Tetanus Does NOT Cause Lockjaw

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Written By Abdun Nur

Clostridium tetani is a motile, anaerobic, harmless bacteria, whose function is mainly the decomposition of  faeces, rotting animal flesh or the decomposition of dead cells within the body.

Clostridium Tetani A Common Soil Bacterium

Tetanus (lockjaw) is unique amongst the so-called vaccine-preventable diseases as it is not communicable and therefore the ‘herd immunity’ argument is not applicable. Tetanus (lockjaw) as a clinical entity is linked to the bacterium Clostridium tetani, however this bacterium is recovered from a wound in only 30% of cases, and is often isolated from patients who have not developed tetanus (lockjaw).

The tetanus bacterium is ubiquitous. It is not here today gone tomorrow. It is found on the surface of the body, in the mouth, in the gastro-intestinal tract, in house dust and clothing. It occurs extensively in cultivated soils. The organism lives as a harmless commensal in the gut of many animals, in addition to humans (rural residents tend to have higher rates of intestinal carriage than city dwellers). In spite of the ubiquity of the so-called cause, the incidence of tetanus is significantly low.

It is not the bacterium that causes the development of tetanus. “Under normal conditions, no disease will occur if spores are introduced into a wound.” (J. Ark Med Soc Vol 80, No 3 p134) and “It is the compromised host, or traumatised patient, either by surgery or accident, who is most apt to develop tetanus.” (J Foot Surgery Vol 23, No 3 p235)


Emil von Behring (1854 -1917) whose mother was Jewish, the vast majority of medical frauds originate from this religious group

The first vaccine for passive immunology was supposedly discovered in 1890 by a group of German scientists under the leadership of Emil von Behring (1854 -1917).  Behring injected horse blood plasma into lockjaw sufferers, increasing their iron and relieving their deficiency, which he stupidly atributed to an immunolgical effect.

The first inactive tetanus toxoid fraud was produced in 1924.

A vaccine was widely introduced in 1948, with an initial tetanus series of three tetanus shots. The first two shots are given at least four weeks apart, and the third shot is given 6 to 12 months after the second shot.

HPV – Gardasil, Gardasil 9, and Cervarix, tetanus vaccines can cause a deadly, new to medicine, nonexistent before the creation of the vaccine,  autoimmune disease known as Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also called Hughes syndrome, after the injection of the vaccine toxins, the body’s immune system produces aberrant abnormal antibodies called antiphospholipid antibodies.

Antiphospholipid syndrome causes an increased risk of blood clots, leads to a heart attack, strokes and other conditions. During pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome almost always results in miscarriage and stillbirth. The length of survival from the time of the diagnosis of chronic APS was 4.3 – 10.5 years on a study of thirty-eight APS patients. The less severe reaction to the tetanus vaccine are Varicose veins which commonly develop in many after the tetanus vaccine, although few make the connection.

APS is the most common acquired thrombophilia, the global incidence of APS is estimated to be 5 cases per 100,000 persons per year, in addition there are 4 general reactions in every 500 vaccinations given (and each individual is given 3 vaccinations to begin with). (Sisk, C.W., Lewis, C.E.; Arch Environm Health, 1965; 11:7,34)

Presently the Tetanus vaccine cause Antiphospholipid Syndrome in 1 in 20,000 people per year.

The odds of dying from lockjaw, is around 10% to 11% of cases, due to the real cause not being treated, the HVP vaccine was introduced in 1948, before the vaccine, when around 500 people suffered lockjaw each year in the USA, that’s 1 in  302,651 people with lock jaw, and of those around 50 people died each year.

The global population in 1948 was 2,510,000,000, 1 in 302,651 get lockjaw each year, that’s 8,293 cases, around 10% die, that’s 830 deaths (modern medical incompetence has increased massively the incidence of lockjaw since the 1940’s worldwide, as the real cause, iron deficiency, is completely ignored and a fantasy of bacteria, based on zero science, dominates).

