Part Two – Establishing Universal Accountability – a Substantive Witena-Gemot of Axiom-logical Inherent Power

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How a Substantive Witena-Gemot of Axiom- logical Inherent Power, Could Function Through Axioms of the Land, if Re-established

Written By Abdun Nur

The Present Legislative System

In the legal (slave law) system, meaning a system imposed through a monopoly on violence held by a autogenous legalised Mafia (positive law), those working as police (corporate policy enforcers) extort revenues for the benefit of the corporation (Mafia owned by a small wealthy elite), a Mafia they have sworn an oath to serve. The police resolve less than 1% of substantive wrongs, and inflict a large percentage of true wrongs directly.



This corporate Mafia is dressed up as a perceived government (to govern-mentally); legislation is defined as positive law (violently enforced) through an imposed monopoly on violence. Law is the corporate policy of the landlord, authoring dictates, these Mafia dictates can be a sovereign family (monarchy), or representatives; (politicians) selected by the owners (Ba’alists) of the corporation. Selected representatives are given perceived approval by the slaves, through controlled selection of contenders, rigged elections and mainstream media manipulations and control.

The Mafia impose a 15,000 hour indoctrination programme at the beginning of a slaves life, known as compulsory education (schooling), this indoctrinates the false perceptions required to maintain the authoring and subjugation imposed by the Mafia, as well as preventing the development of the skill of reasoning, instead they’re trained to seek and blindly accept sources of institutionalised authority as truth, although people are convinced they can reason through this schooling system, in reality they function as irrationalists.

IF A MAN IS BORN IGNORANT to parents that are ignorant, in a society that is ignorant, lives a life of ignorance and eventually dies in ignorance..
So indoctrination can be called education, hypnotism can be called entertainment, criminals can be called leaders and lies can be called truth, because his mind is not his own.

The landlords (the cabal of psychopaths dominating globally) author policy through their representatives, all founded on the fraud of the constructed legal fiction of ownership (Ba’alship). The landlords can only author upon their property within the boundaries of their fiefdom, known as jurisdiction.

The author has authority over everything they author. Meaning anyone imposing their dictates only have authority over the constructed legal fictions they author; the corporate policy is placed upon living souls by presumption of ‘law’ (granted rights), and ‘fact’ (what is agreed upon mainly through ignorance- \want of understanding’), implemented through the law merchants (lawyers), who are venders of positive law, within the trust (a three-party fiduciary relationship) of a court.

All lawyers are pettifoggers (propagators of dubious practices), sworn under oath to serve the corporation that grants itself a monopoly to prosecute all crimes.

This means those accused, who pay these parasites of legal counsel, pay for someone who re-presents them as a corporate slave, using a straw-man, while themselves being sworn under oath to serve the corporation prosecuting the accused, all lawyers re-presents all as property of that corporation. They’re neither impartial nor trustworthy counsel. All lawyers therefore always work first and foremost for the corporate state Mafia, not the one paying for their dubious, and corrupt services.




the vast majority of the disputes that the police initiate on behalf of their employer are also adjudicated by their employer, where the plaintiff, the judge, the antagonist (the police) and the only witness (also the police), all represent the same party, and, since no corpus delicti, mena rea or acts reus can be produced, doesn't technically qualify to be heard according to its own "laws". The State therefore is indistinguishable from a criminal cartel.

Corpus delicti – the principle that a wrong must be proved to have occurred before an individual can be convicted of committing that wrong.

Mens rea – Latin for “guilty mind.” The intent to commit a wrong. 

Actus reus – the external element or the objective element of a wrong, is the Latin term for the “guilty act”.

An average of 86% of criminal cases have no victim, therefore the claimed crime is simply the breaking of corporate internal policy, which only applies to employees of that corporation or those who represent themselves as subsidiary corporation.

A victimless crime is an activity that the government has decreed criminal, even though there is no identifiable victim. A victimless crime is an activity that is performed by one or more consenting people, that causes no harm, injury or violation to anyone outside of the people performing the activity. If there is no victim, it is absolutely impossible to have a wrong.

How Is This Achieved?

The Holy Roman Catholic Church Corporation was created as a mutation of the old Roman Empire, originally a military empire. The rebranding from a military based empire to a religious empire was achieved under Constantine, completed upon his death in 327, to reinvigorate the Empire after the cancer of usury had eaten the heart out of Rome.

