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Written by Abdun Nur
Fiat Trading
On the fiat trading platform element, you cannot trade fiat directly, because fiat cannot form a reciprocal trade, as fiat by definition is worthless (possessing only perceived value), this includes all tokenised cryptocurrencies. Fiat, is simply a formal authorisation or proposition; a decree, generally imposed as a monopoly. Because fiat currencies and tokenised cryptocurrencies possess no intrinsic value, they cannot inherently be traded for something with intrinsic value like the TME (suspended Trade), however fiat can be traded indirectly.
If you have a fiat invoice outside of the bonding platforms that you wish to settle using the TME, you place your invoice payment details onto the fiat trading platform, and any bondsman wishing to gain your TME, pays the external invoice with fiat directly, in part or full, and gains part or all of the TME in trade.
The invoice is for real goods or services, so is a ‘true’ reciprocal trade. The invoice is paid using fiat or tokenised cryptocurrency, because the one trading outside of the bond platform is willing to accept fiat or tokenised cryptocurrency for real goods and services, in settlement of their invoice. The value in the TME of the fiat used to satisfy the invoice is determined according to the prevailing fiats purchasing power at the moment of the trade.
To determine fiat purchasing power value, the platform takes all consumable and perishable commodities listed on the commodities market (the commodity market trades in raw or primary products rather than manufactured products), adds up their fiat values, then divides by a predetermined number, to derive the real purchasing power value of all fiats, as the USD underpins all fiats, and all fiats can be compared to their USDA value in exchange.
There is absolutely no usury, any of the five forms, allowed on the platforms. Link: A True Medium of Exchange
This means you cannot trade any invoice that does not delineate physical goods or a performed service. For example trading a charitable invoice is not possible, as it does not posses any tradable exchange.
Likewise you cannot trade TME for a gambling debt, a tax demand, a banking interest or fee charge etc., as none of these invoices trade any goods or services.
Physical “True Medium of Exchange Barter Notes” can be traded for cryptocurrency the TME held within your account freely, and once the infrastructure is in place, withdrawn from any TME ATM, the cost of a TME barter note is determined through the fiat spot price of the metals the note contains, plus the fixed added cost of making the note payable in the TME, once a fiat price is determined the actual purchasing power of fiat then dictates the value in the TME on the platform. See: True Medium of Exchange Barter Notes
Money Laundering
Money laundering is the process of illegally concealing from a government Mafia the origin of legal tender, obtained from either licit activities, or illicit activities such as drug trafficking, corruption, embezzlement or gambling, by converting it into perceived legitimate legal tender.
For example, converting the illegal (untaxed) legal tender into an asset that could then be later sold for legitimate taxed legal tender.
There are three main forms of money laundering:
1 – Concealing Offense: Any time someone hides, disguises, transfers, or removes untaxed property from the country.
The “offer” is agreement to the act of proposing a price to obtain or do something. The “offense” to disobey or sin against (a person, human or divine) so breaking the agreed offer. (All taxation is a voluntary act, it is not unavoidable, you agree to be taxed through inferred or implied contract, simply accepting the straw man of representation is enough)
2 – Arranging Offense: Any time someone enters into an arrangement to launder untaxed legal tender for another.
The TME is not legal tender and cannot be traded for legal tender, the platform is anarchic, it functions as a software accounting ledger free of hierarchy, it is not owned but free source, no one gains any fees, or payments for the use or downloading of the platforms, it builds as a polycentric network.
No one on the platforms can trade any fiat or token based cryptocurrency directly for the TME suspended trades, they must place an outstanding invoice on the platform for others to trade for. Legal tender has no intrinsic or extrinsic value, and therefore is worthless in trade within the bond.
3 – Acquisition, Use, or Possession Offense: Any time someone themselves acquires, uses, or possesses untaxed legal tender or property.
