A surety bond is a bilateral reciprocal agreement, witnessed and sealed, an intimate bilateral agreement that connects people. The anarchic reciprocal surety bond is the basis of community, the guarantee to establish relief in arbitration, the guiding light to trust in trade, and the foundation of "exclusive" (differing to collective) external guarantee for advances.

Bilateral Reciprocal Surety Bond

Views: 32

Written by Abdun Nur

Example of a Bilateral Reciprocal Surety Bond

(None, in substantive reciprocal agreement, can bind themselves in legal name, but must be referenced through seal in substantive print of thumb, finger, hand or other referenced physical impression, that can be verified indisputably at any future point.)

Bilateral Bond of Reciprocal Surety Reference Number __________(Generated by the bonding platform which also provides the bonding templates, the bonding platform digitally records all bonds and allows all bondsmen the ability to inspect them digitally)

Date ___________ (any referenced dating system can be used ex. Gregorian Calendar or Hijri calendar, etc.)

Node reference:_______________ of eldest in bond (generated through location of the proposed community they would be a part of)

Node reference:_______________ of youngest in bond (generated through location of the proposed community they would be a part of)

I, the eldest in this surety am known as _______________________ (Known through locally held reference (The son/daughter of) – (example: Deb – daughter of Joe and Karen.))

I, the youngest in this surety am known as _______________________ (Known through locally held reference (The son/daughter of))

We both expressly reserve all innate liberties, with all inherent powers preserved and retained, universally and equitably binding upon all as reciprocal obligations and responsibilities, this reservation encompasses the unalienable and immutable innate axioms expressing inherent power substantively, based upon the reciprocal duty of care that forms all unity, inexorably binding upon every living soul, and is without prejudice.


(The eldest in surety)

(Wet seal of eldest in surety) _________________________________________ (with a reference to what body part impression was used to form a seal)

Bond Number:__________________ (The bond is created online, and each individual involved in the creation of the bond, must log into the system independently and affirm digitally as well as physically in the bond document)

I, _____________ (Known through reputation) declare that this is my ______ surety, no soul can form more than twelves pairs in surety, twelves surety bonds forming a full body in community. (Indicating the number of sureties held)

(The youngest in surety)

(Wet seal of eldest in surety) _________________________________________ (with a reference to what body part impression was used to form a seal)

Bond Number:__________________

I, _____________ (Known through reputation) declare that this is my ______ surety, no soul can form more than twelves pairs in surety, twelves surety bonds forming a full body in community. (Indicating the number of sureties held)

(Wet seal of youngest in surety) _________________________________________ (with a reference to what body part impression was used to form a seal)

AND WE SAY THAT: this bond binds equally and reciprocally, in such a state of peace we are made blood relatives, soul siblings of the surest bond, here formed in truth, honour and free virtuous reason. In so doing, we give foundation to community, credence to trade, and some shelter from the imposed hardships of Ba’alist frauds. Upon the forming of this bond, we weather the adversities of life as one soul.

We forming surety of seal bind ourselves openly to a reciprocal duty of care in all actions for the other in surety; as if each were caring towards the other, as if they were caring for themselves, in difficulty, loss or suffering. Once bound by this surety bond neither can be forejudged, disinherited, disavowed or disowned by the other, for any reason, especially if a debt is owed, or any other liability is generated to be honoured, or for any reasoned obligation being imposed that the other cannot honour in full.

Clauses (Stipulation)

1 -Neither bondsman within this binding surety, will lie, defraud, extort, mislead, coerce, intimidate or act immorally in the aid, defence, support or protection of the other, to be proven to do so would break the bond.

2 – If one in bond gives resources in the others aid, the recipient is bound to return the labours within that aid at a future point; a point in the future that cannot be dictated to the recipient of the aid. However it must be return within five years in full. If any aid is not return or unequivocally given as a gift, upon the day after five years has passed, without reimbursement, this bond stands broken.

3 – If my antipode sealed in surety has a liability they cannot honour, I will honour that liability on their behalf as an advance upon their future labour.

4 – If my antipode sealed in surety is lacking the means to provide for themselves or those they love, if I have the resources, I will provide means to aid them and those they love, whether food, shelter, clothing, resources or hope. What constitutes need would be determined as any reasoning soul would determine a need, and so if refused, those reasoning peers arbitrating such a denial would determine through reason. The result of such arbitration would be honoured, and any relief determined of such arbitration accepted and applied.

5 – If the grantor of any aid within the bond refuses the return of any resources and wishes it as a gift, that is their choice, but that cannot be assumed is the case, for such aid to be a gift, it must be expressly and unequivocally stated and witnessed.

6 – If my antipode in surety is accused of a wrong, I will stand in their defence, leaving no stone unturned to determine the truth, and will not hide any truth known, nor hide any evidence discovered, no matter the cost to my antipode or myself.

7 – If my antipode in surety is banned from bonding in common unity, externally to this surety bond, I will honour such a ban, this bond will be dissolved, and I will accept this surety is broken. All resources I owe will be paid in full within 30 days, conversely all outstanding resource I’m owed will be paid within 30 days, if resources are available.

8 – I am not honour bound to grant guarantee of advance within this surety, such guarantee is a free choice, and if other souls bound in surety with my antipode here identified, choose to give guarantee, I am only bound to honour any short fall, once all the resources of those granting guarantee freely, have been exhausted.

Breaking of the Surety

I openly and freely declare, if I break this bond, I inflict a “great” wrong, a stark betrayal of the bondsman now giving surety, a betrayal of those protected through this surety, a betrayal of the community collectively, and most heinously a perfidy upon myself.

For such action, when clear and proven, I must be outcast. I accept exclusion from the community, as I have betrayed all bounds of common unity, honesty or honour, and I openly accept all other bond agreements I have formed must be rendered void. So, I accept that all my held value within all bonding platforms must be traded out, and deposited into a bank account I nominate outside of the bond, or trades for a nominated physical commodity (ex. silver, gold etc.).

I accept that no bondsman should trade with such a creature with a treacherous nature of so black a soul, of so vile a mind, as a mind that would break so strong a bond, and if proven such a mind, I would deserve no honour, so no honour should be shown me, I’d deserve no aid, so no aid should be given, I’d deserve no respect, so no respect should be communicated to me from any bondsman, even my kin, from the moment of my betrayal until the end of my Earthly adventures.


This surety bond can be dissolved, but only if no obligations are imminent and no debt is owed or obligation needing settlement exist, then the bond can be dissolved in the same way it was formed, both bondsmen seal the bond with two witnesses. Dissolution cannot be denied by either bondsmen.


(Two unrelated in blood to those forming surety, standing as independent witnesses, seal the truth of the bond. To check the digital bond on the platform, and verify it matches the physical bond) I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) give free witness to the truth expressed clearly within this bond, to bare false witness is a grave wrong and I stand unafraid in truth. (If, it is proven the witness sealed a lie, they are held accountable on the platform)

Wet seal of first independent witness: _______________

Bond number of first witness: _________________

I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) witnessing the seal upon this bond, and give free witness to the truth expressed clearly within this bond, to bare false witness is a grave wrong and I stand unafraid in truth.

Wet seal of Second independent witness: _______________

Bond number of second witness: _________________ (the bond number is generated when you join the closed bond of the true medium of exchange advancing platform)

I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) witnessing the seal upon this bond, and give free witness to the truth expressed clearly within this bond, to bare false witness is a grave wrong and I stand unafraid in truth.

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