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Written By Abdun Nur
The Supermarket is NOT Open to the Public ‘At All’- The Supermarket is Only Accessible by the Bondsmen Within the Need Bond
A bond is closed to the public and does not use the fiat currency of the state granted monopoly. To remove the State imposed extortion the bonded community should ultimately form “need” bonds to satisfy every need, effectively rendering redundant corporation. Presently this is not possible, and until the point all needs can be met within bonds, for those things and services the bondsmen require that have no “need” bond, then corporate production would have to bridge the gap.
A reciprocal “need” bond is created by anyone who feels a need exists locally, on the bonding platform. This lays out the basic need, it will give parameters the initial bondsman fills out, such as the number of bondsmen required before the bond is active, for example, 1000, the expected (this can be different when the true costs are realised) costs of construction and equipment etc.
There are two requirements of a “need” bondsman, the annual cost of depreciation of infrastructure and equipment, and the annual cost of labour to service the “need”, these two costs are proportionate to utilisation and the number of bondsmen within that “need” bond. However, both these costs are likely covered in the trade price, which is increased slightly, around 10-20% to cover these costs, if a shortfall occurs in any cooperative, this would need to be paid proportionately by those who traded with that cooperative.
When the “need” bond is active the funds are made available on the advancing platform, and with a location determined, a cooperative construction bond is either created or utilised to construct the infrastructure needed for the bond. Local people are selected by the “need” bond bondsmen through consensus of those interested in the selection process, forming the cooperative to service the “need” bond, once infrastructure is in place.
The “need” bond reverses the monopoly on capital, collectively the bond allows any service to be created as people create what they “need” free of usury, reducing costs increasing quality and increasing the earnings of all involved, through the providing of those services. All bonds are closed, meaning not open to the public (corporations), only bondsmen can access the services of the bond they have contributed towards creating. Like bonds can be networked, meaning if you were a bondsman of a local supermarket, you could freely access any other “need” bond supermarket on the bonding platform.
Instead of seeking the lowest priced supermarket for your groceries, the supermarket cooperative bondsmen servicing the supermarket “need”, either source the lowest prices through corporation, for the very highest quality, and add nothing to the bulk saving, the bondsman paying only the proportionate cost of what they consume, paying proportionately of the whole. Or they create “need” bonds on the bonding platform, if no “need” bond exists, to satisfy a need, within a regional location. Growing the wealth within the local community.
The supermarket “need” bondsmen can request products from the supermarket cooperative, who will check the bonding platform to see if any “need” bond already exists, and the distance away if it does, if their is no local cooperative for the need, and demand is high, a ” need”bond would be organised.
The quality, materials, methods and requirements of any product are determined by the “need” bondsmen through the consensus of those interested in determining such details, these details are bound by the reciprocal duty of care which prevents trading contaminated, dangerous, toxic or fraudulent goods. The bond cannot supply pasteurised, carbon-monoxide treated, bleach dipped, heavy metal contaminated, genetically modified or heavily pesticide, herbicide, insecticide, or toxic chemical laced or laden foods, or products allowing toxins that the body will come into contact with and absorb, these would break the inherent duty of care reciprocally incumbent on every soul.
Further restrictions of supply can be imposed such as animal treatment, production methods etc. as determined through the consensus of the “need” bondsmen. All supplier information would be available open source to all bondsmen. When the collective create the service they control the quality, and who would want to give themselves rubbish?
The cost of testing a new product would need to be formed by the first procurement supermarket bond using a corporate product, but as the model grew that would be a shared cost added equally across all procurement bonds members. All tested products would have their results freely shared with all bondsmen.
Once the bonding model has wider application the ideal would be to seek bonded cooperative manufacturing which functions through the true cost bonding model, with costs determined from the labour, overheads and materials used in delivering that production to you, while the depreciation of infrastructure and equipment costs are a shared burden proportionate to annual utilisation from those bondsmen with the “need”, this could for example be added to the cost at 10%, then a refund given annually once the true cost is known. The 10% would be stored separately on the platform and used to cover the depreciation repayments and to accumulate to replace equipment periodically and for the cost of the maintenance of infrastructure and servicing of equipment.
