The surety bond is the basis of community, the guarantee to establish relief in arbitration, the guiding light to trust in trade and the foundation of external guarantee for advances.

The Surety Bond

Views: 139

Written By Abdun Nur

Reciprocity Verses Gifts

Forming reciprocal bonds of trust or reciprocal obligation are the foundations of trade, freethinking community and networked security. Reciprocal exchanges include many more things than just food and manufactured objects.

The most valued aspects of community are not reciprocal, such as gifts, which are courtesies, which must, by definition, be free of reciprocation, gifts such as entertainment (e.g., songs, dances, and discourse), advice, and standing in defence of the weak or oppressed.

Gift exchanges are usually thought of as reciprocal in the existing system. That is to say, if you receive a gift, you are obliged to repay it with another gift.  Reciprocity typically results in a continuing sequence of giving, receiving, and repaying gifts.

However a gift would, by definition, be given without expectation of return, or it wouldn’t actually be a gift, this means the result of reciprocal gift giving establishes a hierarchy of giver (generating implication) and receiver (forming obligation), in the corporate model this is known as bribery, the recipient may seek more gifts by giving favours or advantages to the gift giver, as a corrupted form of reciprocal exchange.

Negative, or psychopathic reciprocity gifts generate a cycle of conflict, for example, you’re character is attacked, you reciprocate, they reciprocate etc. this may escalate, causing mistrust, fear, hatred, hardship and can even lead to atrocities. Breaking this obligation of continuous reciprocity, in the psychopathic form, is seen as weakness, and defeat.

Reciprocity of trade, is a binding mechanism in that its continuance helps, in the balanced positive form, to hold friends and families, neighbours, communities and diverse groups together.

Some believe reciprocal trade isn’t natural, as animals do not trade, but we’re in this respect unique on the Planet, as, unlike any other creature, we cannot survive very long left to the elements, without are ability to make clothing, tools, shelter and regulate temperature, man would’ve long ago become extinct. We’re tool makers, we create wonders to ease the hardships of life, so for that reason trade is our natural structure. Link: The Trading Platform

Reciprocal trade is made easier with a “true medium of exchange” (TME), and combined with easy, trust based access to advances of that TME, allows equitable, trust based, abundant trade.

There is never a shortage of work to do, people endlessly require the help of others, this is withheld or greatly restricted in the present system, as you need money monopoly permission to have another do work for you, without the money nothing can be done, and people sit on their hands for nothing more than the want of permission. This is imposed through an engineered, unnatural scarcity (hoarding) of resources, by a small group. An engineered element of unemployment is needed by the owners to maintain the ever present potential of a pool of labour, to supress the employed labours earning, and make the fear of poverty a visable reality.

Reciprocity can also be used in the psychopathic negative “gift” form. Governments use this form, claiming to provide (mainly unwanted) services as imposed gifts, demanding taxation in reciprocation.

Government is a corporate expression of feudalism structured as a Mafia, whose control is generated through feuds or the danger of feuds, in order to create the tensions required for the enslavement of humanity within feudal fiefdoms, that identify as corporations, these take the name of their owner, as all slaves do, the land is enslaved to the owner, laying opposite to reality as “countries” (that which lays opposite).

Balanced reciprocal exchanges (which by definition are free from usury) do not extort taxation (usury). Taxation redistributes the stolen wealth in a way that causes the physical wealth generators to become poorer and the parasitical to become richer than others.

Rather, free reciprocal trades, usually result in an equitable circulation of goods and services, because when free (when there is no third party standing between the traders, seeking tax or profit), all free trade is made when you want to trade, not because you are forced to.

Negative reciprocal exchange, also known as economic slavery, is structured on a scarcity of resources, so generating fears; fear of poverty, fear of hardship, so people are indoctrinated to seek the gift of a job, where the employer pays a part of the fruits generated through their labour, in exchange for the gift (security) of employment; employment needed to pay the endless stream of parasitical extortion, in a vicious cycle of economic slavery.

The foundations of the present corporate system were built upon feudalism. The individual was isolated and threatened with horrific danger, the only recourse without any common unity, in such isolation, was to gift themselves and families, as vassals to a powerful criminal owner (Ba’alist). The fruits of their labour now the property of the Ba’alist (owner) Mafia boss, perpetuated through endless fears in fealty (fealty transforms them from allodarii into tenant).

