Paying for the Roads Without any Government Mafia

Views: 83

Written By Abdun Nur

Government mafias are corporations, corporations, people foolish believe, are the ‘ONLY’ vehicle for collective action. The agents of government mafia’s many forms of extortion are given perceived validity, because people further believe, wrongly, government mafia’s provide an efficient way to tackle projects that are larger than a single person or group of friends can take on. But we ourselves, the people of the local community are the source of collective action, when government mafia extortion is refused, common unity can be used as a different method to implement any collective action needed; it only requires a way to organise that action, which is easily done through the bonding method.

Congestion costs UK households over £30 billion every year because we have a system of waged slavery that forces people to drudgery and toll, working to the clock, simply to exist below or around the poverty level. Government figures in the UK claim 22% of the population live in relative poverty and 19% in absolute poverty, all government mafias work on lies, damned lies, and statistics, so if they claim 41% of the population exist at or below the poverty line, a line they determine, you can be certain that both the definition of poverty and the figures determined of that definition, will be manipulated to paint a picture better than exists

The road system is used by the agents of the government mafia to rape drivers to generate revenues, this was in the past done by costumed clowns but is moving more and more to a network of cameras, that extort drives even more than costumed police (policy enforcers) employed as highway robbers. The roads are designed to slow traffic flow, and so generate congestion easily, and many traffic control systems having a negative impact of traffic flow and safety.

Presently there is little spending on the strategic road network in the UK, which is now run by a registered company, likely in readiness to privatise the roads, to allow tolls to generate even more mulct for the wealthy parasites. The vast majority of the extorted revenues drained from the enslaved population, under the claim of roads, is not spent on roads, and would be many, many times more, than would be required if it were actually spent on the roads.

The government claims to have spent 3.8 billion 2017-18 on new roads, this does not ring true, if the cost of a new road is considered, and the amount of road built. What it does say is the cost of road building is inflated well over 1000%+ above the amount directly spent on the roads, and the amount directly spent on the roads itself, is inflated well above the true cost, if corporation was not involved.

An example of government costs compared to true cost was exposed in a 2009 incident at Hawaii’s Kauai island, where flooding destroyed an access road to the park. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources had estimated that the damage would cost $4 million to fix and take 2 years. Locals could not wait so joined together and after only eight days, all of the repairs were done, costing only a few thousand dollars.

In most regions roads are already in place, the main focus now is maintaining or upgrading those roads, and the true cost of that is not millions per mile, it only requires local interest and a refusal to surrender your own responsibilities over to a corporate mafia.

Forming a local road maintenance bond network, as people presently want new roads or to maintain existing roads, is an anarchic (without hierarchy) and efficient method, and like anything required it is at a cost, but it shouldn’t be at an extortionate cost, only the true cost free of usury.

If a local bond is formed to repair or extend the road system locally, it would be through consensus of the bondsmen contributing to the bond, determining if any project proposed was fulfilled. The cost would be advanced by the platform, and the bondsmen would stand guarantor to cover the annual cost of depreciation of that road project. Simply paying annually for the depreciation would cover the repayment of the advance collectively.

The cost of depreciation would repay the advance over 15 – 20 years, being the lifespan of the new road, or repair, before more would be needed to be spent. The project would only be begun once the depreciation was fully guaranteed, if not enough bondsmen stood as guarantor for a proposed project, then it could not be constructed. The bond would be issued across as many local hubs on the bonding platform, as would gain benefit from the proposed roads construction or maintenance.

Any bondsmen can propose a project, simply by expressing a need or problem requiring solution, the solutions would be then presented, and consensus of guaranteeing to pay for the depreciation annually, of that road, bridge or structure would determine if the solution would be executed.

If 1000 bondsmen in the bond consented to guarantor the project, and the cost of the repair or construction was $500,000, then the guarantee would be $25 annually per bondsman in depreciation, but if over time the bond grew and 2000 bondsmen joined that bond project, it would be drop to $12.50 annually and so on.

