The Ba’alist System
Trade is the reciprocal exchange of the fruits of my labour for the fruits of someone else’s labour. Usury (riba) is not trade.
Usury is a one-sided extraction of the fruits of the labours of another, which has 5 basic forms:
Debt (the interest demand for the use of money)
Profit (the interest demanded for the use of capital)
Rental (the interest demanded for the use of infrastructure)
Taxation (the interest demanded for the use of your labour)
Ownership (the interest demanded for the use of land through the fiction of eminent domain)
Pope Leo III (a proven liar) it’s claimed, possibly posthumously, an alleged promise made in 786 by Rex Offa (Rex Offa is a fictional construct of the Vatican) to send 365 mancus to Rome every year. A Mancus specifically refer to Islamic gold dinars: mancus derives from the Arabic word manqush, meaning ‘struck’.
The use of the term mancus was wide spread throughout Europe between the ninth and eleventh centuries through the propagation of these coins, free of the common Christian practice of diluting the precious metal content of coins and adding cheap metals, a form of usury, this supply of pure coins ended with the destruction of Albien around 1066 to 1086.
Only a single example of a gold Mancus exists, the surviving western specimens of early medieval gold coins must represent only a tiny proportion of the original stock, it must be borne in mind that before the thirteenth century gold coins were extremely rare in western Europe: in Britain, for instance, only eight native gold pieces with meaningful inscriptions are known from c. 650 to 1066, which can be complemented by finds from the same period of half a dozen Arabic gold and perhaps ten Carolingian gold pieces or imitations of them. After 1066 substantial and regular production of gold coinage only resumed in the thirteenth century.
Charlemagne: King of the Franks 768- King of the Lombards 774- Emperor of Romans 800
Outside of Britain, within Europe, Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus or Karolus Magnus, meaning Charles the Great) (742 – 814) was King of the Franks (Northern France) from 768 to his death. He expanded the Frankish kingdoms through massive bloody slaughter, into a Frankish Empire that incorporated much of Western and Central Europe. (Frank ironically means “free” in Germanic)
The soulless psychopath Charlemagne first appeared in the historical record in late 753 and early 754, when he played a role in the ceremonies organised to welcome pope Stephen II (died 757) on the occasion of the pope’s visit to Francia. That visit resulted in an alliance between the papacy and the Franks that would play an important role in Charlemagne’s future atrocities. During the course of his stay in Francia in 754 Stephen II anointed (smeared with oil to make sacred) the Ba’alist King Pepin III, Queen Bertrada, Charlemagne (aged 12), and his younger brother Carloman, thereby attempting to create legitimacy for a newly founded royal Ba’alist dynasty (Mafia family).
With the death of his brother 771 Charlemagne moved to form a dictatorship over the entire region, and set out to end the threat of dissent, he subjugated the Saxons and incorporated them into the Frankish kingdom. That end, was not achieved until 804, and required repeated campaigns. Some of the Frankish expeditions ended in defeat, and others witnessed mass murders and forced deportation of rebellious Saxons. The Ba’alist psychopath Charlemagne imposed his lordship over those who sought autonomy, such as the Aquitainians and the Bavarians. Most notably Saxon resistance was stiffened by the Frankish insistence that the Saxons and all other defeated communities accept the Ba’alist Christianity invented by the Vatican, a demand that was accompanied by forced conversions and by draconian slave laws punishing those who refused to convert or who, after conversion, resisted such Vatican practices as tithing (tax). In the course of the long Saxon wars the neighbouring Frisians became involved and were conquered.
Pope Leo III who became Pope in 795, started passing laws and issuing decrees without precedent or legitimacy, attempting to take away the power from the Ba’alist nobles of Rome and instead forming centralised control by the Vatican Ba’alists, exercising dictatorial power over many aspects of life. This caused the powerful and wealthy of Rome to revolt. Pope Leo was chased out of Rome fleeing for his life. The Pope then accused those who exiled him of putting out his eyes and tearing out his tongue, even against the physical evidence. Exiled Leo fled to Charlemagne at Paderborn, asking him to intervene in Rome and restore him, which he did in 799. Charlemagne sent a force to Rome and arrested Leo’s opponents.
