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Written by Abdun Nur
866 A.D – The Danes – Jordvik
During the first stages of the Saxon wars the Danes often lent aid to the assailed Saxons; Charlemagne responded by strengthening the fortifications in the frontier area facing Denmark. The seagoing Danes began to raid the Frankish territory along the North Sea coast, a threat Charlemagne sought to counter by creating a Frankish fleet. The Danes fought against the Vatican efforts of domination.
In 866 the Danes established Jordvik, which was at the center of what is today, Yorkshire (being the shires of York – York is the modern corruption of Jordvik). This grew quickly and became the largest settlement in Albien, the Danes lived harmoniously with the indigenous population. This may have been altruistic or through the benefits of the rex system, but they rid the Britains of the Vatican Ba’al Christian religious fraud and the threat of the Angles and the Saxon white slavers of the south. Within the system of arbitration, working as a rex was likely well paid.
The Anglo Saxon Chronicle notes in 870 the tables begin to turn. “At the same time came they to Medhamsted, burning and breaking, and slaying abbot and monks, and all that they there found. They made such havoc there, that a monastery, which was before full rich, was now reduced to nothing.” Medhamsted was named because there was a well there called Meadswell, this was the site of St. Peters minster. The Christians began to be routed from the land.
During 871 the West Saxons in the southern counties under Christian county King, Alfred, (A.S Chronicle) “There were nine general battles …. south of the Thames, besides those skirmishes …… which were accounted nothing” [App 1/27]. Asser
“and Alfred …. he fought a battle with a few men and on very unequal terms against all the army of the pagans …… the Saxons had been worn out by eight battles in one year against the pagans who had slain one king, nine dukes and innumerable troops …… both by night and day … Alfred and all his chieftains with their men and several of his ministers were engaged without rest or cessation against the pagans” [App 2/23] The Danes and the indigenous Albiens were referenced as the Pagans.
By 877 the fortunes of King Alfred were on the decline: “with a few of his nobles and certain soldiers and vassals …. used to lead an unquiet life among the woodlands ….. in great tribulation for he had none of the necessaries of life except what he could forage …. or steal from the pagans” [App 2/35]
Eventually the white slavers that remained were forced to exist as roaming bandits, hiding out in woods, or to shelter within the last remaining stronghold, London.
The desperate King of the white slavers decreed all Danes should be killed. The power of the slavers was now very weak and all they could manage was to attack a small isolated community of Danes in Oxford on Friday, the 13th of November 1002, the St. Brice’s Day massacre, the Danish families were driven into a church and it was burnt to the ground with them trapped inside. Below, a mass grave of Danes, claimed from that event, uncovered in Oxford.
Londinium 65-80 A.D
The earliest written reference to London, dated A.D. 65-80; it reads “Londinio Mogontio” that is, “in London, to Mogontius.”. London was likely established by the Roman empire as a base of operations, as all Roman culture, it was filled with sexual perversions, rape, mutilation, slavery and avarice, their sins of the flesh have no constraints, paedophilia and homosexuality were always rampant in all Roman Ba’alist cults, even many centuries before they invented Christianity.
As the Danes worked over the next 200 years to purge Albien of the slavery and corruptions of Ba’al Christianity, by 1066 London stood as the last stronghold of the Angles and the Saxons. It is safe to ignore all the fabricated kings, lords and machinations invented by the Vatican before the conquest, no evidence exists to support any of this, all documents were forged after the conquest. There was no British or English throne, Angle-land only existed in the machinations of the Vatican before the conquest, it had no king. Angle and Saxon kings, never controlled anything but small areas, they were simply white slavers and extortionists that murdered, raped and robbed, as all kings do.
The fabrication of history created after 1066, centered around the, ‘Rex Anglorum’ claimed to flow from the coin issue Offa rex. This document ‘Rex Anglorum’ never existed before the conquest and was never a concept that could have existed, it exists today as a proved cynically manufactured forgery, created after the Norman conquest, as a transparent justification for a unified subjugating monarch concept. Consider the 9/11. Commission Report, a hefty book of complete and utter bullshit created by the US government mafia to form a narrative, without any basis in reality, this is exactly the same as all the documents manufactured after the conquest, created to allow the government mafia to form the narrative they want people to believe, and for a statist that is all the mafia need do, to achieve complete acceptance.
