Views: 394
Written By Abdun Nur
Explanation of a Unilateral Bond of behaviour:
In allodium the land cannot be a grant, it therefore cannot have a title attached, which is a grant from a superior to an inferior, as the land in allodium is held without the permission of a superior.
Allodial land is held absolute (meaning – totally unconditioned, unrestricted, pure, perfect, complete), it is not in anyway held in ownership, which means dual control, a grant from a master to a slave, held in title as tenant only.
The bonding method allows people to utilise the land without any hierarchical dictates, no costs, and no legal fictions, to learn more please read: Allodium Platform
The corporate State Mafia would need to prove their claim of ownership, in their courts, this is impossible for them to achieve, as their is no reasoned basis for their claim of ownership, and the court is (theoretically) based on reasoned proof. So, establish the allodium practically and let the Mafia of State attempt to legally stop it; they cannot.
Below is an example of a Unilateral Bond of Behaviour:
(None, in substantive reciprocal agreement, can bind themselves in legal name, but must be referenced through seal in substantive print of thumb, finger, hand or other referenced physical impression, that can be verified indisputably at any future point.)
Unilateral Bond of Behaviour Reference Number __________(Generated by the bonding platform which also provides the bonding templates, the bonding platform digitally records all bonds and allows all bondsmen the ability to inspect them digitally with reference to coordinates)
Date ______ (any referenced dating system can be used ex. Gregorian Calendar or Hijri calendar)
As Allodarii seeking utilisation I am known as _______________________ (Known through locally held reference (The son/daughter of) – (example: Deb – daughter of Joe and Karen.))
I, the allodarii seeking utilisation expressly reserve all innate liberties, with all my inherent powers preserved and retained, universally and equitably binding upon all as reciprocal obligations and responsibilities, this reservation encompasses the unalienable and immutable innate axioms expressing inherent power substantively, based upon the reciprocal duty of care that forms all unity, inexorably binding upon every living soul, and is without prejudice.
(Wet seal)
(with a reference to what body part impression was used to form a seal)
Allodarii’s bond number:__________________ (The bond is created online, and each individual involved in the creation of the bond, must log into the system independently and affirm digitally as well as physically in the bond document, except the seller of the land who need not be a bondsman)
I, the allodarii of seal seeking utilisation, will be bound openly to the reciprocal duty of care to all others in the utilisation and development of the resource of the land.
I openly and with reasoned and evident truth declare all deeds of tenancy are frauds, and refute all, as there is absolutely no rational foundation for the claim of eminent domain or any deed of tenancy created from that fraud to exist, and hereby reject both the claim of eminent domain and all deeds of tenancy in all their forms as any basis of claim to any principle of land utilisation. Equally all registration of such frauds is invalid, and yet another layer of fraud and deception.
I will not contaminate the land, no matter the depth, with harmful pollutants (determined through my peers in arbitration if in dispute). If I break this binding declaration I will, without restriction, be liable to provide full relief, in both removing all pollution and providing compensation to all who suffer loss or adversity.
I will not contaminate the water with toxins that are pervasive or insidious, which spread generating lasting damage, no matter the depth, I will not use any harmful pollutants that would seep beyond the bounds of my utilisation. If I break this binding declaration I will, without restriction, be liable to provide full relief, in both removing all harmful pollution and providing compensation to all who suffer loss or adversity. Pollution is defined as any substance that causes, or contributes to, air, water or ground pollution, which may reasonably be anticipated to cause detriment to health, damage property, soils or air, which may be enjoyed by any other.
I will not generate any lasting pungent stench, extending beyond the bounds of the utilised land, and will give prior notice, a minimum of 24 hours, to my neighbours, before any short term stench is generated, and only after full consensus being agreed. If I break this binding declaration I will, without restriction, be liable to provide indemnity of _____ for each hour, or part there of, the nuisance persists. (The amount each neighbour would receive per hour would be agreed as determined when the bond was created)
I will not generate any lasting prolonged noise nuisance, extending beyond the bounds of the utilised land, and will give prior notice, a minimum of 4 hours, to my neighbours, before any short term sound above 55 dB (the equivalent noise of a regular vacuum cleaner heard on neighbouring land). is generated, and only after full consenus being agreed. If I break this binding declaration I will, without restriction, be liable to provide indemnity of _____ for each hour, or part there of, the nuisance persists.(For example, you couldn’t ring church bells or sing a call to prayer using a loud speaker in the early hours of the morning, without first gaining the agreement of your neighbours)
I will not generate smoke, that can be smelt beyond the bounds of the utilised land, and will give prior notice, a minimum of 4 hours (or as agreed), to my neighbours, before any short term smoke nuisance is generated, and only after full consenus being agreed. If I break this binding declaration I will, without restriction, be liable to provide indemnity of _____ for each hour, or part there of, the nuisance persists.