A bondsman can enter the secure supermarket, even accompanied with his family, the supermarket is not open to the public at all, using your voice scan allows access, just grab your shopping from the supermarket shelves like a normal supermarket.
Self checkout means no cashiers and no lines slowing down the process of shopping, so the shop is sped up, it also reduces the labour costs and allows far more products lines to be available on the shelves, compared to an online supermarket which is comparatively labour intensive. The main labour for online is in the picking of items across a large product range, which is time consuming and hence expensive, this effectively precludes the online model unless, as a separate service, paid on demand by the end user.
The cost of stolen goods is born by the supermarket cooperative bondsmen as an equal burden, if a thief is within the supermarket cooperative bond, it’s a cost born by the whole supermarket cooperative not the “need” bondsmen, because they are the gate keepers, if they were free of responsibility for the goods in their keeping, then they would be free to steal wholesale. No need bond is not open to the public, and a supermarket would be built in a way entry is extremely difficult for anyone outside of the bond, and to enter the system records.
If anyone steals from the supermarket, once they’re identified they would be banned from the bond, if the thief is only accompanying the bondsman, it’s the bondsman that brought the thief into the supermarket, so it is the bondsman that’s banned from the bond, they carry the responsibility for those they bring. Bondsmen are monitored through a network of cameras that record activity within the supermarket, and if theft occurs these could then be examined to determine the culpable.
When all your shopping is complete and you’ve used the self check out, you simply walk out of the store with your shopping, the payment is through the advancing platform using the cryptocurrency, no fiat money is used or accepted.
If you have any issues or questions in the store, the supermarket would be constantly restocked by the cooperative bondsmen, who would help shoppers on request.
A modern supermarket throws away around 40% of all fresh produce, this inflates the cost to the consumer and is an extremely wasteful system. They reduce the waste by using some of this waste in prepared foods, for example in the supermarket restaurant or the cooked foods counter.
Most people have a set weekly shop with slight variations, about 80% of products shoppers buy, they buy every week, so this could be anticipated with software to have the produce stocked in advance to reduce waste.
This type of supermarket has no cash involvement, which is perfect for an advancing cryptocurrency model, making it entirely separate from the corporate government mafia and the banking system.
It requires minimum labour, a large supermarket needs only a buyer, goods collecting and delivering to the supermarket and the shelves stocked, requiring a fraction of the labour of an online supermarket model, and so reduces costs further. It requires no advertising, special offers, lost leaders, or product marketing, removing these costs, with all goods being sold at 10% above bare costs, to cover, deposit guarantee, maintenance, wastage and thefts, and potentially symbiotic cooperative development.
Because the cryptocurrency is linked to the fiat commodities market to determine the true value of fiat in real time, when exchange is made, the prices of goods in the supermarket do not fluctuate, only if new symbiotic cooperatives develop that lower the cost of goods would the prices alter, as corporate suppliers were reduced.
The suppliers are paid on collection or delivery for all goods, the advancing cryptocurrency platform pays in advance on behalf of the “need” bondsmen before collection, if the supplier wants their product to be stored in bulk, in the warehouse of the supermarket, to reduce delivery costs, before they’re sold, they’re only paid as the product is bought, any bulk stored unsold expired product is return to the supplier at their loss, and any returned goods, from any supplier, due to fault are returned to the supplier and refunded or replaced by them at their cost.
This model allows any number of bondsmen access to supermarkets, who do most of the labour themselves, of selecting items across the store, which is the expensive aspect making an online delivery model overly expensive, so a large store would require only HGV drivers and shelf loaders/store cleaners and buyers once set up, so a single cooperative of 16 could run the whole system for 8 hours a day, this allows higher hourly earnings for the cooperative bondsmen servicing the supermarket and lower shopping bills for the “need” bondsmen. Symbiotic cooperatives could be created within the store if desired, cafe, bakery, butchers, etc.