Goods and Services Trading
The goods and services platform doesn’t own any inventory, it sells nothing directly, the platform simply allows bondsmen to trade without any added costs, no fees, any costs to maintain the platform are an annual burden determined according to utilisation, if you traded 100 times, you’d pay a 10th as much as another that traded 1000 times. If the cost, for example, of maintaining the platform was 5000 a year, and 1,000,000 trades occurred, each trade would cost 0.005 of a TME, so for the trader that did 1000 trades the cost would be 5 TME for that year.
If a bondsman does not wish to earn their living through the cooperatives of the need bond model, they can sell their produce or services on the trading platform.
An example of the type of “service occupation” that may use such an option, would be musicians, or entertainers of all types.
An example of “production” that may use such an option would be artists of bespoke goods, paintings, sculpture, drawings, pottery, furniture etc.
The second element of the trading platform are second-hand goods, an online auction platform where sellers list their second-hand products for bidding with the highest bidder getting the products, or to offer goods at a buy now price, or for offers.
The platform does not support buying goods wholesale from a third party to sell as new for profit (usury), but does allow selling your own new production. If you wished to gain new goods outside of the bonding platform, you could use the economy of scale bond method, and save through a collective purchase. Link: An Economy of Scale Bond
Trust is a fundamental aspect of trade, and you’re bound to be extremely honest in the description of items or contents of goods traded, for example you cannot claim something is in perfect working order if it is not, or that something is 100% pure if it is not, etc.. Link: Trust Rating for Selfish Advantage
If you are dishonest three times within any 100 month period, you’ll be automatically banned from the platforms on your third confirmed act, and all bondsmen will be able to see your dishonest trades openly and could access details until the 100 month period expired for each dishonour.
You are bound universally to an inherent duty of care, so if you trade goods that are known to be toxic when used as the manufacturer deceptively advises, for example you traded most pharmaceuticals, which do not perform as the manufacturer claim, nor are they commonly safe to ingest, inject or absorb, you are liable for any suffering resulting from that action, even if you declare the dangers, because the manufacturer has claimed dishonest information about these products, so even if you state otherwise, others may use these products that are unaware of your disclaimer.
Likewise you could not sell genetically modified products for ingestion or absorption, you could not sell goods that contained artificial sweeteners, or certain known toxic chemicals, such as wine containing anti-freeze, used in some wines to deceptively increase the taste of ageing, unless you were willing to take full responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from that trade at any future point.
Bear in mind that anarchy means taking 100% responsibility for your own actions, while hierarchy means deferring responsibility to a constructed legal fiction.
The body should not be merely treated as a means to an end, but as your framework of earthly existence, therefore you are bound inherently to treat the symbiotic lifeforms that form the body as a sanctuary, not as if the body is an object to be traded and considered unimportant, to treat the body as insignificant is for this reason irrational. Therefore selling your organs, selling physical acts of prostitution (yours or the body of another) or selling the act of suicide, yours or aiding in another’s, cannot be traded.
For toxic goods intended for bodily consumption, like alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, unhealthy recreational drugs, etc. these can be traded, even though they are known to be toxic to the body, as it’s commonly known to consume them will damage the environment of the body (there is no deception), trade that is detrimental to the recipient of the trade, of toxic, noxious poisons is inherently a wrong, and these poisons generally have effects over long term use. However poisoning your own body is different to trading your body to others.
Selling toxic poisons is detrimental to common unity, as such, there is not positive benefit within the rating structure of the platform for any trade of this type.
On a more positive note, some may grow natural healthy (even for recreational use) drugs, that improve health (not as much when smoked) on the platform, such as cannabis and derivative products, like cannabis oil, cookies, brownies, etc., as long as it was produced directly by the seller, this would be another example of “production” best achieved from individuals, who can produce high quality selected varieties, and so provide a wide selection of options in a open market, bondsmen can provide reviews for the goods and services of individuals that generate their own production, for any goods.
Thought Deposit Trading
Trading thoughts, which are ideas or opinions produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind, is important, as knowledge builds knowledge, ideas beget ideas; however, only when truth is the foundation, as truth is almost always the foundation of discovery; chance being the exception.