As a comparison, if everyone had the HVP vaccine in 1948, in order to prevent suffering lockjaw, as the vaccine manufacturers claim, with a 1 in 20,000 risk from the vaccines (if we consider all three vaccines as a single risk, although the risk is each injection), of suffering Antiphospholipid Syndrome and as a result having a high risk of a very short life expectancy – 125,500 cases would be created.

Presently it is estimated that lockjaw causes 213 000 – 293 000 deaths worldwide each year and that it is responsible for 5–7% of all neonatal deaths.

The most common causes of neonatal death are premature birth, low birthweight and birth defects, the majority of these due to pharmaceutical use by the mother while pregnant, and poor medical advice, most none pharmaceutical miscarriages are due to either dehydration or a lack of vitamin C, low vitamin C is noticeable if you suffer low iron levels, as iron requires vitamin C for absorption. In 2020 2.4 million infants died, 120,000 – 168,000 from lockjaw, accounting for around half of all cases.

In 1998 a study examined lockjaw cases in California, found 77% of lockjaw cases were in heroin users.

The key point is, it’s claimed the tetanus toxin is made by a bacterium however there usually is no significant infection at the site of the wound. In some cases, the doctors have actually been unable to locate any overt signs of infection at all, but somehow the incompetent doctor believes the bacteria had grown in the body and had made their toxin. Also, the symptoms of tetanus usually start about one week after exposure to the bacteria (from the wound) but can occur up to months following the incident thought to be the source. This makes it even more difficult to track down the infection, this being due to the reality that lockjaw has nothing to do with a bacterial infection.

There is no diagnostic laboratory test for tetanus (lockjaw); the diagnosis is entirely clinical (A diagnosis made on the basis of medical signs and reported symptoms, rather than diagnostic tests). No studies have proven tetanus is caused directly by the tetanus bacteria, although the deficiency uses the bacteria’s name.

Almost all lockjaw victims are those who practice substance abuse, have under gone surgery or traumatic injury with massive blood loss, or are new born babies.

Neonatal Lockjaw

Neonatal lockjaw is generated through medical incompetence, lockjaw commonly claimed to result from the unhealed umbilical stump getting infected, in some countries that suffer impressive medical incompetence, medical incompetence has improved. During the 1980’s in India, lockjaw claimed up to 204,380 babies within their first year of life due solely to medical incompetence.

The Indian medical system have improved training for health workers (as they call them), modern medical quackery claims lockjaw is commonly caused when a newborn’s umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth, often with a non-sterile instrument, often the incompetent health worker inflict sutures at the end of the cord and the inflicted wound is not dressed correctly, or dressed at all, better training has reduced lockjaw cases down by 99.76% from the highest number of cases during the 1980’s. Presently the infant mortality rate for India, in 2021, was 28.771 deaths per 1000 live births, compared to Iceland with 0.7 deaths per 1000.

What Actually Causes Lockjaw

When the umbilical cord is cut immediately after delivery, the baby becomes deficient in iron from the massive loss of blood it suffers: “Cord circulation continues for several minutes after birth and placental transfusion results in approximately 30% more blood volume.”

Intraventricular haemorrhage; bleeding into the fluid-filled areas of the brain and sepsis are massively reduced when the babies blood is allowed to flow back into them from the placenta before clamping.  “… significant differences were found between the ICC [immediate cord clamping] and DCC [delayed cord clamping] groups in the rates of IVH [Intraventricular Hemorrhage] and LOS [Late-Onset Sepsis]. Link

Each year in the U.S., more than 75,000 infants and children develop severe sepsis. Almost 7,000 of these children die.

About twelve thousand premature infants develop intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) every year in the United States alone, because medical quacks are so unprofessional they do not know how the birth should naturally progress, and they steal 30% of the babies blood through incompetence.

When the body is severely deficient in a crucial mineral such as iron, it causes systemic disorders, and cell death, this commonly increases significantly in the case of new born babies with vaccination toxins injected directly into the bloodstream, the toxin build up within the body can trigger sepsis, as the bacterial reaction to remove the systematic cell death from the iron deficiency combined with the toxin load of vaccination, overwhelms the kidneys ability to remove the toxins.