The maximum number of bondsmen in any cooperative bond providing a service, is 16 (at no time can there be any employees, this is absolutely unacceptable and would dissolve the cooperative if discovered). If for example you wanted a 24 hour, 7 day a week supermarket, then you would need several cooperative bonds servicing the same infrastructure provided by the parent bondsmen. The reason cooperatives are always small is because people work best in small teams, it reduces conflicts and builds common unity, after 16 this usually falls apart, and so the maximum must always be no more than 16. There is no need of management in this model, and all bondsmen within the cooperative should eventually be able to carry out any task within the group.
If the consensus was a 34 hour working week (each unskilled bondsmen earning £680 – £850 a week), then 5 separate cooperative bonds would need to be formed, each with enough bondsmen to provide the service, up to 16 members. The rotation of the bonds would be either worked out logically, or determined between the groups.
The average supermarket worker (2020) earns £7.60 a hour
The average supermarket manager earns £12.17 an hour.
The minimum wage anyone should earn is £20 – £25 an hour (at present values as the cryptocurrency is none inflationary), and this would be the base rate for all unskilled workers involved in any cooperative.
8760 hours a year, with, in this example, 16 bondsmen working every hour, is 140,160 worked hours a year, that’s £2,803,200 min. annual labour costs.
With 20,000 parent “need” bondsmen using the cooperative, that would be £140 – £175 a year per shopper, if the average shop is low at £2000 annually (£3,312 -£4926 average UK grocery spend, depending on source) which would include the 10%-20% added by production (dependent om perishability of product) to cover waste through perished goods, and labour costs, then the cooperative supermarket add a further 10% to the base cost of goods, £200 per parent bondsmen would be generated through purchases, allowing the earnings to be easily paid, the refundable deposit serviced, waste and theft covered (if the culpable are determined). In other words by adding 10% to the base cost of goods all labour costs would be covered. Each “need” bondsman would have to pay an annual cost towards depreciation of infrastructure and equipment proportionately.
The cost of a each cooperative is determined and any excess paid is returned proportionately to the buyer bondsman across the bond, the system records all trades, and can then calculate the amount each bondsman traded of each item, to determine the amount, if any, they are owed.
Product Range
Products are determined by demand from bondsmen, new products requested then sourced by the buyer and presented online to be reviewed and demand determined. All products supplied by the supermarket are required to adhere to the duty of care inherent within reciprocal bonds, meaning they cannot be GMO, pesticide, sweetener, herbicide, chemical toxin, heavy metal laden, microwaved etc.
The need for a large selection of the same product, manufactured by different companies, for example fruit yogurt, wouldn’t be needed, the best organic fruit yogurt would be found, or a cooperative developed, and sold at cost plus 10%, providing the highest quality, and at a lower cost than the lowest priced corporate supermarket brand.
Profit (Usury) is Removed from the System
2018 revenues of the top four supermarkets in the UK:
- Tesco made £2080 million profit (gross sales £45000 million UK – global £63911 million)
- Sainsbury’s £635 million profit (gross sales £28456 million)
- Asda £712 million profit (gross sales £22200 million)
- Morrisons £374 million profit (gross sales £1723 million)
Total £3801 million profits (Total sales £97379 million)
Allowing for creative accounting, profits would be considerably higher than those declared.
UK Population 12.9 million families = £7549 per family annual avg. spend (avg. family income £48044) this included fuel, electrical and clothing, besides groceries bought at a supermarket chain.
UK companies supplied just under 50% of the food consumed in the UK. Foreign workers on farms and plantations that supply big UK supermarkets are being subjected to poverty and human rights abuses, according to Oxfam.
The monopoly of the 4 Conglomerate corporations that own 96% of all global corporations dictate production, allowing a small group of criminally wealthy parasites to impose contaminated foods and demand uncontaminated food be labelled as organic and require certification, while they hide the contaminated foods, genetically modified, chemically enhanced, pesticide and herbicide soaked foods as widely as possible, even seeking the corporation of government legislate upon the enslaved populations to impose toxic products and either ban or heavily tax less toxic ones. An example of this being soft drinks in the UK, now either completely sugar free, or mainly sugar free with the neurotoxic excrement of bacteria used as the sweetener.
The supermarket monopoly in the UK allows high prices and restricted and dictated choice of goods.