Anglo-Saxon chronicles A.D. 797: “This year the Romans cut out the tongue of Pope Leo, put out his eyes, and drove him from his see; but soon after, by the assistance of God, he could see and speak, and became pope as he was before!” They fabricated miraculous claims in order to deify the Pope.
At that time the Roman Empire was still divided into two empires, a woman reigned as Emperor in Constantinople, in the mind of Pope Leo III this meant there was no living Emperor, the Pope took the extraordinary step of creating a new Emperor, without precedent or justification of any sort. The papacy had since 727 been in conflict with Irene’s predecessors in Constantinople over a number of issues, chiefly the continued Byzantine adherence to the doctrine of iconoclasm, the destruction of Christian images; while from 750, the secular power of the Byzantine Empire in central Italy had been nullified.
By bestowing the Imperial crown upon Charlemagne, the Pope abrogated to himself the right to appoint the Emperor of the Romans, establishing the imperial crown as his own personal gift, but simultaneously granting himself implicit superiority over the Emperor, whom he had created. And because the Byzantines had proved so unsatisfactory for the Papacy, from every point of view—political, military and doctrinal—he selected a westerner.
Charlemagne became the protector of the Roman Catholic papacy, removing the Lombards from power in Italy, and waging war on the indigenous Spanish and Portuguese who embraced anarchic Islam, within the Iberian peninsular. It was during one of these campaigns that Charlemagne experienced the worst defeat of his life, at the Battle of Roncesvalles (Northern Spain – 778), he also waged war against the peoples to his east, especially the Saxons, his interest lay in extorting the tribute (Mafia protection money) which for centuries they had paid the Merovingians. After a protracted war, he succeeded and subjected them to his rule and extortion.
The Merovingians had concocted a direct linage to Christ story, and so a Christian based right to subjugate and exploit the population, this psychopathic interbreeding bloodline flows through to the descendants perpetrating the present monarchies of the modern world.
Charlemagne knew well the Ba’alist model labelled Judaism, and he attempted to protect the Vatican Ba’alist church of Christianity (Christianity being an extension of the Jewish Ba’alist model) and the monarchical mafia families from their abuses, only the enslaved masses could the Ba’alist Jews feed on, as they themselves did.
Capitulary for the Jews (Latin original Capitula de Judaeis) is a piece of legislation (specifically an ordinance or law of a Frankish sovereign) attributed to Charlemagne dated to 814. It prescribes a set of prohibitions (together with punishments for infractions) against Jews engaging in commerce or money-lending that went outside of the enslaved masses.
1. Let no Jew presume to take in pledge or for any debt any of the goods of the Church in gold, silver, or other form, from any Christian. But if he presume to do so, which God forbid, let all his goods be seized and let his right hand be cut off.
2. Let no Jew presume to take any Christian in pledge (as collateral for the payment of a debt) for any Jew or Christian, nor let him do anything worse; but if he presume to do so, let him make reparation according to his law, and at the same time he shall lose both pledge and debt.
3. Let no Jew presume to have a money-changer’s table in his house, nor shall he presume to sell wine, grain, or other commodities there. But if it be discovered that he has done so all his goods shall be taken away from him, and he shall be imprisoned until he is brought into our presence.
4. Concerning the oath of the Jews against the Christians. Place sorrel twice around his body from head to feet; he ought to stand when he takes his oath, and he should have in his right hand the five books of Moses according to his law, and if he cannot have them in Hebrew he shall have them in Latin. “May the God who gave the law to Moses on Mount Sinai help me, and may the leprosy of Naamon the Syrian come upon me as it came upon him, and may the earth swallow me as it swallowed Dathan and Abiron, I have not committed evil against you in this cause.”
The treachery of the Ba’alist Jews was very well known, and allowing them to feed on the masses, helped to nullify their machinations against the Vatican and monarchies.
The Ba’alist Jews were already restricted by the church, in order to contain their manipulative and treacherous agendas. The Fourth Council of Toledo occurred in 633. It was held at the church of Saint Leocadia in Toledo.
Canon 60: Calling for the forced removal of Jewish children from the parents and their education by Roman Catholic Christians.
Canon 65: Forbidding Jews and Christians of Jewish origin from holding public office.