This mutated malignancy at present holds inequitable authority through the invention, completed in 325AD, of the covenant of their fictional Bible, which incorporated the older fictional covenant of the Torah, through which they machinate the claim of ownership of the earth, her resources and the living souls that dwell upon it, publicly expressed in the triple crown of Ba’al. Link: It’s a Simple Choice “Anarchism or Ba’alism

These frauds are based in contract, a contraction of agreement,(allowing one sided agreement) allowing imposed contract through the straw man in constructed legal fictions.

Using  ‘contract’ (always exclusively between constructed legal fictions) the Ba’alists declare our corpse is created in the image of ‘that which is invoked’, this means you are perceived by authority as the incorporeal reflexion in the mirror, an inverse reality where those on the land of the landlord are bound by their policy, through feudalism, and serfdom, now mutated from physical slavery into economic slavery; therefore natural equity based upon a reciprocal obligation and responsibility, the inherent duty of care, no longer protects, a soul is extorted, instead of the inherent reciprocal duty that maintains the peace of the soul, law imposes, holding the soul crucified in isolation unable to gain relief, or end the torments of the soul, inflicted by the hierarchical systems of the dominant Mafia.

Relief from wrongs is reversed to punishment; reversed from giving relief to the victim into amassing corporate revenue. Tortious acts, or more accurately ‘terrente’ (Meaning “Someone – Down to Earth (Terra), Realistic and Sensible of Mind.”) ignored; the terrente model means a reasoning soul, who when wronged has  –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ by the wrongful actions of another, standing against the inherent power of the individual. All that are none Ba’alists (owners) are rendered irrelevant, all freedoms upturned to impose legislation (slave law) built in legal fictions (lies).

Inherent relief (reciprocal duty of care), determined for (trespass) terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’, by the actions of arbitrated relief for all involved, is reversed to positive law, community is reversed to the isolation of the individual, within hierarchical constructs of perception, and common unity is replaced with dog eat dog competition. We are born into a system of suffrage, of a corporate society of imposed authority, and we are no longer protected through inherent reciprocation upon the earth, but are floundering within the open fictional Holy see of commerce, now represented as -ships, that may be docked when court and mulcted.

When a victim is mulcted (Latin “mul(c)ta” penalty involving loss of property) by the court, they’re deprived of something, as by fraud, extortion, or swindle, whether their liberty, wealth, possessions or labours (even their life).

There's a lot of money in mass incarceration
"The two largest for-profit prison companies in the United rake in a combined $3.3 billion in annual revenue and the private federal prison population more than doubled between 2000 and 2010. With the growing influence of the prison lobby, the nation is, in effect, commoditizing human bodies for an industry in militant pursuit of profit."~Washington Post article on the huge lobby of for-profit prisons, 4/28/15

If prisons were needed, and reflected a reality that was inescapable, then they would be universally imposed across every fiefdom, and reflect, within general parameters, a common level of criminality across all fiefdoms, however this is not the case, the United States corporation, incarcerates those it enslaves at a rate of 698 people per 100,000 (1 in 143 people), so this one fiefdom accounts for 24.7% of the world’s 9.8 million prisoners (1 in 1010 people outside America), but Americans are only 4.25% of the total world population, so the chances of the American govern mental Mafia incarcerating you are seven times as high in “the land of the free”.

Compare this to the Netherlands with a population of 17.28 million, which has almost no prisoners, and “no” jails. A number of factors underlie the Netherlands’ ability to keep its crime rate so low, namely, relaxed drug laws, a focus on rehabilitation over punishment, and an electronic ankle monitoring system that allows people to re-enter the workforce.

The mainstream media pervert reality, manufacturing TV shows for example, that invent fantasies of advanced police technologies, inventing abilities that don’t exist, to solve crimes, when examined against reality, that fantasy falls away. For example, based on UCR data, the USA currently has 250,000 unsolved murders, with an average of 15,498 new unsolved murders a year, the U.S. has a much higher murder rate compared to other developed countries, with 5.5 in 100,000 people annually. The average homicide rates of most other industrialised nations have murder rates of 0.8 per 100,000. In 2004, there were 5.5 homicides for every 100,000 persons, roughly three times as high as Canada (1.9) and six times as high as Germany and Italy (0.9).

Russia has a very high murder rate, at an average of 7.6 per 100,000 annually, mainly due to the Khazar (Jewish) Mafia’s dominance in illegal rackets and political Mafia abuses.

Another issue with the policy enforcement model, within the USA and many other fiefdoms is forced confessions, which means false confessions dominate most convictions, this is due to developed methods designed to extract a confession, which can extract a confession from almost anyone targeted, even someone completely unrelated to the crime under investigation. One of the main reasons for this, is because the police are allowed to lie directly to the suspect, in order to coerce a confession.