I will not physically attack, shout, swear or be abusive in any exchanges with any neighbours, even in dispute, instead, if agreement cannot be established, I will seek arbitration, establishing reasoned truth, and so relief can be reached without abhorrent behaviour. If I break this binding declaration, I will, without restriction, be liable to provide relief as determined by either the wronged soul, or if disputed in arbitration.
I will oversee all animals/pets I am responsible for upon this utilisation of the land, all creatures will be kept within the boundaries of my utilisation of the land, and will not pose any danger to any peaceful soul, or generate fear, or intimidate or threaten any peaceful soul. For creatures that posses an inherent danger, safe passage around their enclosure will always be available, and warning signs posted in clear view identifying the danger. If I break this binding declaration I will, without restriction, be liable to provide full relief; for creatures that escape my boundaries any excrement left while unsupervised will be carefully removed, any loss caused by my animal/s will be compensated in full. If any creature causes fear in any peaceful soul, relief will be provided as determined by the wronged soul, or if disputed as determined through arbitration.
(This fundamental list of self evident obligation could be expanded further, as determined)
Surety Guarantee
If I am unable to provide full relief for the breaking of any covenant here expressed, my surety stands in my support.
I stand in surety with ______(The number of allodarii you hold a Surety Bond with will vary individual to individual)
First Surety:
I,__________________________(Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) hold bilateral surety with ____________(allodarii seeking utilisation)
I here, on this date (day – month – year of which ever calendar model you wish) give both witness to the truth of this unilateral bond and stand in surety seal to honour any obligation the allodarii seeking utilisation cannot fulfil:
Wet Seal:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression was used as a seal)
My bond number:__________________
Second Surety:
I,__________________________(Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) hold bilateral surety with ____________(allodarii seeking utilisation)
I here, on this date (day – month – year of which ever calendar model you wish) give both witness to the truth of this unilateral bond and stand in surety seal to honour any obligation the allodarii seeking utilisation cannot fulfil:
Wet Seal:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression was used as a seal)
My bond number:__________________
Third Surety:
I,__________________________(Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) hold bilateral surety with ____________(allodarii seeking utilisation)
I here, on this date (day – month – year of which ever calendar model you wish) give both witness to the truth of this unilateral bond and stand in surety seal to honour any obligation the allodarii seeking utilisation cannot fulfil:
Wet Seal:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression was used as a seal)
My bond number:__________________
(This would continue until all the surety bonds were attached)
Witness of Physical Neighbours
(The witness is the senior or agreed principle of the family group that physically neighbour the land sought utilisation)
I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) speaking for my family, who share a physical boundary at______________ (a reference, such as coordinates or address (not using a postcode), to the location of their land utilisation), give witness in reciprocal adjure to prevent discord within the boundaries of the reciprocal duty of care. As a direct neighbour I recognise and openly accept the appeal of the allodarii seeking utilisation, to act in virtue and behave with regard to his inherent duties, in order to avoid dispute and maintain harmonious peace.
Wet Seal:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression formed the seal)
My bond number:__________________
I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) speaking for my family, who share a physical boundary at______________ (a reference, such as coordinates or address, to the location of their land utilisation), give witness in reciprocal adjure to prevent discord within the boundaries of the reciprocal duty of care. As a direct neighbour I recognise and openly accept the appeal of the allodarii seeking utilisation, to act in virtue and behave with regard to his inherent duties, in order to avoid dispute and maintain harmonious peace.
Wet Seal:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression formed the seal)
My bond number:__________________
I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) speaking for my family, who share a physical boundary at______________ (a reference, such as coordinates or address, to the location of their land utilisation), give witness in reciprocal adjure to prevent discord within the boundaries of the reciprocal duty of care. As a direct neighbour I recognise and openly accept the appeal of the allodarii seeking utilisation, to act in virtue and behave with regard to his inherent duties, in order to avoid dispute and maintain peace.