For the gift of your fealty the Mafia boss, gave a false claim, to provide protection, in this way the five forms of usury were established and evolved, allowing wealth (the extorted fruits of the labour of the enslaved serfs) to be drained from both the individual and the community, allowing the Ba’alists to become extremely wealthy, while the masses exist in comparative poverty.

A balanced reciprocity model is based on the idea of an explicit expectation of immediate return, not the forced reciprocation of gifts, but the mutual exchange, freely determined, of balanced reciprocation.

People give real “gifts” as a way of showing thoughtfulness, love and affection, and as such it must “not” be reciprocal, no expectation of reciprocation should be considered by the giver.

To give a gift with an expectation of a return in kind, of a gift of equal or greater value, is not a gift, it is a burden imposed upon another, this is reciprocation in an underhand or illicit manner.

If you formed a gifting system, let us say all, within the community, are gifted a home when they marry. The location of the home, the methods of construction, the materials used, would be imposed choices, it’s after all a gift, you are at the mercy of the givers, this is then not a gift, but more likely it’s a burden.

In a reciprocal trading structure, you determine the location, the methods of construction, the materials used, the style, all the elements included in the creation of your home, and in return you reciprocate the labour used in the generation of that construction.

With the bonding platform model, the cost of the construction is generated through the advancing platform, and the one utilising the home simply covers the “value of depreciation” of the stored labour held within the structure of the home each year as a minimum, until the advance is repaid in full over time, even over several lifetimes, by whom ever utilised the home.

In this way the higher the quality of the construction, so the longer the structure will exist in a practical and useful form, the less it costs each year in deprecation, this is a reversal of the usury model of construction.

The need bond model (link: Advancing Cryptocurrency Multilateral Guarantee Bond) allows reciprocal trade free of corporation, and free of the five forms of usury, and satisfies the need for immediate reciprocation.

Take for example a supermarket purchase, if you walk out of a store without paying for the goods that you’ve taken, you’ll very likely be stopped by the store employees and possibly arrested because you failed to immediately reciprocate with the appropriate amount of money. In the present system you’re required to pay far above the true cost of the goods, because the five forms of usury inflate the cost many times.

Negative reciprocity, such as a claimed gift with an obligation of reciprocation, occurs when there is an attempt to get someone to reciprocate for something he or she may not want (An example is taxation – the interest demanded for the use of your labour).

Or an attempt to get more value than you give in return, this is known as added profit (the interested demanded for the use of capital), marketing is used for this objective which commonly involves trickery.

To reiterate, profit is the interest demanded for the use of capital and is a form of usury. Taxation is the interest demanded on the use of your own labours, taxation is a forced redistributive extortion system.

Usury is non-reciprocation, a way to force a one sided extraction of the fruits of the labours of another.

Negative reciprocity can be by degrees, and can be committed directly by an individual, for example. She desperately needs to sell her car before she leaves.  It is nearly new and it cost her $22,000.  You offer her $10,000 which she reluctantly accepts because there is no other choice for her time constraint.  Your taking advantage of her situation resulted in negative reciprocity.

Courtesy exchange reciprocity does not involve taking advantage of someone. In fact, someone may willingly give you something, while you believe that you’re giving nothing in return, this isn’t a negative reciprocity because it’s the opposite way around, you’re not taking advantage of another’s misfortune, instead the other is providing a courtesy and the reciprocal exchange may appear to you one sided while to the other the benefits are reciprocally balanced.

For example, a poor student wanting to go to an expensive university might be polite and respectful toward a rich uncle, that uncle may gladly pay for his nephew’s or niece’s education in return, because of the attention and recognition that he receives in social standing within his family and community. The money is relatively unimportant to him compared to the respect and attention that is reciprocated.

The Surety Bond: Is the Protection Against Privation and the Assurance in Free Trade

A surety bond is a bilateral reciprocal agreement, witnessed and sealed (with a physical imprint. None, in substantive reciprocal agreement, can bind themselves in legal name, but must be referenced through seal in substantive print of thumb, finger, hand or other referenced physical impression, that can be verified indisputably at any future point); an intimate bilateral agreement that connects people.

The psychopaths corrupted the idea of surety, a binding bilateral agreement, by trading women (to be wives), and children as a method to illicit security or other benefit. The idea that women and children could be traded away, is shocking.  However, for millennia, the heads of royal and wealthy psychopathic Ba’alist families have traded their daughters and sometimes sisters in marriage in order to establish or solidify economic and political alliances.  Psychopaths giving female relatives to potential male allies has been a powerful bonding tool within the Ba’alist system throughout most of the world.