A cooperative bond would be established to repair local roads and construct new local roads as required through full consensus of the bondsmen, this means if you do not want to contribute to the repair or construction, then even as a bondsman of the bond, you may decline to be a guarantor, as only those who consent stand guarantor to the advance, however once you have given your guarantee it is binding.

The cost of infrastructure, equipment and training would be born proportionately across the whole bond as an annual cost; being the cost of depreciation evenly spread across the lifespan of the structure or equipment, with a cost of maintenance factored in. This means if 1000 bondsmen were in the need bond, and the cost of the creation of a 16 man cooperative bond, attached to the need bond, was $3,000,000, and the average lifespan of any structure or equipment was 20 years (life-cycle of heavy plant equipment ranges from 7 to 50 years), then the fixed annual cost of being in the need bond, would be $150 per year, as more bondsmen joined the need bond locally, the cost would drop proportionately, when 2000 bondsmen had joined the annual cost would be $75 etc.

Being in the road maintenance bond would be a prerequisite of joining a car assurance bond, as they are symbiotic bonds.

While the cost of materials and labour would be funded through individual acceptance, through the standing of guarantor for the depreciation of the infrastructure constructed, so ultimately funding a specific project.

The output of the cooperative would be far greater than its corporate counterpart, and the cooperative bondsmen doing the repairs or constructing the roads would earn two or three times as much for their efforts, tax free.

To be a bondsman servicing the road bond, you would join the cooperative formed by the need. You present a resume to the need bond, detailing your skills, experience and reputation (reputation being the most important element), then the need bondsmen examine all resumes and collectively select those they want to form the cooperative bond, and each new bondsman would be on probation within the cooperative for a predetermined period, for example 6 months, or whatever the consensus was of the need bondsmen.

Once accepted by the need bondsmen, the bondsmen of the servicing cooperative provide a proportionate share equally spread across all the bondsmen of the cooperative to the amount of 20% of the total cost of infrastructure and equipment that has been advanced by the advancing platform and guaranteed by the need bondsmen, this 20% is not used, but is held by the platform in virtual escrow. The 20% in escrow protects the need bond bondsmen from loss. If a cooperative bondsman cannot pay their proportionate share of the 20%, then they simply seek external guarantee to gain an advance and pay that advance back over a predetermined period of time.

Road construction and maintenance projects would be started and completed at a much shorter time scale, not requiring a hoard of parasites to steal before work commenced.

The cooperatives, building or repairing roads, work exclusively for the parent need bond, and if they are lazy or incompetent the parent bondsmen would call in their 20% guarantee in part (individual bondsman) or full (the whole of the bondsmen of the cooperative bond) to cover the costs of theft, intentional damage, or any other costs in the replacement of a undesirable bondsman, or in the forming of a new cooperative bond to replace the existing one, all infrastructure and equipment belonging to the parent, “need” bond.

The 20% Refundable Deposit Protects the Need Bondsmen

The initial outlay of the service cooperative bond, is a refundable deposit. So for example if the infrastructure and equipment cost $3,000,000, then the deposit would be $600,000 and if the bond had 16 bondsmen (16 is the maximum size of any cooperative bond), then the refundable deposit would be $37,500 per bondsmen, this could be generated as an advance if the cooperative bondsman can establish an external guarantee for an advance, if it was paid off over 10 years. it would be $3,750 per year.

If a cooperative bondsmen wished to leave, or died, the amount they’d contributed towards their deposit is refunded in full, by their replacement. This refund would be used to cancel out any advance given to establish the deposit, any remainder going into their account for their heirs.

A bondsman would not recover a full refund if any bondsman of the need bond makes an submission that, with evidence, they can show the bondman broke the bond agreement, through an action of that individual or the group, this would be determined through arbitration, on the arbitration platform. If a bondsman left or died and the bond agreement was not broken, then the bondsmen, or their inheritors, would receive the amount of their proportionate contributions of the collective 20% in full, in the event of a broken bond the remainder, after any costs or losses where shown in the process of their replacement or dissolution, would be refunded.