When a new supermarket is built the corporation gains the money from a bank credit, created from nothing, with fees and interest attached; a £5 million loan at 6% would, after 20 years, cost around £10 million. The loan is used to pay the costs of building.
The construction contractors add profits of around 30% to 50% on top of all real building cost, all companies involved in construction must pay value added tax presently set at 20% in the UK, along with taxation demanded by the government mafia on all materials, labour, and fuel. Government fees to allow planning and to oversee construction are demanded, to check work is within the policy of the corporation government mafia. The utility corporations demand large sums to allow the super market to connect to the utility infrastructure of water, sewage, telecommunications, highways, gas and electricity. And the cost of parasitical accountants who must oversee all costs and supply the state mafia with proof the supermarket, construction companies and material providers have paid all demanded extorted taxation. All material suppliers are liable for the same taxation costs on all labour, profits and material including value added taxation, on top of this the cost of license is imposed on many suppliers by the State mafia. All these costs added to the actual cost are ultimately passed onto the end users of the supermarket, and all should be removed.
The UK Population 12.9 million families = £7549 per family annual avg. spend (avg. family income £48044) (not taking into account smaller supermarkets like Aldi, Netto, Co-op, etc.)
A modern supermarket build is a large investment, an example is in Bicester, a 63,000 sq ft Tesco store with a restaurant, eight-pump petrol filling station, and 600-capacity car park
The cost of land (2020) varies, lets for this example say the land costs £1 million to buy the deed of tenancy from the government mafia, and then make the deed void by forming a substantive allodial reality, through un-registration and the establishment of multilateral bonds of behaviour sealed by every implementing bondsmen and acknowledged by all those with connected physical borders to the land.
Average cost (corporate) of build £40.45 per square foot 63000 X 40.45 = £2,548,350
Car park construction cost approx. £8 sq ft (65,040 sq ft =600 car capacity) = £520,320
Fitting out a supermarket with walk in freezers, display freezers, racking in warehouse and display racking in supermarket, security systems, checkouts, trolleys, etc. approx. £1 million
Stocking the Supermarket £500,000 (this is a separate advance from the platform guaranteed through the stored labours within the goods)
This means to create a walk in supermarket would cost approx. £4 million or more. If we round it up with HGV vehicles, trailers, fitting out the store and other setting up expenses to £5 million as a rough guide price.
The first symbiotic cooperative bond the parent cooperative could create, could be a construction cooperative bond, this would reduce the cost of building and increase the quality.
Using advancing cryptocurrency to create the bond, allows people to join without any resources, simply on the strength of their deferred guarantee of repayment.
For example if the bond requires 1000 bondsmen to join before it is initiated, and the projected cost is £5 million, then the annual deprieciation would be calculated on the estimated life expectancy of the infrastructure.
If the infrastructure were estimated to last, for example, 80 years, then the depreciation would be an annual cost of 5 million / 80 = 62,500, proportionately divided buy all “need”bondsmen, initially1000 = 62.5 annually, this is paid in advance, and continues to be paid annually until a bondsman leaves the bond. The infrastructure is a common, it has no legal fiction holding it, the common of allodial utilisation by the guarantor bondsmen of the “need” bond, one and all.
As the supermarket gains use the amount required for the deposit per bondsmen lowers, so when 2000 bondsmen are in the bond, the depreciation per year reduces to 31.25 per annum, when 20,000 bondsmen are in the bond 3.12 annually in depreciation is due, etc.
The average number of customers using 1 Morrison’s supermarket in the UK is 22,000 with a total average of 73 full time employees servicing each, 24 hour, supermarket directly, so in the example we present a maximum of 80 bondsmen could do the same, but with self check out and trolley return, and free of unnecessary management structures which drain both motivation and resources.
If a cooperative fails, due to greed, poor quality service, or the need no longer being required, as for example a new technology replaces the old, the cooperative bondsmen, that for example manufacture chocolates for the supermarket as a symbiotic bond, have at the outset, when joining the bond, guaranteed collectively a 20% deposit of the total value of the infrastructure and equipment invested by the parent “need” bondsmen that formed their cooperative.