Lockjaw is oxygen starvation of the muscles, without “IRON” the body cannot make myoglobin, a protein that provides oxygen to muscles, resulting  in muscle spasm causing lockjaw.

Lockjaw is caused through iron deficiency so can be generated through traumatic injury resulting in massive blood loss, surgical procedure, during bigger operations, or unexpectedly in any surgery, a lot of blood can be lost, and just as neonatal blood loss, the surgical patient has a major drop in iron from the blood loss, which can result in sepsis or lockjaw later on, if that deficiency is not addressed.

Reasonable Treatment

The treatment for iron deficiency, is high doses of L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) because the body requires vitamin C, in order to assimilate the iron into the body from food or a supplement, without vitamin C the body cannot use the iron. Further reading and treatment for sepsis:  Monkeypox is the Rebranding of Smallpo

An example of why vitamin C is so vital, even the tiny doses in this example allow the absorption of iron, and exposes why dosage should be related to body weight. Excerpt: “One single trial was eligible for inclusion. This non‐randomised, un-blinded, controlled trial undertaken in Bangladesh involved 117 tetanus patients. Vitamin C at a dosage of 1 g/day was administered intravenously alongside conventional treatment. At recruitment, the participants were stratified into two age groups and the results were reported by age. There was a significant difference in the vitamin C effect between the two age groups (P = 0.01). In the tetanus patients aged 1 to 12 years (n = 62), vitamin C treatment was associated with a 100% reduction in case fatality rate (95% CI from ‐100% to ‐94%). In patients aged 13 to 30 years (n = 55), vitamin C treatment was associated with a 45% reduction in case fatality rate (95% CI from ‐69% to ‐5%).” Link

HPV Vaccine Ingredients:

  • Inactivated Tetanus Toxin / Toxoid: inactivated with formaldehyde.
  • Formaldehyde: is a Carcinogen and extremely toxic, small doses can cause damage to the liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, brain, and central nervous system, in infants as little as 30ml in a 37% solution caused death, the vaccine contains 200mcg per dose.
  • Thimerosal: is extremely toxic containing 49.55% mercury by weight, vaccine contains 50,000 ppb Mercury. In utero and in children can cause “mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe gross motor impairment, including miscarriage and fetal death as possible outcomes of in utero exposure. (Symptoms of mercury poisoning include nerve damage causing itching, burning, pain, or even a sensation that resembles small insects crawling on or under the skin; skin discoloration (pink cheeks, fingertips and toes); swelling; and shedding or peeling of skin.)
  • Aluminum Phosphate: is a known neurotoxin exceeding the toxicity of mercury; may induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminium in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications
  • Sodium Phosphate Dibasic: can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach or abdominal pain, bloating, dizziness, headache, and tightness in your throat.
  • Sodium Phosphate Monobasic: can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach or abdominal pain, bloating, dizziness, headache, and tightness in your throat.

Sodium Chloride: can cause allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Excerpt below by Ethan A. Huff

“One of the latest technologies being employed in the production of new vaccines involves the use of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), a type of pathogenic bacteria that mimics the phospholipids naturally found in the human body, as customizable vaccine adjuvants. But vaccines that utilize this untested technology, which include vaccines for tetanus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and influenza, are now being linked to causing a potentially deadly autoimmune disease known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS).

Several recent studies published in prominent medical journals have investigated the connection between APS, which belongs to a wider class of vaccine-induced health conditions known as autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), and vaccines, and found that OMVs are directly linked to triggering APS. Like the common vaccine adjuvant squalene, vaccine phospholipid materials, when injected into bodily tissue, can trigger an immune response that ends up causing the body to attack its own natural phospholipids.

As far as the tetanus vaccine is concerned, injections containing OMVs and recombinant (genetically-modified) DNA are being shown to cause blindness, cardiovascular disease, headaches and migraines, miscarriages, skin disorders, ulcers, necrosis, and neurological disorders. And as an increasing amount of vaccines are quietly converted to OMV-based adjuvant blends, the prevalence of APS is also expected to continue rising, as it already has been for quite some time.”