Several cooperative bonds can be formed by the need bond, utilising the same infrastructure, for example if the bondsmen agree to work 34 hours a week, and the need bond has enough work to allow constant production, then 5 cooperatives could be formed using the same infrastructure, working as independent teams, this would mean the 20% refundable deposit would be reduced per bondsmen as the infrastructure would then be shared by 80 bondsmen making the full refundable deposit $7,500 per bondsmen. Determining how time would be divide by the different cooperative bondsmen, would be up to them, for example they could do three 12 hour shifts a week, allowing a 4 day weekend.

US figures suggest the mean earnings of construction workers are £35,600 annually, a mean of £19.50 an hour (£15.50 + £4 towards paid holidays). If the bond determined the cost of labour would be £46.50 an hour worked (£82,212), per bondsmen, for 80 bondsmen working 34 hours a week £6,576,960 annually for labour (141,440 worked hours a year, holidays are not paid, only worked hours).(Note within a cooperative bond, not all earn at the same level, some with less skill earn less and those with greater skill earn more, and this can be reviewed as skills develop within the cooperative. The determination of earnings within the cooperative are determined through consensus of the need bond, the max being £46.50 an hour if that was the consensus, and lesser hourly earnings for less skilled bondsmen, these skill levels reviewed periodically. The earthcoinage has a fixed value to purchasing power in exchange for all fiat, this means the value does not need to increased over time, as no inflation or deflation occurs, which is a standard issue with all fiat currencies.

The average cost of highway construction is £77 – £550 a square meter at corporate rates, depending on terrain, clearly that is a very high cost, several times the true cost, if a local cooperative was formed of 16 bondsmen to service the road bond, one servicing bond could service more than a single town, neighbouring townsmen could also join the bond, so sharing the cost, once the local roads were in good shape, it would be a minimum of 15 – 20 years before they’d need redoing.

In more urban areas the potential for one need bond to service a large area, could be achieved through adding more cooperative bonds, utilising the same infrastructure and equipment, as a need grows outward, as more bondsmen joining the need bond.

If large construction projects were needed by the local communities the network of road construction bonds could join together and form a larger collective to achieve any task, the wider this model was applied the more powerful it would be in executing any requirement of the parent need bondsmen.

Normal asphalt highways last 7 – 10 years before resurfacing

Rubberized Asphalt highways 15 – 20 years before resurfacing

Resurfacing cost £8 – £13 m2 corporate cost, this of course isn’t what government mafias pay, but what industry pay for resurfacing their roads, governments would always pay many times this amount as many parasites are feeding through government mafia contractions of agreement.

The main problem with standard roads is the substructure, when this fails through water ingress or ground movement the surface fails.

Investing in a very strong substrate to support the road surface would further lengthen the lifespan of the road and reduce pot holes.

The cost the corporations charge government for road construction is £3 – £7.5 million a mile, depending on the number of lanes and the terrain.

The System Before Democracy was Imposed

Before the Vatican installed the new economic slavery model of democracy, as the old model of the monarchical slavery was failing, the parishes were responsible for roads, and each was expected to use labor, which serfs were obliged to offer, for free six days a year; landowners were expected to offer the materials and equipment.

The UK has 246,500 miles of roads, it would cost at corporate price £31.5 billion to resurface every single road in the UK. The government mafia drain around £27.6 billion annually from fuel tax, £6.5 billion from road tax, and over 2 million drivers receive fines each year for speeding, generating between £100 to £2,500 of mulct each, adding approx, 2-3 billion. Now this is not enough for government mafia, who seek to gain more taxes endlessly, who now demand a 45p per mile tax for business trips, on top of all the other theft inflicted. The entire road network could be resurfaced annually with billions to spare at this level of funding (theft) extorted by the government mafia.