This 20% is the protection for the guarantee of the “need” bondsmen, it’s used to repay the advance from the advancing platform, if the sale of the infrastructure and equipment, fails to generate enough to cover the outstanding advance, and also it covers any costs incurred in the dissolution of the cooperative.
The servicing cooperative bondsmen provides the labour, and do not provide the infrastructure or equipment, that is funded by the parent “need” bondsmen who “need” the labour.
The cooperative supplying goods and services exists for the benefit of the parent “need” bond only, they have a closed bond, meaning they do not need salesmen, advertising, promotions, or to cut corners on production to increase profits. They can only provide service to the parent “need” bond or similar independent bonds created on the platform at other locations. If other “need” bonds wish to share the service of a cooperative bond, as a network.
This model serves both the provider of goods and services and the consumer, as it removes all parasites of management and owners, employers and profits, rental, debt interest and taxation, effectively four of the five forms of usury, when the land is held allodially by a community in common, it removes all 5 forms of usury.
While it increases quality, increases earnings considerably for those creating the goods and services, and reduces the costs considerably to the end users. The more elements provided for a cooperative that manufactures goods or provide services through other symbiotic cooperative bonds, the cheaper and higher quality the goods and services.
For example, a chocolate manufacturing cooperative requires packaging, a symbiotic cooperative could grow hemp, process it into paper, and provide the printed packaging required for that, and many other cooperatives.
Symbiotic Cooperative Generation
As the concept expands outwards, and more elements supplying the individual cooperative are provided by other cooperatives, the costs reduce concurrently, and the quality increases, while all the generators of those goods and services gain far more for their efforts within a local community. No need to worry about exploitation, or contamination with GMO’s, chemical additives or unhealthy processing methods, because every bondsmen has agreed, by joining the bond, to the inherent duty of care binding every soul to every other. It is a cooperative of equals, without any employees, working for a common purpose and all invested in that challenge, it’s not a job it’s a commitment to help and build common unity, both within the cooperative itself and the community at large.
If demand for a supermarket exceeds the ability of the cooperative to service the volume of bondsmen, a second supermarket bond could be generated at another location to share the burden, there would be no reason all supermarkets bonds couldn’t be shared by all bondsmen of any supermarket bond, as long as they were using the same advancing cryptocurrency platform.
Once a second “need” supermarket bond is created locally, all the symbiotic cooperatives developed by the first supermarket bond, could be used to supply the new supermarket bond, and vice-versa.
Several cooperative bonds can be created by the “need” bondsmen to further lower product costs, a few examples:
- Bakery Cooperative Bond
- HGV Supply Cooperative Bond
- Butchers cooperative Bond
- Farmers Cooperative Bond
- Confectioners Cooperative bond
- Cooked Fresh and Frozen Foods Cooperative Bond
- Etc.
The more the “need” supermarket bondsmen helps to develop attached local cooperative Bonds, the lower the cost of goods, the faster collection and so fresher the product, the higher the quality of goods rises and those who create the goods receive 100% of the fruits of their labours. The local community is not drained of resources but is fed and grows keeping the wealth locally not drained away by parasites.
To create these bonds requires nothing more than to guarantee to repay the depreciation of the advance on infrastructure and equipment annually.
The extortion of taxation is linked to the fiat debt certificate and banking system, using the advancing cryptocurrency within a closed bond (not open to the public) there is no need to pay the agents of the corporation of government mafia taxation as there is no profit at all. Using a closed bond allows some to be excluded from the bond, such as civil servants, military, police, lawyers, politicians, all usurious parasites and additionally all psychopaths as these parasites are proven corrupt.
Bondsmen are free to leave a bond at any time, both the ones with the “need” for goods and services and those within cooperatives providing them, and either they may join a bond that provides a better service or opportunity, as opportunity allows, or simply abandon the cooperative as they wish.
There is no advantage in this model to keeping secrets, in fact there is a great advantage in sharing innovations in technology, and improved methods of production, as any cooperative can request an increase in hourly earnings, there is no inflation in this model, so an increase is in real value, and to support such a request, when production is increased, quality improved or new products created, you’d have a good position to make your case.