The hierarchical structures of thought trading, use universities and corporate research departments, protecting their thoughts and ideas, or the stolen thoughts and ideas of others jealously, with copyright and patent, in 2020 $2.4 trillion was squandered on research globally, however even within their structure, you can’t legally own an idea. Link: The Nature of Copyright
Much of the corporate research published is fraudulent and or contrived nonsense, because many areas of research have foundations of lies, and when they attempt to build upon lies they can build nothing but more lies, this is no more evident than in the field of medical research.
Technologies have been developed independently and suppressed with bribery and murder through corporate interests repeatedly, over the past century, and many of these technologies could easily be resurrected and open sourced, empowering cooperatives and allowing people access to alternatives to many existing monopolies.
New technologies can be developed that could never be developed through the present corporate system, as some of these competing technologies would remove control over the masses. For example, quantum entanglement, the understanding of this is now advanced enough for this technology to be developed as a means of mass communication, removing any need for radio or microwave signals, or centralisation, allowing download speeds a 1000 times or more faster than the fastest present Internet connection, with instant communication no matter the distance, even the other side of the universe, with no signal to track, block or disrupt, a none toxic means of signal transfer.
Trading for knowledge, or the development of knowledge, is then fundamental, just as corporations fund thought, so anarchic trade can fund thought. Research has shown that sharing ideas in discourse can build respect, boost your reputation as a thought leader, fill knowledge gaps, and even improve the satisfaction of life itself, because we are a creature of a unity of one fractal soul.
Schooling is designed to prevent the skill of reasoning to truth, and to wither imagination, the two mental qualities that are vital in any wise soul, State mandated schooling is a vile form of child abuse.
The thought trade is simple, the one with an idea, presents it for trade, if you like the idea, you can buy the thought, you can buy as many thoughts of that idea as you like.
The idea is now funded, or at least partly funded, and as the idea develops, others, like you, will see the genius of the idea and buy more thoughts.
When the idea is fully realised, let’s say for example it cost 20,000 thought deposits to fund, and each thought deposit cost 200 TME, that means 400,000 TME are held in thought deposits.
Let’s say, you’re a mechanic within a cooperative, created by a need car assurance bond, and the idea was to develop puncture proof tyres, that used a viscous gel instead of air; as the leading cause of traffic accidents are tyre failures, and as within the cooperative the less accidents equals greater earnings, it is to your financial advantage to improve road safety. Link: Car Driver Assurance Bond
So the tyre technology is now ready, and the platform can now create a need bond to manufacture ‘all weather’ gel tyres, and many cooperative bonds can be created to service that need.
You, as a mechanic require tyres, and you’ve traded for many thought deposits for their development, so whenever tyres are manufactured you’re always at the front of the queue, the more thought deposits you hold the nearer the front of the queue you are, this means your car assurance bond, bondsmen, get tyres first and always, while other car assurance bond mechanics get tyres to supply their need bondsmen, only after all thought deposit holders have their bond needs fully satisfied.
If you, as an individual want to drive a safer vehicle, you may buy a single thought deposit of that idea, so you would get tyres before anyone that does not hold a thought deposit on that idea.
Without your investment within the idea, the reality of that idea would not practically exist, therefore it is reasonable that you should always be first in the queue for the fruits that idea generates.
You could sell forward the thought deposit at any point, even before the practical fruits of the idea had manifest. If you, for example, ordered tyres on the strength of your thought deposit holdings, but sold them before the full order was delivered, the moment the transfer had occurred, would place any outstanding undelivered orders you had, at the back of the queue.
Each thought deposit has a unique number in the system, and a certificate can be printed for each thought deposit detailing who possesses it, when paid for, etc. which could then be displayed for people to see, and a cooperative can also advertise thought deposits to attract new bondsmen to the need bond they service; showing their thought deposit certificate demonstrates they are working to improve safety actively through the use of their own earnings, and holding thought deposits can also mean their cooperative has advantages over other local bonds of the same type, they are always at the front of the queue for tyres, in the example.