It became clear to the Vatican they had to enslave Albien if they were to enslave the whole of humanity.
The Creation of the Feudal System
The Frankish kings in 847 agreed the edict, given at Mersen, contained the following clause: “Every free man shall be allowed to select for himself a lord, either the king or one of the king’s vassals; and no vassal of the crown shall be obliged to follow the king to war, except against foreign enemies” This is a statement of enslavement, every free man must have an owner, every owner is owned by the King and the king is owned by the pope, this required the giving of an oath of fealty, giving someone ownership of yourself. Under the sovereign you could be released from your bond, but not from the king.
“If anyone shall wish to leave his lord (seniorem,) and is able to prove against him one of these crimes, that is, in the first place, if the lord has wished to reduce him unjustly into servitude; in the second place, if he has taken counsel against his life ; in the third place if the lord has committed adultery with the wife of his vassal, in the fourth place if he has wilfully attacked him with a drawn sword ; in the fifth place, if the lord has been able to bring defence to his vassal after he has commended his hands to him, and has not done so ; it is allowed to the vassal to leave him. If the lord has perpetrated anything against the vassal in these five points it is allowed the vassal to leave him.” (CAPITULARY CONCERNING FREEMEN AND VASSALS, 816AD – M.G.LL,I,196.Latin.)
Normandy Under the Carolingian dynasty property was of two kinds; the holders of allodial lands, enjoyed them absolutely and independently. On the other hand, benefices or fiefs (from the Anglo-Saxon feof, cattle, money) were granted by a lord to a person who, in return for that grant, and for the protection it insured on the part of the baron, obliged himself to do military service, to render pecuniary assistance. Now it would frequently happen that the owner of allodial property, isolated amongst all his independence, found it impossible to live securely and comfortably in the vicinity of barons stronger or more powerful than himself. He would then select one of these barons or feudal lords, recommend himself to him, as the saying was, make over to him by a kind of feigned cession (to yield) his allodial property, and then receive it back again as a benefice, together with all the duties, obligations, and burdens belonging to it. As a matter of course, beneficiary property soon formed the rule, except south of the Loire, and there was no landed property which did not depend upon another property, no man who was not the vassal or dependent of another man. The hereditary transmission of landed property and of all charges, offices, and positions of trust was sanctioned by the edict of Kiersy (877).
We thus see that every bandit lord or landowner (land Ba’alist), enjoyed the same rights and privileges as the king himself over the slaves upon his lands. When Hugues Capet (King of the Franks from 987 to 996) came to the throne, he found a hundred and fifty barons owning the right of legislating, coining, administering justice, making war, and concluding treaties with their neighbours. The king, therefore, had no greater power as such, but only so far as he possessed some important fief, whether dukedom or count-ship.
After 1086 and the completion of the genocide of William the Bastard, the first ownership of land based on the fiction of estate, existed in Albien, using the simple trust, the trinity of corporation. They established a state, being a crown corporation as owner, and feudal lords as tenants paying rent. This means the land and the slave upon it are always the property of the corporation, all that is bought and sold by the slaves are the lease hold of the property from the corporate state, which itself would become just a subsidiary of the Church. This invested the power of Ba’al in the King alone, and ended the sharing of power. This early model didn’t have govern mental structure in the present way, as psychopathic violence crushed the slaves low, the psychopaths did not care what the slaves thought, murder quickly silenced any dissent, the king simply had a court of advisers, and a system of overlords.