“OMVs are even more precisely analogous to human tissue (than squalene), because they are not only lipids, they are phospholipids — which are precisely what the body attacks in APS,” explains Heidi Stevenson from Gaia Health about the growing prevalence of vaccine-induced APS. “Therefore, we can anticipate that there will be ever-more cases of APS as we see the approval of ever-more OMV-based vaccines, which are in the pipeline now.”

Cervarix, the HPV vaccine rival to Merck & Co.’s Gardasil, contains OMVs, as do some flu vaccines — and many more common vaccines are being reformulated with OMVs at this very moment. What this means is that we can expect an increasing number of vaccinated individuals to develop autoimmune symptoms as we move forward into the future. And such symptoms are likely to be systemic, as APS can target virtually all areas of the body.

“People with APS are suffering from phospholipid antibodies that are erroneously destroying parts of the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system — in short, any part of the body,” adds Stevenson about the horrific nature of this relatively new condition. “This self-destruction is induced by vaccine technologies.”

Be sure to read Stevenson’s full report on vaccine-induced APS here: http://gaia-health.com

Sources for this article include:




Via Natural News

Let us consider some of the facts reported in the medical literature in 1920, Sir Leonard Hill said in a report to the Medical Research Committee, “Tetanus and gas gangrene bacilli washed clean and injected are innocuous.” In ‘A System of Bacteriology’ Vol III, page 307, Drs Bosanquet and Eyre say “The bacilli are in pure culture incapable of vegetating in viro,” ie of multiplying in the body. Furthermore, in the Official History of the War, Pathology 1923, it is stated “Tetanus bacilli have been found in 20% of war wounds although no symptoms of tetanus were present, ” and “in 50% of undoubted tetanus cases the bacilli have been undiscoverable.” In the same volume also appears clostridium tetani has been “cultivated from the wound of a man showing no evidence of tetanus, 882 days after it had been inflicted,” and “it has been realised during the war that the tetanus bacillus or its spores may be present in vast numbers of wounds without producing tetanus.”

We may deduce from the above facts that we have, as the cause of tetanus, a bacterium (the germ theory fiction is so ingrained within the minds of medical Doctorate holders, they cannot recognise any alternatives) which is:

(a) harmless in pure culture

(b) incapable of multiplying in the body

(c) absent in 50% of cases of undoubted tetanus

(d) present in 20% of cases where no tetanus symptoms appeared and often remaining in the body for months or years without producing symptoms. This is certainly a peculiar cause.

(The struggle of a mind convinced bacteria are the foundation of disease is evident in their literature) It is thought that whilst the bacteria themselves are somewhat feeble, their spores may remain dormant in the tissues for lengthy periods. If this is so, what are the factors which enable the spores to develop into bacteria and elaborate their toxins? What causes them to become active? Why do they remain dormant for long periods? As yet the answers to these questions are not forthcoming. They could supply the answer to the cause of the disease, in fact, all disease, for these questions obviously concern the host rather than the bacteria, and it is to the host that we must look for causes. Here we will find the cause of tetanus, not in some microscopic piece of protoplasm which we endow with almost omnipotent properties. Bacterial diseases, so-called, have a biochemical basis. The tetanus bacteria may be a factor in tetanus. The toxin may be involved in some way but that these are fundamental causes is nonsense, otherwise the disease would be more common, in view of the fact that the bacteria is so frequently found on and in our bodies.

The geographical distribution of tetanus across the globe generally follows the areas of moist, warm climate and fertile soil — the highest rates occur in the developing world, particularly in countries near the equator.

Most people associate tetanus with the wound from a rusty nail or deep puncture wound where it is difficult for oxygen to reach. These kind of wounds account for just over half of the cases in the developed countries, as other causes have been observed, i.e. middle-ear infection, tonsillitis, appendicitis, dental infection, abortions and in some cases there is neither a history of injury, nor a detectable wound! Also laboratory investigations frequently produce negative results.