Joining a Cooperative
To join a cooperative bond, which produce products and services, such as a supermarket work force or symbiotic producer, you place your details on the bonding platform, linked to the cooperatives seeking formation, or expansion, the need bondsmen then, through consensus of those interested enough to be involved in the selection process, decide who they would like to join the cooperative bond, and once decided, the new cooperative bondsman is on a period of probation for six months.
The new bondsman has to contribute proportionately to a store of value of guarantee, specific to the infrastructure utilised by the cooperative, amounting to 20% of the value of the infrastructure shared proportionately across all bondsman within the cooperative. If the cooperative bond fails, due to poor service or corruption, that 20% held in a form of escrow, is used to cover any losses or costs in the creation of a replacement cooperative, or to cover any losses in the dissolution of a cooperative and the selling off of all infrastructure and equipment to refund the “need” bond advance.
“Need” bondsmen are free to leave at any time (no reason is required), and may join a bond that provides a better service, or they may move to a different area, or a bondsman may die, to reimburse those bondsman, or their heirs, any amount of over payment they are owed from the bond (the 10% added to goods may exceed the amount required to cover the labour cost of the cooperative, and so any amount greater is reimbursed annually).
Cooperative bondsmen may leave at any time (no reason is required), the full amount held in deposit is returned to them, by the earthcoinage platform, and the remaining cooperative bondsmen are proportionately required to pay that amount, to return the 20% of infrastructure value, this value is fixed at the value set, when the cooperative was formed.
If a new bondsman replaces the departed bondsman, they pay their proportionate share of the 20% deposit, and if the cooperative bondsmen have paid, they are reimbursed. The 20% guarantee protects the “need” refundable deposits.
If the number of “need” bondsmen drops below the minimum, the system seeks consensus from all remaining need bondsmen about the complete dissolution of the cooperative bonds servicing the need. The cooperative bondsmen would present their case to the “need” bondsmen, if they wished to save the cooperative, and when all the issues have been considered a reasoned consensus would be made.
The goods within the supermarket would be sold at cost plus 10%, presently supermarkets waste around 40% of perishable goods, within this model that could not be allowed, and solutions to that waste would have to be developed, for example creating symbiotic cooperative bonds that would utilise the perishable goods before they became waste, making cooked, pickled, fermented, and baked goods to sell in the supermarket, as a form of recycling. And when recycled perishable goods reach their half life, freeze them and sell them as frozen goods; for example a cooked fruit pie stays fresh for 2 days, after the first day, if it remains in the supermarket it’s frozen, and sold as a frozen fruit pie.
To make the frozen goods more appealing, the added cost of perishable goods is greater, adding 10%, while the added cost to frozen goods is sold without the added 10%, this allows a saving to be gained from using the recycled goods, it also offsets the inherent risk of wastage from perishable fresh goods, such as vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy, bread etc.
Because the goods in the super market are sold at cost, all enjoy the savings of buying in large volumes from the present corporate suppliers (until cooperatives can be formed to replace them), goods are more likely to be sold at low cost, additionally using the cryptocurrency allows people to buy without taxation (the interest demanded for the use of labour) or profit (the interest demanded for the use of capital), or debt interest and fees on loans, rental (the interest demanded for the use of infrastructure) on property.
I will reiterate, an important aspect of the closed bond is exclusivity, it is only open to the “need” bondsmen within the “need” bond, and only those not working against community may be a part of that bond.
The bonding system excludes all psychopaths, politicians, banking executives, multi-millionaires or above, those who oppress those around them through the imposed monopolies of usury cannot be a part of an alternative to that oppressive abuse. This is done through the reciprocal bond itself, which is a written agreement. In the case of joining the closed bond software platform, it is a multilateral reciprocal bond, and this bond is sealed with a referenced physical imprint, such as your right thumb print, a voice scan and ear scan to join (no legal identification), with two witnesses to that agreement who’s face/ear and voice scan are also stored on the platform, because if the bondsman is proven to have lied, all three are banned from the bond, the bondsman and his two witnesses, so if the witnesses are not on the platform, they can never join nor can they be witness again for any other.