“Urged by faith, we are obliged to believe and to maintain that the Church is one…..proclaims: ‘One is my dove, my perfect one. She is the only one, the chosen of her who bore her’…..clearly that spiritual power surpasses in dignity and in nobility any temporal power whatever…..For with truth as our witness, it belongs to spiritual power to establish the terrestrial power…..Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” (Boniface VIII: THE BULL UNAM SANCTAM , 1302)
Preparations for the Conquest of Albien
In 1049 AD pope Alexander II (an subordinate assistant to Hilderbrand), declared William the Bastard’s (Guillaume le Bâtard – propagated by the Roman Catholics (Catholic means universal) as William the Conqueror), marriage to the daughter of Baldwin of Flanders incestuous and among other penances he was blackmailed to go on a crusade, the first Crusade of the Papacy.
In 1056, Emperor Henry III died and immediately Gregory VII ordered “his” militia to capture and execute Catholic Pope Leo IX (1049-1056).
Hilderbrand orchestrated the Murder of Pope Alexander II in order to eventually obtain the Papacy, which he achieved in 1073, giving himself the title Gregory VII throughout being financed by Venetian Jewish exile Pietro Leoni (1041- 1102) the wealthiest man in the world at that time, the original “Merchant of Venice” who bankrolled the formation of Ba’al feudalism, transforming the parasitic death cult Ba’alist religious movement, without this help and finance none of these corruptions, feudalism, Vatican domination nor the network of psychopaths bloodlines calling themselves kings, would have succeeded. Only an endless flow of money oils the machinery of war.
Pope Gregory VII instituted the office of Cardinal (Cardinal means relating to a hinge, hence, that on which something depends) and the College of Cardinals. To reinforce his claim that the Romans (Ba’alists) were in fact the legitimate heirs of the Catholic (universal) religion, he introduced the office of Cardinal whereby (as in ancient times), each (psychopathic bloodline) family would be permitted to have no more than one of their family members as a Cardinal. Thereafter, the office of Pontifex Maximus would be elected from this select group. He further introduced the myth that the Latins had “always” been Catholic by introducing new forged texts such as the Dictatus papae dictated by Gregory (Hilderbrand), some of the 27 statement were:
“That for him alone is it lawful, according to the needs of the time, to make new laws, to assemble together new congregations, to make an abbey of a canonry; and, on the other hand, to divide a rich bishopric and unite the poor ones.”
“That of the pope alone all princes shall kiss the feet.”
“That his name (the Pope’s) alone shall be spoken in the churches.”
“That this (the Pope) is the only name in the world.”
“That it may be permitted to him (the Pope) to depose emperors”
“That a sentence passed by him may be retracted by no one; and that he himself, alone of all, may retract it.”
“That he (The Pope) himself may be judged by no one.”
Gregory went even further, ensuring that Cybele (meaning “the mother of all gods” – Ba’al is “king of the gods”) now became Mary, Mother of God –and technically superior to Jesus — as official “doctrine” of the Catholic Church, within two hundred years, it would actually become official Catholic doctrine under the control of the Roman Ba’alist cult, it seems a Christian (Ba’al) worshipper will believe whatever the Ba’alist concoct.
The word “god” appears for the first time in the 6th century in the Christian Codex Argenteus, the word God isn’t Judeo-Christian in origin, but it’s possibly derived from Iranian xvatay, xwadag meaning “lord”, “ruler”, “master” It is the reflex of Avestan xva-dhata-“self-defined; autocrat”. Cybele is then the mother of all self-defined autocrats and Ba’al is the king of all the self-defined autocrats, an autocrat is a psychopath (such as a monarch) ruling with unlimited authority, one who has undisputed influence or power.
Pope Gregory VII officially declared that “the killing of heretics is not murder” and decreed it legal for the Church and its militants to kill non-believers in Christian dogma, and introduced the dogma that during the celebration of the Eucharist (representing a ritual of canniba’alism – giving bread with the words, “This is my body,” and wine with the words, “This is my blood.”), the canni-ba’al-istic act of eating the actual body and blood of another human being, labelled “transmutation or transubstantiation”, and had all murdered who rejected this, like Berengarius (999 – 1088) and his followers, as heretics.