Types of Tetanus

A 1940 text still provides some of the most valuable information on Tetanus that there is. It was written before antibiotics, and at a time when people had a very thorough knowledge of tetanus. There are five kinds of tetanus. All can be preceded by nonspecific premonitory symptoms such as restlessness, irritability and headache.

1) Subacute tetanus which is characterised by some degree of neck stiffness involving the muscles at the back of the neck; spasticity, as well as increased muscle stretch reflexes, especially in the lower limbs. Patients usually have brief nocturnal generalised spasms.

2) Local tetanus (rare) where the contractions of the muscles are only in the area of the injury. These contractions can persist for weeks when treated by the traditional hospital method.

3) Cephalic tetanus (very rare) which can often occur after otitis media with a burst ear drum, or removal of teeth or dental work, with inappropriate wound management. (But again, host conditions determine the outcome). Clostridium tetani can be found from swabs taken from the middle ear, but sometimes the entry point can be from the cone put in the ear by the doctor to have a look, or from fingers transferring tetanus spores into the ear. The main symptoms for this form of tetanus are in the head and face area.

4) Generalised tetanus (most common sort about 80%) The symptoms start at the head and work down. Reflex spasms normally occur within 24 – 72 hours, known as the “onset time”. First the person will find it hard to open their mouth; will have a stiff neck and have difficulty swallowing.

5) Neonatal tetanus was eliminated from developed countries BEFORE either a vaccine or antibiotics were invented primarily because of basic cleanliness.

Tetanus spores are everywhere in the environment. On your bookcase, in your back yard, in clothing and house dust and in your mouth and faeces. Tetanus has been known to follow surgery and innocuous procedures such as skin testing or intramuscular injections of medications and vaccinations themselves.

Clostridium bacteria are especially common in the intestines and faeces of rats, guinea pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, sheep, cattle and horses. Approximately 5% of humans have clostridium tetani multiplying in their guts yet don’t even know it, although the 1940 text puts that figure at 25%.

Vaccines Do Not Prevent Tetanus

A tetanus vaccine does NOT protect you from getting tetanus. While the medical profession likes to take the credit for ALL the decline of tetanus courtesy of a vaccine, this is simply NOT true.

The proof of that lies with neonatal tetanus in the developed world, which DISAPPEARED well before the existence of either anti-toxin or a vaccine.

If we look at the documented Tetanus Mortality England & Wales from 1901 to 1999, we find that the administration of tetanus vaccine is likely to be pointless and puts children especially at risk of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Deaths related to Tetanus and tetanus incidents overall, sharply decreased long before the vaccine was introduced widely during World War II.

Debate as to whether humans can develop circulating antitoxin against tetanus in the absence of vaccination is futile since evidence of natural immunity has been observed globally.

Although there have been conflicting results, some studies in Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Italy, Israel, Spain and the USSR have shown substantial proportions of unimmunised populations with detectable levels of antitoxin. Specifically, up to 80% of persons in India and up to 95% of persons in a group of Ethiopian refugees had levels of antitoxin suggestive of protection. It is admitted by medical experts that this phenomenon has not been adequately studied, and yet it is apparent that when unexpected or undesirable findings emerge, rather than acknowledging the results, it is presented as an ongoing debate!

The development of tetanus by a deep puncture injury is known not to induce any subsequent immunity, which then raises the serious question — how is a vaccine able to produce any long-term immunity?

Proper and natural immunity is achieved by the ingestion of tetanus spores through natural entry, stimulating the immune system at all levels in an appropriate way. Critics of vaccination often highlight the fact that injecting foreign antigen into the body by-passes a branch of the immune system leading to a compromised host. Dr Viera Scheibner, a researcher on the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccination, points out that any injection is a deep-puncture wound, so that is why contracting tetanus through a wound does not produce any long-term proper immunity because of the similar action to a vaccination, i.e. the by-passing of our multi-levelled immune system due to unnatural entry.