The bonding model weakens the usury monopolies, it can be applied to any aspect or service of community. If people get behind the development of the bonding platform, it creates a skeleton framework to build any reciprocal bond, ideally people would get behind the creation of the foundation of the software concept. A 100% advancing cryptocurrency, which maintains a fixed value linked to the commodities market within a closed bond, no fees or interest, P2P, key pair encrypted, polycentric, free of constructed legal fictions of person, legal name, etc., please consider contributing to building the software platform.
Bond Structure
A bond is created by the utilisers not those with a monopoly on capital, collectively the bond allows any service to be created as people create what they need free of usury, reducing costs increasing quality and increasing the earnings of all involved through providing that service. All bonds are closed, meaning not open to the public (corporations), only bondsmen can access the services of the bond they have contributed towards creating.
Instead of seeking the lowest priced supermarket, the “need” bondsmen source the lowest prices, you pay the proportionate cost consumed, proportionately of the whole plus 10%. The only added cost is the labour, overheads and materials used in delivering that to you.
Like all procurement bonds it has two parts, the refundable deposit and the direct cost from utilisation.
The procurement bond members request products from the cooperative procurement bond, only restricted by contamination, the bond cannot supply pasteurized, carbon-monoxide treated, bleach dipped, heavy metal contamination, genetically modified or heavily pesticide, herbicide, insecticide, or toxic chemical laced or laden foods, or products allowing toxins that the body will come into contact with and absorb, these would break the inherent duty of care reciprocally incumbent on every soul.
Further restrictions of supply can be imposed such as animal treatment, production methods etc. as determined through the consensus of the procurement bond members, all supplier information would be available open source to all bondsmen.
The cost of testing a new product would be a shared cost funded through the 10% excess added to payments. And as the concept spread and more procurement bonds developed a cooperative bond could be created for testing products and sharing the information freely with all procurement bonds.
The cost of any products procured, but that disappears (stolen), without a procurement bondsmen buying them, is born by the supermarket cooperative bond members as an equal burden not the parent bond, to reiterate, if a thief is within the supermarket cooperative bond, it’s a cost born by the whole supermarket cooperative not the procurement bondsmen.
Creating a Cooperative Independently to a Need Bond
If you did not want to be connected to a “need” bond, you could create an independent cooperative on the bonding platform, this would mean you would fund your own infrastructure, equipment, choose your own cooperative bondsmen, and determine your own production, the supermarket bond would, if they were happy with the quality of your product allow you to trade your goods, they would simply add 10% and stock it, you would determine the cost of your produce, you would determine the materials used etc, however you would still be bound to the reciprocal duty of care.
If your produced perished while stocked, it would be your loss, if you did not trade enough of your produce to cover your costs and make a reasonable hourly rate, that would be your loss.
The same restrictions apply to all cooperatives, to be on the bonding platform, you could not employ others to work in your cooperative, only those within your cooperative could work in your cooperative to a maximum of 16.
- Using the bond saves the bondsmen utilising the goods around 40% on their annual grocery bill.
- Bondsmen providing the service of the supermarket earn free of mafia tax, and over two or three times as much as present supermarket worker earns per hour.
- The quality of the goods sold is much higher, healthier, free of contamination.
- The bond works to create supply directly from local sources, if possible, providing local jobs at higher reward, ideally, at least twice the corporate benefit.
- Using the 100% advancing earthcoinage cryptocurrency, costs are reduced further as the corporation of government mafia cannot access earning, the cooperative members do “not” own the infrastructure they only utilise it, the bondsmen of the need procurement bond collectively hold the value of all infrastructure within a bond advance they garantor, it is a common resource, preventing the mafia claiming the infrastructure in lieu of taxes. Additionally saving within the closed bond of the cryptocurrency prevents the agents of government mafia accessing savings, and the banking mafia cannot steal their value through creating debt known as inflation.
- No money is involved in the bond directly, it’s fully online, this is ideal for the advancing cryptocurrency platform, computers are ideally suited to accounting.
If you would like to contribute towards the further development of this software concept, please use the links below:
Bitcoin: 1AJbuwae13x3qVv1UALB6WnMafGEnuu2Yc
Paypal: [email protected]