“Baal (Hadad) is regularly denominated “the son of Dagan (grain),” Baal also bears the titles “Rider of the Clouds,” “Almighty,” and “Lord of the Earth.” He is the god of the thunderstorm, the most vigorous and aggressive of the gods, the one on whom mortals most immediately depend.”
“By the beginning of the third century AD it was Jewish/Baal religion that had almost become the religion of the Roman world.”
Eucharist is one of the seven sacraments, which are baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, marriage and holy orders. They are divided into three categories: sacraments of initiation, sacraments of healing and sacraments of service. The word sacrament origin is sacramentum meaning “military oath or pledge” – The death of calvinism” – by Edwin Vrell
He formalised the process of land and title, as a fiction placed upon the allodium, sanctioning and institutionalising historic methods of obtaining property by extortion and theft. In 1081 he instituted new laws called Caesaro-Papism (“to establish here on earth a living icon (a person worshiped with unquestioning devotion) of God’s government in heaven.” (The Orthodox Church (revised ed.), New York: Penguin Books, pp. 50)), in which institutions of the Church control the state/government of nations.
Peters pence was established whereby initially every house in France and Saxony (Germany) inhabited by a baptized person should pay an annual tribute of one denarius to the Pope, claiming it to be for “Blessed Peter” using the false letter created to deceive Pepin the Short into giving land to the Pope, and lying outright, claiming it to be an ancient custom first instituted by Charlemagne.
This was all preparation by the Jewish Pietro Leoni to become King of Rome, long after he was dead, in 1118, his son Pietro II Leoni and his mercenary army returned and slipped into Rome butchering the troops guarding Pope Paschal II and killing him. This time, Pietro declared himself not only the title of King of Rome, but Pontifex Maximus (Pope of the slaves) (Anti-Pope Callixtus (pope of the psychopaths)) in the tradition of Gregory VII (Hildabrand) and the Roman Ba’alist Cult founded in large part thanks to the Pietro dynasty. Pietro II Leoni, known as Pope Callixtus died in 1130 and was succeeded by his son Anti-Pope Innocent II (1130- 1143).
In 1066 William was charged with the conquest of Albien (England), Alexander II (Hilderbrand’s stooge) empowered William the Bastard with a Papal ring (A new ring is cast in gold for each Pope), the standard of St. Peter and a Papal edict to present to the English clergy who controlled the last A/S city London, he also received a consecrated banner in support of the subjugation of Albien (this banner signifies a solemn dedicated purpose of sacred religious sanctification (the establishing of the setting aside for special use or purpose)). It may have been the fact Normandy had the most comprehensive feudal system in Europe that made William so attractive, it was the most repressive and debasing societal model ever conceived at that point, the population had rebelled in the Peasant’s Revolt of 997.
“The peasants in Normandy rose up against their masters including the Count of Evreux, the uncle of Richard II, the Duke of Normandy. The revolt failed when the leaders were captured and executed”
“Dirty Filthy Christians”
Graves were unearthed, containing brass armour from just after the period of the conquest with three Welsh words, “budro” “fudron” “Cristnogion”, which translate into “Dirty Filthy Christians” they were found in an ancient stone grave site in the American Smoky Mountains, in 1799, where 8 skeletons encased in brass armour bearing the Welsh coat of arms, discovered having these three words inscribed upon them. Many took exile to escape the miseries of Norman oppression sailing even as far as the Americas.
According to folklore these 8 skeletons are a Welsh (euphemistic) Prince named Madog and some of his supporters who left Wales in 1170. A Welsh poem of the 15th century tells how (euphemistic) Prince Madoc sailed away in 10 ships and landed at, what is now named, America. The tribe of Welsh speaking native Americans were discovered in the smokey mountains well before the graves, the Ba’alists exterminated them completely, their escape only postponed their extermination by a few centuries. (“Dirty, Filthy, Christians”: Treatise On The Most Dangerous Death Cult In Human History – By David L. Booth)
America was named because it was the land in the west.