With an obvious lack of understanding on this aspect, from the world health ‘experts’ of the day, it is surprising that their general conclusion is that ‘even if natural immunity occurs in some populations, it can not be relied on to control tetanus.’ In 1973, of the estimated one million tetanus deaths throughout the world, 60 to 90% were due to neonatals (in other words most tetanus cases). Clearly the most simple and effective way to reduce this problem would be improved hygiene in childbirth practices, along side obvious health improvements for the population at large.

The following is taken from the Medical Press, Nov 3, 1948. “The not infrequent failure of tetanus anti-toxin prophylactically is indicated by the fact that deaths from tetanus occur in 7% of civilian cases and 50% of military cases, in spite of its use.” From the Medical History of the Second World War, Medicine and Pathology, we note, “It is disappointing to find that the case mortality is the same as in 1914-18. There is still no convincing evidence that anti-tetanic serum possesses curative value.” Many more such statements from strictly “orthodox” sources could be quoted to consolidate our claim that the serum is incapable of affording any protection against tetanus. However, we must now turn to another important aspect concerning the employment of the serum.

Is there any danger associated with the injection of the vaccine, and if there is, does any test exist which can show the probability of the development of “allergic reactions” in a particular patient. There can be serious effects following the introduction of tetanus anti-toxin into the body and there is no valid method of revealing the possibility of these side effects beforehand. Most textbooks on bacteriology point out the ‘fallibility of the intradermal sensitivity test.” The so-called allergic manifestations may appear immediately following the injection or they may be delayed for 1-14 days. Early “reactions” to toxoid include anaphylactic shock, unconsciousness and death. The later reactions may be chills, fever, urticaria, angioneurotic oedema, swollen lymph glands, pains in the muscles and joints. The anti-toxin may prove fatal but there is also another hazard associated with the dangerous yet dramatic practice of transfusing blood. Dr Meyer in his book “Side Effects of Drugs,” has this to say: “Six cases of transfusion reactions occurred in 8 recipients with blood of O donors previously vaccinated with anti-toxins (diphtheria and tetanus anti-toxins).”

They refuse to blame the drugs, vaccine and sera for the “reactions” which follow their administration, but assert that the patient was “sensitive”. All this means is that the drug was not to blame. The blame was the patient’s. He or she was “sensitive”. To a greater or lesser degree, we are all sensitive to poisons, that is, when poisons are taken into the body through any channel, an attempt is made to resist these poisons, to expel them or to neutralise them, to get rid of them, to destroy them. In the process of neutralising, expelling and resisting the poisons acute symptoms are the actions of the body, not the drug or serum, actions of the body defending itself against the poison.

Tetanus Vaccine Ingredients

There are 15 different tetanus-containing vaccines manufactured by various drug companies, which are licensed in the U.S. The tetanus containing vaccines are licensed for adults only; four are licensed for use as booster shots; one of the vaccines contains tetanus only and is licensed for use by persons age 7 years and older; and the rest are combination vaccines that may contain one or more of the following vaccines: pertussis, diphtheria, hepatitis B, Hib, polio, and/or meningococcal.

As of August 2012, there had been 22,143 adverse events in children and adults reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) following tetanus or tetanus containing vaccines combined with diphtheria vaccine (TT, TD, DT) and 67 deaths.

Severe reported tetanus vaccine adverse events include shock; neuropathy; convulsions; encephalopathy; paralysis; Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS); and death;

The vaccine is made from the tetanus toxoid inactivated with formaldehyde. To produce the toxoid the bacterium is cultured in liquid medium in large-capacity fermenters. The medium consists of digestive enzymes of milk protein, allegedly free of contaminants, which is harvested by filtration, purified and detoxified. The vaccine also contains aluminium hydroxide or phosphate, which acts as an adjuvant (any substance used in conjunction with another to enhance its activity), and thimerorsal, a mercury-containing compound, is found in the ingredients of some of the DTaP formulations which is claimed to prevent bacterial contaminant overgrowth.