The thought trading platform supports theoretical ideas as well as practical ones, for example, I have a reasoned hypothesis that the cause of ageing is due to the dehydration of the cells within the body, I theorise that a cell absorbs water then breaks it down into its constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen, then reassembles those elements to form new elements. Therefore, to reverse ageing, you simply need to rehydrate the cells.
The cost of the technological hub would be a shared burden proportionately spread across all those utilising the hub, funded through the thought deposits they held.
Once a specific technology was developed, whose reimbursement cost would be initially a set amount determined through the need bonds created to generate the product or provide the service.
That set amount of reimbursement added to the cost of each item produced or service done, would be added until the development cost, all thought deposits, were fully repaid.
Once the thought deposits were all repaid and dissolved, each additional item produced or service done would attach diminishing cost, for example, if 1 TME was added to each item produced, once development costs had been repaid, then 0.25 of a TME would be added, reimbursing those who had paid 1 TME for the product as an added cost, so that they too only paid 0.25 TME. This process could be continued, once all had paid only 0.25 TME in added cost, it could be adjusted to 0.05 TME for example, and the process of reimbursement could continue. Once the amount was tiny, after this, all production would then have no added costs of development.
This means, if I bought a thought deposit, and it at a future point resulted in production, the cost of development within a technological hub would be paid as an added cost for each manufactured item, let’s say the cost of development was 400,000, then for each tyre a cooperative manufactured, 1 TME was added, after 400,000 tyres had been produced the cost of development would have been returned and all those that had held a thought deposit would have been reimbursed, and their deposit dissolved, along with any advantages those deposits had granted them.
I can seek thought deposits from anyone interested in funding me in research and experimentation in any idea, which may or may not lead to the ability to reverse ageing for example, if it did lead nowhere, the thought deposits invested would generate no benefit, if it did lead somewhere, you would be at the front of the queue for rejuvenation.
Maybe I am a mathematician and I theorise that I can apply quaternion mathematics, and determine the theoretical structure of time, as a toroidal dichotomy, I present a reasoned discourse demonstrating a logical foundation for further study, you invest thought deposits in my further research, this may generate no practical fruits other than the furtherment of knowledge, which would result in a detailed scientific book, the production of the book would have an added cost to cover development of the theory, in the same way the tyre example functioned.
Or it may open the Pandora’s box of time travel at a future point, if it does develop the knowledge of time travel, you would be at the front of the queue to go back in time correcting any errors of historical events, or forward in time, bring back new scientific advances, for example, or whatever was decided to do with such a tool.
Maybe you have an idea for a book, and place the first chapter on the thought trading platform, seeking funding to write the rest of the story, which you have roughly outlined or explained, bondsmen can read and consider your book idea.
If they like it, they can buy thought deposits in order to fund it, once the book is complete they receive the book before anyone else, which they’ve already paid for, by purchasing a thought deposit. The cost of a thought deposit is determined by the one presenting the thought on the platform, if for example I set the cost of a thought deposit for my book idea at 100 TME, it’s unlikely I’ll get any takers, if I set it at 10 TME and I include the first edition copy in trade for the TME, I may get plenty of interest. Example Link: Evil William the Soulless – The Vatican’s Man of the Millennium
If the thought deposit idea required technical support to achieve, such as the finding of individuals with certain skill sets to form a cooperative bond, specialised equipment, etc., the idea would form a need bond offer within the system. Bondsmen that had bought thought deposits would be requested to stand guarantor for the funding of the technological hub, when an idea had reached a minimum level of funding. (No one buying thought deposits gives any thought deposits until a minimum level of funding is achieved, the system only trades the thought deposits at the point the minimum number of is achieved, only then is the idea funded, the system will only request the cost of the thought deposit once the minimum number of offered deposits is reached.)
Another option for technological advancement would be a local technological need bond hub, this two can gain added resources through the mechanism of thought deposits, to further service ideas within that technological hub.
Assalam o alaiqum Abdun
I read your entire article excluding few links given in the article for study. They should also be studied for more clarity. Thanks for sharing .