The ancient Berber word for Morocco is “Amerruk/Amurruk” It means, Land in the West
Varients – Amurika, Amurrica, Amurru, Amaru, Amuru, Amerruka, Amurruka, American
The original indigenous peoples of the Americas are Americana, Amurricans, Amurrukans, Amurikans, Al Mauri’kans, Al Moro’cans, Mori’cans, Maurs, Mors, Moors, Murrs, Murrs
Remember that America was never called India, it was not named after Amerigo Vespucci and that America TRULY is the Land in the West.
Thus historically and geographically, the original peoples of America are A’muri’kans/Muts – Al Mori’cans/Mors – Al Mauri’kans/Maurs
“The so-called consensual history is a finely woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the 16th Century. There is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artefact that could be reliably and independently traced back earlier than the 11th Century. The archaeological, dendrochronological, paleographical and carbon methods of dating of ancient courses are both non-exact and contradictory. “(Ref: “Dirty, Filthy, Christians”: Treatise On The Most Dangerous Death Cult In Human History. By David L Booth)
Orderic describes the Bastards character, of using poison to dispose of his enemies, of disinheriting men without due cause, of resorting to murder, of avarice and of failing to make an equitable distribution of the spoils of genocide.
William organized a council of wanton war at Lillebonne and openly began assembling an army of Mercenaries, criminals and aristocratic vermin in Normandy. Offering promises of stolen Albic lands, titles, plunder, and rape, he amassed a considerable invasion force, quotas for the supply of ships imposed on the Norman nobility he subjugated, indicate a fleet of around seven hundred and seventy ships.
It was written of the Norman Ba’alist lords. “They are a race inured to war, and can hardly live without it; fierce in rushing against the enemy, and, where force fails of success, ready to use stratagem or to corrupt by bribery….they live in spacious houses with economy, envy their superiors, wish to excel their equals, and plunder their subjects.”
William brought wooden fortresses over with a large force, documents do exist from several sources to support this, although the Vatican agents have historically both destroy documents that refute their lies, and also fabricate documents that support their lies.
William had brought with him in ships over the 50 miles of sea which separates England from Normandy, 6000 horses all shod and with saddles and stirrups. He also had archers as well as foot soldiers with swords, shields and spears.
Before William landed, the Vatican had organised a mercenary force 10,000 strong to attack the Danes in Jordvik, this effectively nullified the Danish threat.
They landed on the British coast, the first major lie, they fought a feudal King at Hastings, although widespread archeology has been done at many possible locations of the battle, the only thing ever found, at any of the possible sites of the battle of Hastings, is the head of a single battle-axe. No burial pits, no remains, no other artefacts. The Bastard was a siege lord, open battle was very rare during that period, as it was the stupidest way to wage war, and most dangerous to outcome, it was a tried and tested method to lay siege to towns and castles.
Harold is derived from the Old English name Hereweald, derived from the Germanic elements “Here” meaning “army” and “weald” meaning “power, leader, ruler”, so Harold was the term for an army leader of the German white slavers and racketeers. The only real record of the character Harold existing at all is from the propaganda motivated Bayeux Tapestry. If Harold did exist he would have been William’s ally, William would have reasonably been in support of the Angles and the Saxons, and London would have been a safe base of operations.
Orderic Vitalis remarks that after Hastings the Bastard ‘never once drove an army from the field of battle’. He had never done so before Hastings either. Yet we are to believe while he waited for two weeks for the arrival of his enemy, he positioned his army at the bottom of an extremely steep hill, giving the opposing force a great advantage, then with a force of equal size defeated them in open battle, when he was never famed as a great general, and doing so with such light losses of his force, he could then march into Albien burning cities and laying siege to London, then eventually spreading out and taking over the entire island.
The description of the Christian monks and priests who functioned before the conquest: “The clergy, contented with a little confused learning, could scarcely stammer out the words of the sacraments; and a person who understood grammar was an object of wonder and astonishment. The monks mocked the rule of their order by fine vestments and the use of every kind of food.”
The clergy state the need for the invasion “They revived, by their arrival, the rule of religion which had everywhere grown lifeless” (Roman Catholic Monk William of Malmesbury, d. 1143) – written 77 years after the events of 1066.