The development of new roads over the past 20 years is 4,400 miles of minor roads and 2,500 miles of highway, this means on average 220 miles of minor roads and 125 miles of highway each year.

The approximate annual cost of corporate road building in the UK per year is £660 million on minor roads and £937 on highways, a total of £1.6 billion (inflated to £4.8 billion (2019) with added frauds, not the 40+ billion taken in revenues for the roads). The government owners do not want to spend it’s stolen revenues on road maintenance, instead the responsibility for road maintenance is given to local councils, which extort “rates” (property tax) from local families, and charge them for all maintenance costs, additionally the councils are so inept and corrupt they fund these costs using interest and fee laden loans from the corporate banking mafia, which means presently, well over 50% of all property tax simple pays “interest” on previous loans.

The number of people employed in the UK is 28.39 million, that means of all the endless tax paid only £56 of each slaves taxes annually went towards new roads, but that has ended.

Presently there is little spending on the strategic road network in the UK which is now run by a registered company, likely in readiness to privatise the roads, to allow tolls to generate more mulct for the wealthy parasites. The vast majority of the extorted revenues drained from the workers under the claim of roads is not spent on roads, and would be many, many, times more than would be required if it were actually spent on the roads.

As the network of cooperative road construction bonds grows, symbiotic cooperatives can be developed in support, such as transport bonds to move soil, waste and equipment, and supply and deliver materials. Quarrying cooperative bonds can be formed to generate hardcore, aggregates and sand, to supply road construction, and other bonds such as concrete, and tarmac manufacture, the recycling of tyres for surfacing etc.

If the model grows large enough, even cooperatives to manufacture the heavy plant equipment needed for repairs and construction could be formed.

Gross profits for large corporate construction corporations are in the range of 34 – 42% on average, the unnecessary hierarchical structure of the work is excessively expensive, having layers of managers, this expenditure is several times the labour costs of the actual construction, additionally, other elements of taxation, accounting fee, and bureaucracy further increase the costs.

For example if you need a design team to develop the plans for a large infrastructure build, such as a bridge spanning a large river, as the concept grew and more and more bonds form, even across the globe, a single design cooperative could soon be formed to service many road servicing bonds.

Instead of nepotism, cronyism, or partisanship determining who is given the work, it is purely talent, as the guarantor bondsmen who formed the need, dictate who is given the work.

If we consider the present system it would be a very conservative determination to say, the cost of road building and maintenance would be 90% less than the present actual cost, while using a cooperative bond structured as described above, would increase quality, speed and allow very fast advancement in new technologies. The earnings of those producing and providing the service would gain 200-300% more for each hour worked free of taxation. This means the money providing the local resources, such as road maintenance remain local, recycling through the local community, no need for large corporation to drain huge amounts of wealth out of local communities to allow a few people to have vast numbers in a bank account, representing billions of hours of labour they never did.

Another bond that can be formed as the concept spreads, is a technological hub, this is funded collectively by those bondsmen it would benefit, through guarantee of advance, and repaid as an annual cost, but would as technologies advanced, reduce costs and increase quality for all bondsmen, through the benefits of those advances, so cancelling out any true cost.

For example developing over unity energy systems, anti-gravity systems, quantum entanglement telecommunications and internet, Joseph Papp’s noble gas engine, safer materials for car construction such as graphene for windows and car bodies, puncture proof tyres, more powerful magnets as developed in Japan in the early 1980’s with 120 Mega Gauss Oersteds etc.

If you’d like to contribute to the further development of this project, in the development of the software to create the platform, please use the information below, thank you.

If you’d like to help financially it’s quite simple: login to your paypal account – On the home page scroll down to the third large box on the left-hand side named “Money out” – Click on “send payments” Enter email address in box indicated    –    [email protected]     –     Click on next and add in amount then send