Wet Seal:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression formed the seal)
My bond number:__________________
(This would continue until all those physically neighbouring the land utilisation were attached, this is a prerequisite of land utilisation, without the agreement of your neighbours you cannot utilise the land)
Adjure Caveats
Adjure – request (someone) solemnly Caveats – specific stipulations
(Below are a few “examples” of adjure caveats which bind all reciprocally if accepted, these are only examples, and can be whatever is agreed upon by the allodarii involved. Caveats are added at the request of those directly neighbouring the utilisation you seek.)
1/ The maximum height of any structure should not exceed 10 meters from ground level.
2/ Any building structure should not be built any closer than 2m from any boundary.
3/ The materials used for the exterior of the building should be local natural stone, to be in keeping with other structures to be harmonious with their surroundings. (You could only stipulate a material when it was in keeping, not unreasonable when it would not be)
4/ The roof covering of all structures should be natural slate, to be in keeping with other structures to be harmonious with their surroundings.
5/ Any crops intentionally sewn on the land cannot be genetically modified, meaning any organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally.
(The neighbours can specify as much as they feel is necessary to maintain harmony, but anything they request binds them equally, however it does not bind any other, neighbour or otherwise.)
Relief Upon Breaking this Bond
I,___________ the allodarii seeking utilisation “will” honour my seal, to break this seal will render my utilisation of the land, bound by this bond, void, all stored labours of immoveable resources will be promptly sold to another in bond by my own hand.
All my moveable stored labours will be removed from the land promptly by my own hand, if I fail to execute these actions within 30 days, or if I fail to refute the claim of this bond being broken within 30 days of notification of dispute, my surety will become liable to remove all moveable stored labour and sell all immoveable stored labours attached to the land.
If within 30 more days the surety has failed to execute these actions, a rex/s (rex means “to put right”) will be appointed by the witen-gemot (arbitrators), at the request of those neighbouring the utilisation of the land, who will place all moveable objects of stored labour at a nominated location, or if no location is nominated, upon the land, with care to secure them from theft or weather, of the closest surety bondsman to the allodial breach, and all costs incurred in doing this, will be paid by the surety, here in identified, collectively.
The rex/s will offer the immoveable stored labours on the land for sale, and the full value will be placed into the account of allodarii presently seeking the utilisation of this land through this bond.
The cost of the rex’s (their wite) will be paid by the allodarii forming this bond, if the allodarii refuses, their surety will be called upon to honour the cost incurred.
Death and Inheritance
Upon death this unilateral bond will pass to my nominated heir/s, a new bond of behaviour will be formed, witnessed and sealed within 30 days of proof of my death.
(Details of the individual or the many individuals the land will be given to in inheritance will be stipulated, if a child under 16 is nominated then the seal will be from their guardian/s, an example below:)
I, _______________ nominate a 100% of my land utilisation to my wife _______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation)
Wet Seal of nominated hare:_________________________(with a reference to what body part impression formed the seal)
Nominated hare bond number:__________________
(Abandonment is only pertinent, if one of those directly neighbouring the land, or someone seeking to themselves utilise abandoned land, request a consensus of the neighbours to declare abandonment, and can do so only if the parameters stipulated below apply)
If I,_______________ fail to initially utilise the land here stipulated, for less than 30 days within a period of 12 months, the land utilisation will be void, any stored labours will be sold and all value returned to the allodarii forming this bond of behaviour. (Allodially if you do not use the land, you lose the gift of the land, allowing another that gift, someone who will more appreciate it. You cannot hoard the earth as the corporate ownership fraud desires)
If I abandon the utilisation (using for less than 30 days for each 12 month period, as determined by those neighbouring the land) after utilising it for a period of time, after three whole years of abandonment, my stored labours must be removed and any stored labours sold and all value returned to the allodarii forming this bond of behaviour, as detailed in the relief for the breaking of this bond.
(In the case of someone seeking a utilisation that is held as a deed of tenancy of the State Mafia, an appendix would be attached to the bond of behaviour)
Attached Appendix 1
A Witnessed Declaration of the Holder of the Corporate State Mafia’s Deed of Tenancy
I, ________________(Legal Name) using this legal misappropriation of a name, a name my parents gave to the State Mafia in a constructed legal fiction of ownership through registration, as a certificate of birth within the first 42 days of my life. In my defence, this Legal name was being used “through want of understanding”.