The claim the British Anglo-Saxon throne (city of London) was promised to William was the second time William had used that same lie to steal a kingdom. Williams force moved directly to Vatican controlled London, these would have been William the bastards allies, he clearly intended to betray the Vatican, and take it all.
As the Norman force travelled toward ‘The City’ of London, the population they encountered along the way were afraid, “the Normans gleefully rejoiced to see that they ‘flocked to submit like flies to a running sore’. William did not accept surrender, his objective was extermination, he attacked cities as his mercenary army came upon them along the journey, burning them to the ground even if they surrendered, as to impose feudalism you must exterminate the existing allodial population, surrender has no meaning when genocide is the objective, this same method is repeated again and again through history, when Ba’alist christianity expands, the expansion is led by genocide and maintained through abject ignorance.
William moved to London with his huge force, and laid siege to the city, he had come prepared for siege warfare not open warfare. But if he had just had a battle with a force of equal size, his forces would have been greatly diminished, however they clearly were not.
The reason William conquered Britain was not through skill or fighting ability, it was through a new technology of war, firstly moveable wooden fortresses that were used to force the local population to build stone castles, and if any trouble came the mercenaries bolted back to their fortress and hid, or used it as a defensible position. It was castles that conquered the population, the cowardly mercenaries murdered, raped and pillaged, then when people came after them, they ran away as quickly as possible to the castles to hide, and repel attacks.
Over the next five years until 1071 war raged throughout Albien, spreading to every region of the country, in addition foreign subjugating Kings periodically attempted to take sovereignty from William, the people of Albien fought and were worn down, the promise of easy wealth emptied Europe of every low life and thief it held, to fight against the Albic peoples.
William employed a method of harrying the population, which entailed the destruction of every building, field, animal, person and possession his mercenaries and the Christians from the southern kingdoms, now under Williams dictatorship, came across within Mercia and the other northern regions. After the land was burnt his men sowed the fields and land with salt, to stunt growth; after this treatment the land did not recover for more than 100 years, this created a powerful famine as an ally to William, who is said to have eliminated the native aristocracy (meaning the Rex’s and those who defended the cause of the weak, of the arbitration system) in as little as four years. He fell upon the Albic of the North like a raging rabid beast, without conscience, utterly without mercy and revelling in barbarity, so that the area was depopulated and impoverished for many decades.
In 1083, Matilda his wife died, and William became even more tyrannical over the realm he brutally subjugated, with the aid of the Roman Catholic Empire.
The people suffered horrifically in a baron land of death, those that survived were starving, weak and defeated, William showed no mercy to children, women or men, this wholesale extermination continued until his death in 1087 AD.
The death toll is unknown, but the majority of the enormous population of Albien disappeared. Due to the scorched earth policy, much of the land was laid waste and depopulated.
The Vatican was powerful in ‘The City’ of London and Bishops persuaded the people to accept a king. The Bastard himself, in a most facile manner, promised to be a gracious Lord to them. Yet, after the coronation Albien became a feudal military monarchy and was named ‘England’ by the Vatican, as any slave must take the name of its owner as title, they discovered that they had to pay heavy taxes and to redeem the lands they utilised in the past for considerable sums of silver coin under the new feudal ownership usury system.
Vatican agents gave full cooperation, and took generous areas of land for themselves producing forged charters to validate their thefts. The new King took possession of the land through the sword of conquest with extreme prejudice against the will of the inhabitants, then sold the land to the highest bidder, but not favorably to the indigenous peoples who were faced with buying the lands their families had utilised for centuries, even when bought back the Normans freely stole them once more, many of the indigenous people through fear collaborated with the Normans and so undermined any efforts to remove them. Men who had readily submitted in late 1066 or early 1067 soon regretted doing so.
The Bastard required large sums to pay his mercenary force, he had to satisfy the avarice of the vile ‘motley crew’ of adventurers who had helped him murder his way into power, and who expected to be well rewarded with the spoils, he cared not where he gained the money to keep paying them, he freely robbed the monasteries being established by the Vatican, who had plundered the local population by falsely claiming they would hold their valuables safe from the Normans, but having no intention of ever returning the valuables. The Bastard got wise to this and took it for himself.