The anarchic reciprocal surety bond is the basis of community, the guarantee to establish relief in arbitration, the guiding light to trust in trade, and the foundation of “exclusive” (differing to collective) external guarantee for advances.

A bilateral surety bond is a sealed, independently determined, written, witnessed agreement between two living souls, for each to stand surety for the other; meaning you’re agreeing to take responsibility for your bondsman and they for you in an equally reciprocated bond.

The surety bond is a commitment of deep trust between the two parties, and is the security for the community itself in many ways.

In trade the perception of assuredness in which you would enter a written reciprocal agreement that required trust, is easily weighed against the number of bondsmen held in surety by either party, the surety bond services the assuredness in the individuals bond, providing a foundation for oath giving or trading, because it shows how many others trust someone enough to take on the burden of their defence, support and materially proving the worth of their loyalty.

In the corporate system, corporate agents can take all you possess, not so when the allodium is in place.

Within the allodium concept “No living soul ought to lose their surplus resources without their own free action”, and no awardee or unpaid advance can have any settlement established through the confiscation of any immovable resources of any debtor, and further cannot seize the movable resources of a debtor that would in doing so prevent them earning a living, or having full provisions for their home; the surety bond structure provides protection from the danger of such loss.

Only the surplus fruits of the labours of the debtor can be demanded, nothing more, and if those resources are refused to be surrendered or no resources exist to satisfy any equitable demand, the outstanding advance can have equitable payment settled through agreement of the debtors surety bondsmen, and the dishonoured debtor can then work to repay their surety.

In the Witena-Gemot (arbitration), if it’s equitably determined you encroached upon another and the determined relief is to pay the living soul more than you are able, the short fall must be paid by your surety bondsmen and after this you must labour to repay your surety over time.

If you have failed to honour the repayment of an advance on the advancing platform, the guarantors within your surety bond, that stood guarantor for that advance, are then liable to repay the instalment outstanding, upon that advance; every advance must have an external guarantee of repayment, for any advance to be advanced.

In death if you leave unsettled debt or obligations, it is your surety bondsmen who stand the cost or establish settlement, when the existing resources are insufficient to meet those obligations.

In poverty and misfortune it is your surety bondsmen that give support, it being as if your misfortune is their misfortune.

Diversity is the strength of the surety system, if for example I have four bondsmen: John (4) – Ray (3) – Fred (6) – Jane (1):

John has me in surety bond and we both have Ray (3) he also has – Nigel (4) – Tracy (8) : he has 4 bonds

Ray (3) has me in surety bond and we both have John (4) he also has – Tony (12)

Fred (6) has me in surety bond he also has – Wendy (4) – Bob (9) – Steve (2) – Allen (5)– Catherine (13): he has 6 bonds

Jane (1) has me in surety bond: she has 1 bondsman.

If for example, I’m found culpable by a jury of my peers and relief is established of 1,200, but I am only able to provide 200, the short fall goes to my 4 bondsmen, who each should pay 250.

Jane (1) has no ability to pay, so the remaining 3 surety bondsmen must provide 333 crypto coins each. Only Fred (6) can pay the full amount; John (4) must ask his surety, Nigel (4) and Tracy (8), he cannot ask Ray (3) as we share him in surety, so the division of the burden is 111 coins; Nigel (4) cannot pay that amount and asks his surety bondsmen, William (10), Leroy (5) and Evelyn (3) so each of them provide 37 coins; Ray only has 50 coins and asks his surety Tony (8), but Tony (8) cannot provide 283 and asks his bondsmen, David (7), Mary (7), Stanley (2), Melvin (10), Arthur (5), Barbara (13), Helen (6) and Chris (6) so each of them provide 40.4 each.

This settles the debt; however, the defaulter of the advance repayment must labour over time to repay all the coins provided from each bondsman, paying first, those who contributed to honour the outstanding repayment most distantly connected to the surety.

The Eye of Horus – A Symbol of Protection Against Evil (Excess)

The eye of Horus analogically forms the structure of common unity.  To determine any model of inherent virtue, the repeating patterns of perceptual reality must be examined and applied, effectively copying the natural forms.

The “medulla oblongata” is the regulatory connection of the mind and the spine and nervous system of the body, regulating vital processes like your heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure.

Comparatively the freely entered agreements of “reciprocal bonding” function in a similar way, rationalising trade by making it easy to determine trust, giving security through external guarantee, and protecting the individual against adversity, generating resources, preventing parasitical advantage etc.