Using this Legal name I bought a deed of tenancy to utilise this land ________________________ (address) on ______________ (Date).
I, having no alternative available to me, at that point in time, bought and used the Title Deed of Tenancy, issued by the constructed legal fraud of the State Corporate Mafia ________________ (Legal name of corporation of State), that claims eminent domain of the land without any reasoned or evident basis, within the fiefdom (sphere of operation controlled by a Mafia), established through violent domination, fraudulently known as ______________ (Legal name of fiefdom (country)).
I openly and with reasoned and evident truth declare the deed of tenancy a fraud, and refute it, as it has absolutely no rational foundation to exist, beyond a open and clear fraud, and hereby reject it as a basis of claim to any principle of land utilisation.
Bond of Transfer
I am truly and inherently known as ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) speaking for both myself and my family, who on this date______________ surrender all utilisation of the land, that until this point in time we utilised and held custodially, and all immoveable resources there upon, at _______________ (a reference such as coordinates or address, to the location of their land utilisation) a map identifying the area is attached in Appendix 2. (No postcodes can be used)
Traded for the mutually agreed sum of _______________ (paid in the “true medium of exchange” through the platform, if the trade is to someone not a bondsman of the platform, then the amount is traded through the system independently for fiat, upon the trading platform, and deposited in any fiat nominated by the seller into their nominated bank account) transferred within the day this bond is sealed, upon which proof this bond is completed.
Bond of Advance Number ____________________ (if the value of the trade is not paid directly, without an advance by the allodarii seeking utilisation, then a bond of advance and copy is needed) Copy of Advance Bond attached in Appendix 3.
I recognise and openly accept the appeal of the allodarii ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) seeking utilisation, to act in virtue and behave with regard to his inherent duties, in order to avoid dispute and maintain peace, and freely and openly surrender all claim to the land utilisation specified above, upon my soul.
Wet Seal of holder of the fraud of the Deed of Tenancy: _________________________(with a reference to what body part impression formed the seal)
My bond number:__________________(If they have a bond number as someone trading their land doesn’t need to be a part of the closed bonding platform directly)
I, _______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) speaking for both myself and my family, having gained the seal of my neighbours in bond, accept the transfer of the custody of the land in peace and through truth.
Wet seal of specified allodarii seeking the utilisation of land as specified within this appendix: ______________
(Allodarii) Bond Number: ______________
Witnesses to each neighbour sealing this unilateral bond of behaviour
(Two unrelated to the trade in direct family, independent witnesses, seal the truth of the bond. To check the digital bond on the platform, and verify it matches the physical bond)
I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) give free witness to the truth expressed clearly within this bond, to bare false witness is a grave wrong and I stand unafraid in truth. (If, it is proven the witness sealed a lie, they are held accountable on the platform) I on ____________ (date) witnessed _______________(a list of all the neighbours that this witness saw the wet seal added) add their wet seal.
Wet seal of first independent witness: _______________
Bond number of first witness: _________________
I, ______________ (Known through reputation. The son/daughter of father/mother’s first reputation) give free witness to the truth expressed clearly within this bond, to bare false witness is a grave wrong and I stand unafraid in truth. (If, it is proven the witness sealed a lie, they are held accountable on the platform) I on ____________ (date) witnessed _______________(a list of all the neighbours that this witness saw the wet seal added) add their wet seal.
Wet seal of Second independent witness: _______________
Bond number of second witness: _________________ (the bond number is generated when you join the closed bond of the true medium of exchange advancing platform)
(The number of witnesses would depend on who witnessed which neighbour, but two witnesses would need to see the wet seal applied)
(The void deed of tenancy is attached, and recorded digitally, to the Bond of behaviour)
(A request would be sent to the State Mafias land registry to remove this land and all other land from their constructed fictional registration scam)
Salam Abdun ,
Implementation is not possible till the time states exist and land remains under their control. How can you find allodium land to implement this bond ?
Amity Tariq, you do not need to find it, the land is inherently allodial, the government would need to prove, in their courts, ownership, which is impossible, as it is a clear fraud.