This outraged the Church. Archbishop Ealdred who appointed and crowned the Bastard refused to give the Bastard the kiss of peace, cursing him, and reminded him that God had permitted him, William, to punish the English for their sins, with much bloodshed. “I give thee my curse, as thou art a persecutor of God’s Church and an oppressor of Her Ministers, breaking the oaths you swore to me at St. Peter’s Altar. As I once blessed you wrongfully so now I curse you rightfully”. The Vatican agents did not like to have the wealth they’d stolen taken from them.
This was a Vatican genocide and the Bastard was ‘priest-king’, commissioners were appointed to collect the wealth of the people of the land, while the bandit Lords created castle and tower to maintain the enslavement of the population. Castles were built far and wide by forced slave labour of the population, who were treated contemptuously, and the oppression grew ever worse, violence was the only tool applied and with ruthless bloody zeal.
The witen-gemots were taken over by the Bishops and the Lords, they would not deign to hear the reasonable pleas of the indigenous people, or give them impartial judgment. No one could trust the Kings word, and his agents were equally honourless. When their men-at-arms were guilty of plunder, rape or murder, they dismissed the case, and protected them by force and visited their wrath all the more violently upon those who dared to complain of the cruel wrongs they suffered.
Unlike the Normans, the indigenous peoples excelled in skill and craftsmanship and their women were skilled in embroidery and cloth of gold. They were a peaceful race much given to feasting rather than fighting.
The idea that it was possible for a king to govern his whole realm effectively and directly was still alien to men’s minds that king William had found it necessary to create a number of regional commands. He created government by ‘punitive expedition’; the unrestrained mass genocide was extended from Cheshire, into Shropshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.
The mercenaries moved upward reaching the north in 1070, using the vice of cruelty, with not restraint, his mercenaries cut down all in vengeance and hatred, they salted the fields, they turned homes to ash. Crops, herds, chattels and food of every kind were brought together and burned, stripping the land of any means of sustenance. Everywhere the bastards forces were given free rein, sent to hunt down and murder every indigenous soul they could find, they had been sent to destroy all means of livelihood, as the Roman adage, “make a desert and call it peace”.
The Bastard had created an artificial famine resulting in widespread starvation; disease and even forcing people to become cannibals, many became slaves in order to survive. Orderic Vitalis wrote. “He levelled both the bad and the good in one common ruin by a consuming famine…he was…guilty of wholesale massacre…and barbarous homicide.”
The Norman’s elites, including Abbots and Bishops, needed heavily armed military style escorts to protect them, when they ventured beyond the walls of their castles. William authorised Sheriffs to see to it that all men accepted the authority of the new Norman Bishops. It was refused absolutely that any indigenous man could be Bishop or Abbot, stating the appointment of any ‘competent man of any nationality except English’; English being the new title of the slave.
After this Norman policy hardened towards the English, and their lands were distributed as fiefs for the Norman settlers. For the English as they were now named, it was “too great a boon to allow them to enjoy even the privilege of life under their enemies.”
By fire, rapine and bloodshed; the ground left entirely uncultivated, the soil quite bare even down to the twelfth century.
Punitive law was now imposed, replacing the ancient terrente system of arbitration (terrente meaning someone down to earth (terra), realistic and sensible of mind, referencing a system of arbitration for those with the peace of this state of mind threatened). The “Murdrum” fine was introduced. If any man is slain, his lord shall arrest the slayer within five days if he can. If not, however, he shall begin to pay me(the Ba’alist king) 46 marks of silver from the property of the Lord as long as it lasts out. When. However, the property of the Lord fails, the whole hundred in which the murder was committed shall pay in common what remains. One mark was two-thirds of a pound in weight of sterling silver, so 46 marks was just over 30 pounds of silver or about 14kg.