The “thalamus” is your body’s information processing relay station of the senses (except smell), many would argue that we have anywhere between 22 and 33 different senses, with seven primary senses.

The “thalamus” also plays a role in sleep, wakefulness, consciousness, learning and memory. This is comparatively expressed through the three spheres of communication within community. The fundamental form is verbal, nonverbal, written and visual communication between individuals, but within the bonding platform model, almost as important is software applications and operating systems; web-based information and applications such as distance learning; telephones and other telecommunications products; video, email, and the World Wide Web.

Communication is vital in the gradual development of the growth of trust between individuals, built through the interactions of bondsmen within the closed bond structures.

The “hypothalamus” is your body’s smart control coordinating centre, directly influencing your autonomic nervous system (regulates involuntary physiologic processes including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal) or by managing hormones (chemical messengers).

The arbitration of disputes, even the potential of arbitration of disputes, is a key element of community, the power of seeking accountability of others is vital in maintaining the peace of the mind. When there is culpability and liability of the individuals themselves in trade, when the breaking of any self imposed obligation can be resolved equitably, the processes of trade, completetly free of commerce, are made easy. 

The reciprocal bonding structures satisfies the needs of those working in common unity, allowing production, cooperation, accountability within agreement, and only through consensus free of the conflicts of democracy. Allowing coherent ascending through trust building or descending through dishonesty to exclusion, of all bondsman that enter into the closed bond model.

The “corpus callosum” is a large bundle of more than 200 million myelinated (electrically insulated) nerve fibres that connect the two brain hemispheres and allow the electromagnetic psychoreactive energy of consciousness to function within the symbiotic multitudinous lifeform of the body, permitting communication between the right and left sides of the brain.

This is comparable to connecting souls neighbour to neighbour, within a polycentric network forming connective pathways across the whole, a fractally structured bond, formed as numerous local interconnected hubs and the thousands of nodes (bondsmen) within them interact around the Earth.

The third eye, known as the “pineal gland” lets in light and darkness, just as our two eyes do, and signifies the subconscious mind. This gland is the melatonin-secreting neuroendocrine organ containing light-sensitive cells that control the “24” hour circadian (DMT) dimethyltryptamine melatonin rhythm.

The effects of a medium dose (0.7 mg/kg) of DMT, given intramuscularly, are similar to those of mescaline and LSD, including visual illusions and hallucinations, distortion of body image, speech disturbances, mood changes and euphoria or anxiety (dependent on the situation).

The foundation of all true community is reason, a rare skill in a system built upon usury, which works to prevent such skills from developing, the schooling system was imposed to achieve this end. Reason, or the lack of it, shapes your subconscious mind, which makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly. The brain often interfers in the function of the soul conscousness, as we are never trained to use our brain correctly, so the brain works in conflict with the soul consciousness, when the brain is partially shut down, savant (someone who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field) abilities emerge. Link: Savant for a Day

Hierarchy, democracy and competition are similarly elements of social conflict that shut down savant type social unity of souls.

Around the pineal gland are “24” cranial nerves, a set of 12 paired nerves in the back of your brain, helping you taste, smell, hear and feel sensation.

This is comparably to a full bond, which has a maximum number of bondsmen any one soul can be in reciprocal agreement with, up to “12” sureties, seen as a full community of 12 pairs. This limitation prevents the trivialisation or corruption of the surety, through the possibility of one soul having hundreds of bonds.

Six-pointed Flower / Fibonacci 24 Pattern

The sun vibrates at 126,22hz, this frequency vibrating a sample of water, as it’s frozen, forms a crystaline pattern, which forms divisions of 6, 12 and 24.

The Twelve Pair Surety Bond

Once bound by a surety bond you cannot be forejudged, disinherited, disavowed or disowned from that bilateral surety bond, because you owe any debt, or because you become liable to honour any obligation.

A surety bond can be dissolved, but only if no obligations are imminent and no debt is owed or obligation needing settlement, then the bond can be dissolved in the same way it was formed, both bondsmen seal the bond with two witnesses. Dissolution cannot be denied by either bondsmen.

The surety is a fundamental aspect of community, and this concept has existed across the earth for millenia. Often when a written bonding structure isn’t employed, a ritual is used, the blood of the two in surety is either drunk or a cut on both hands, or some other body part held together, in a ceremony to make the other a blood relative.

Link: Example of a Written Bilateral Reciprocal Surety Bond

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