The Risks of Tetanus Vaccines

‘Tests of T-lymphocyte subpopulations were done on 11 healthy adults before-and-after routine tetanus booster immunisations. Tests showed a significant though temporary drop in T-helper lymphocytes (a class of white blood cells which helps govern the immune system) in all of the subjects. Special concern rests in the fact that in 4 of the subjects the T-helper cells fell to levels found in active AIDS patients. If this was the result of a single vaccine in healthy adults, it is sobering to think of the consequences of the multiple vaccines (twenty-one at last count for infants and in some countries up to 74 vaccines by age 17) routinely given to infants with their immature systems during the first six months of life. However, we can only speculate as to the consequences, as this test has never been repeated’ – Dr. Buttram (Abnormal T-lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy subjects after tetanus booster immunization.N Engl J Med. 1984 Jan 19;310(3):198-9).

The British Army had 22 cases of tetanus in which 11 people died. All of the deaths were in tetanus vaccinated soldiers. The 11 survivors were unvaccinated. (Dittmann, S. Atypische Verlàufe nach Schutzimpfungen. Johan Ambrosius Barth Leipzig, 1981; 156).

According to medical literature, tetanus toxoid is one of the most potent vaccinations used routinely in children with protective levels being obtained with schedules that start in the newborn period. Apparently in contrast to the diphtheria toxoid, which is clearly impeded in the presence of passively transferred maternal anti-toxin, the tetanus toxoid has been considered to be minimally inhibited by maternal antitoxin. However, interestingly enough, studies in US have shown that infants have high levels of circulating tetanus antitoxin, well above the protective level, at 2 months of age before beginning vaccination schedules. (Barkin RM et al. DTP reactions and serologic response with a reduced dose schedule, J Pediatr 105: 189-94, 1984. — Barkin RM et al Pediatric diphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine. J Pediatr 106: 779-81, 1985).

In one study 11 healthy subjects receiving the tetanus booster vaccine produced a lowering of the t-lymphocyte helpers/suppressor ratio such as might be seen in patients with AIDS. (NEJM,1984, 310:198-9. Eibi MM et al Abnormal T-lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy subjects after tetanus booster.)

In an article on tetanus by Dr Kris Gaublomme, a medically qualified homeopath and vaccine researcher, he concludes with:

’The overwhelming amount of literature on tetanus toxoid vaccine adverse side-effects and the severity of those complications make it absolutely impossible to ridicule them as rare and benign. Doing so could only demonstrate a profound lack of knowledge of the literature concerned. Some medical professionals insist on having adrenalin readily available when tetanus toxoid is administered, thus admitting that the vaccination is in fact a life-threatening medical intervention, even in apparently healthy individuals. This speaks for itself. Risking one’s life by an intervention which is probably ineffective, to avoid a disease which will probably never occur, is not sound medical practice. All it takes, on a world scale, to avoid the majority of tetanus cases is clean scissors to cut the new-born’s cord. Information, soap and peroxide might do a far better job than tetanus vaccine.’

Drugs, vaccines and anti-toxins are a hazard to health. The sick cannot be poisoned into good health.

Blumberg DA, “Severe reactions associated with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine: detailed study of children with seizures, hypotonic-hypo-responsive episodes, high fevers, and persistent crying.” Paediatrics 1993 Jun; 91(6):1158-1165. Vaccinations and Convulsions Citations.

Baraff LJ, “Infants and children with convulsions and hypotonic-hypo-responsive episodes following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunisation: follow-up evaluation,” Paediatrics 1988 Jun; 81(6):789-794.

Gross TP, Milstien JB, Kuritsky JN, “Bulging fontanelle after immunisation with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine and diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.” J Pediatr 1989 Mar;114(3):423-425.

Jacob J, Mannino F, “Increased intracranial pressure after diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunisation.” Am J Dis Child 1979 Feb;133(2):217-218.

Paradiso, G et al, “Multifocal Demyelinating Neuropathy after Tetanus Vaccine”, Medicina (B Aires), 1990, 50(1):52-54.

Walker AM, “Neurologic events following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunisation,” Paediatrics 1988 Mar;81(3):345-349.

Greco D, et al, “Case-control study on encephalopathy associated with diphtheria-tetanus immunisation in Campania, Italy,” Bull World Health Organ 1985;63(5):919-925.