If a Frenchman is slain and the hundred do not seize the slayer and bring him to court within 8 days, in order to prove who has done it, they shall pay the murder fine, namely 46 marks. Of these 46 marks, forty of them went to the king, who had lost a vassal, and six to the relatives of the dead man.
William the Bastard brought with him The Jews of Europe “a refined system of commercial slave law: their own form of commerce and a system of rules to facilitate and govern it. These rules made their way into the developing structure of English Law….Several elements of historical Jewish legal practice have been integrated into the English legal (slave law) system. Notable among these is the written credit agreement – shetar, or starr, as it appears in English documents. The basis of the shetar, or “Jewish Gage,” was a lien on all property…” (The Shetar’s Effect on English Law)
The Doomsday book.
The Domesday Book completed in 1086, called such because the writers believed, the land, possessions and people were the personal property of the sovereign until doomsday, the Christian end of the world, a catalogue and record of the great survey of the fiction established as England, being the land now subjugated to the Normans. The judgement of its assessors was final, whatever the book recorded about who held the material wealth or what it was worth, was the legislation, and there was no appeal. The census allowed the money lender to determine how much the corporation monarchy could borrow against the assets it held.
“Under their Norman and Angevin monarchs, Englishmen, (as they were now considered) had every opportunity to grasp the maxim: ‘No land without its lord.’…..the conquerors systematized them and brought every real property interest under the control of a simple formula: ‘Z holds that land of the lord king.’” (P & M, I, 232, Z tenet terram illam de…..domino Rege)
The Death of William the Bastard.
Williams death was poetic in its justice, physically his body was swollen by several years of excessive eating and drinking, during a campaigns against the French kings, while fighting at the Battle of Mantes, he was thrown against the pommel of his saddle so violently that his intestines burst. Five weeks later – on September 9, 1087 he died, on his death bed he made his confession, this is certainly a fabrication created by the Church in an attempt to humanise a psychopath:
“I treated the native inhabitants of the kingdom with unreasonable severity, cruelly oppressed high and low, unjustly disinherited many, and caused the death of thousands by starvation and war, especially in Yorkshire….In mad fury I descended on the people of the north like a raging lion, and ordered that their homes and crops with all their equipment and furnishings should be burnt at once and their great flocks and herds of sheep and cattle slaughtered everywhere. So I chastised a great multitude of men and women with the lash of starvation and, alas! was the cruel murderer of many thousands, both young and old, of this fair people.”
When William died the wealthier in attendance immediately left, anxious to protect their property now that their king was dead. Those who stayed behind, says Orderic, “seized the arms, vessels, clothing, linen, and all the royal furnishings, and hurried away leaving the king’s body almost naked on the floor of the house.”
It was determined that the body would be taken to Caen and buried in the church of St. Stephen. But all the royal dependants having left, there was no one to make preparations. It fell to a common knight to make the funeral arrangements and have the body conveyed down the Seine and then overland to Caen. There, as the abbot and his monks came to meet the bier, a fire broke out, destroying the greater part of the town. All rushed to extinguish it, leaving only the monks to complete the service.
William was eulogized before the assembled bishops and abbots of Normandy, and a request made that, if ever he had done wrong, he was to be forgiven. Incredibly, someone loudly proclaimed that the church had been built on land forcibly acquired from his father when William was duke. “Therefore I lay claim to this land, and openly demand it, forbidding in God’s name that the body of this robber be covered by earth that is mine or buried in my inheritance.” The man was compensated sixty shillings for the place of burial.
The monk of Caen writes that William was “great in body and strong, tall in stature but not ungainly.” When it came time to bury the heavy body, it was discovered that the stone sarcophagus had been made too short. There was an attempt to force the corpse and, says Orderic, “the swollen bowels burst, and an intolerable stench assailed the nostrils of the by-standers and the whole crowd.” Even the frankincense and spices of the censers was not enough to mask the smell, and the rites were hurriedly concluded.
William the Bastard (Conqueror) was named as man of the millennium on 24th December 1998 by the now late Cardinal Basil Hume, head of the Roman Catholic Church in England, which was later confirmed by the Vatican.