Baraff, LJ, et al, “Possible Temporal Association Between Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-Pertussis Vaccination and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”, Pediatr Infect Disorder, Jan-Feb 1983, 2(1): 5-6.

Flahault A, “Sudden infant death syndrome and diphtheria/tetanus toxoid/pertussis/poliomyelitis immunisation.”, Lancet 1988 Mar 12;1(8585):582-583.

Burmistrova AL, “[Change in the non-specific resistance of the body to influenza and acute respiratory diseases following immunisation diphtheria-tetanus vaccine],” Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 1976; (3):89-91.

Pantazopoulos, PE, “Perceptive Deafness Following Prophylactic use of Tetanus antitoxin”, Laryngoscope, Dec 1965, 75:1832-1836.


The vaccine causes more death than the affliction of Tetanus (lockjaw), it is proven not to prevent so protect against tetanus; in fact it weakens immunity to the all disease and greatly increases the chances of lockjaw being fatal, as medical incompetence means no treatment is given for the underlying cause, iron deficiency.

(NaturalNews) “One of the latest technologies being employed in the production of new vaccines involves the use of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), a type of pathogenic bacteria that mimics the phospholipids naturally found in the human body, as customizable vaccine adjuvants. But vaccines that utilize this untested technology, which include vaccines for tetanus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and influenza, are now being linked to causing a potentially deadly autoimmune disease known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS).

Several recent studies published in prominent medical journals have investigated the connection between APS, which belongs to a wider class of vaccine-induced health conditions known as autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), and vaccines, and found that OMVs are directly linked to triggering APS. Like the common vaccine adjuvant squalene, vaccine phospholipid materials, when injected into bodily tissue, can trigger an immune response that ends up causing the body to attack its own natural phospholipids.

As far as the tetanus vaccine is concerned, injections containing OMVs and recombinant (genetically-modified) DNA are being shown to cause blindness, cardiovascular disease, headaches and migraines, miscarriages, skin disorders, ulcers, necrosis, and neurological disorders. And as an increasing amount of vaccines are quietly converted to OMV-based adjuvant blends, the prevalence of APS is also expected to continue rising, as it already has been for quite some time.

“OMVs are even more precisely analogous to human tissue (than squalene), because they are not only lipids, they are phospholipids — which are precisely what the body attacks in APS,” explains Heidi Stevenson from Gaia Health about the growing prevalence of vaccine-induced APS. “Therefore, we can anticipate that there will be ever-more cases of APS as we see the approval of ever-more OMV-based vaccines, which are in the pipeline now.”

Cervarix, the HPV vaccine rival to Merck & Co.’s Gardasil, contains OMVs, as do some flu vaccines — and many more common vaccines are being reformulated with OMVs at this very moment. What this means is that we can expect an increasing number of vaccinated individuals to develop autoimmune symptoms as we move forward into the future. And such symptoms are likely to be systemic, as APS can target virtually all areas of the body.

“People with APS are suffering from phospholipid antibodies that are erroneously destroying parts of the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system — in short, any part of the body,” adds Stevenson about the horrific nature of this relatively new condition. “This self-destruction is induced by vaccine technologies.”

Be sure to read Stevenson’s full report on vaccine-induced APS here: http://gaia-health.com


I’m in no way a licensed medical quack, I have no training in allopathic stupidity, which is designed to cause disease, and mask the symptoms of disease (in this description of quackery, I will make a distinction, those who sew up injuries and set bones, and prescribe antibiotics on the rare occasions the cleaners of disease form a bloom, are excluded from the term quack, and are decent and honest in their endeavours for the most part). I do not murder people for a living, as do many licensed allopathic quacks, especially oncologists, organ harvesters and vaccinators, nor do I promote unsafe and detrimental practices of unscientific stupidity such as chemo-therapy and vaccination, this is the disclaimer, if you worship the allopathic medical religion, nothing I will write would change that moronic mind set, so this disclaimer would make no difference, and for those foolish enough to seek out allopathic quackery for anything other than traumatic physical injury, you have my sympathy, they will cause you no end of suffering if you allow them.

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