Officers lie in order to manipulate suspects, but suspects are not permitted to lie to or manipulate law enforcement officials without facing potential obstruction of justice charges. You are held to different legal standards than a policy enforcer. To consider further there’s a documentary called “False Confessions” 2018, which presents the manipulative police interrogation tactics that have catastrophic effects on the lives of those falsely accused. Link: “False Confessions” 2018 

The reality of this is even those convicted of murder are often not the guilty party.

Sexual assault is also much more likely in the USA, at 270 per 100,000 people, compared to Germany for example at 56.9, or England at 80 per 100,000, again likely due to the extremely low detection and prosecution rates, and a culture within the USA that holds people in an extended childhood mentally. The slave mind is manufactured to be an irrationalist, perpetually kept in that dependent, semi-childish state. Reason alone makes a soul unfit to be a slave. Link: The Reasoning and Virtue Reward Platform

The Monopoly on Violence

The structure of the Church Corporation is a pyramid hierarchical dictatorship, this same structure is applied to all chartered corporations that function as subsidiaries of the Church, these corporations impose government through the threat of arms maintaining a monopoly on violence, and themselves charter lesser corporations that function as subsidiaries, these corporations can themselves charter lesser corporations as subsidiaries, each subordinate level supports those above it.

The Church Corporation has taken this descending pyramid to its base and invents a corporation for each birth registered to a regional corporation. Making a living soul berthed (a supporting bridge where a ship ties up) through registration, birthed on a citizen-‘ship’, the landlord’s (landed ‘lord’ – a person or deity who has authority) agents, sworn under oath as such, of judge, magistrate, lawyer, barrister, solicitor and attorney arbitrates, with the objective of forcing docked ships in dispute to pay the landlord.

This system of the Holy See of commerce was developed by John Bernardone Morosini (Francis of Assisi), at the end of the 12th century. Consent to be re-presented is gained through several deceptive methods, the use of the registered name, which became owned by the State corporation when the birth was registered (a slave takes the name of its owner), the use of a title, such as Mr. – Dr. – Mrs. etc. (which places a constructed fiction before the name), the use of a representative, such as solicitor, lawyer or barrister, etc.(these parasites re-presents you as a constructed legal fiction because you have made yourself incompetent to do so yourself by employing a representative, even making yourself a representative does this), any acceptance of status, such as person, human, man, lord, professor, sir, etc., or any acceptance of authority such as, acceptance of understanding, acceptance of conformity to directives from an officer of the state, etc. (standing under their authority- “do you understand”), these are the methods of the fraud.

The Church Corporation uses the Roman system of Admiralty or Maritime legislation used to mask and preclude the prescriptive axioms, which express the inherent duty of care each soul is bound to, and attempts to assign all, as make-believe ships at sea (incorporeal bodies), isolated and adrift, this ship is a citizen-‘ship’ a constructed legal fiction, which is a legal fiction ‘authored’ by the State corporation so they have ‘authority’ over it.

In a court they are held in a dock, a space in the trust of a commercial court where citizen’s vessels are harboured in berth (birth certified in citizenship) when brought for trial, formed from ‘Tria Capita’ (The heads of the three) in the Roman law, were oivitae, libertas, and familia, i. e., citizenship, freedom (corporate political rights), and family granted ‘rights’ are judged, in the dock, used for the reception of vessels in the taking on or discharging of their shipment.

As the living soul when re-presented is the slave, trapped in the vassal of Ba’al (the  hegemonic Vassal – hierarchical status representing a soul, ranging from an abject slave to a tenant of a fief, all bound to a landlord (overlord) in homage and allegiance), and the citizen is a corporate ship on the sea of commerce performing as the straw man, being his corporation; the citizen is the incorporeal body of that fiction, the incorporeal fiction is bound by authored fictions being the creation of fiction, so bound to the authors authority.

The fiction tricks them into consenting to be responsible for the straw man and act as the trustee in the court, becoming the administrator, so an agent of the corporate government and being bound by the rules of that office, so entering the world of the fiction, being the policy of the corporation, known as legislation. The incorporated citizen gives the parent corporation (State) the ability to raise capital from their product (collectively GDP or GNP), or from the citizens holdings (national debt with collateral determined through decennial national census).

All trusts are founded in the imposition of ‘ownership’ (Ba’alship). Owner’ship’ is not the equitable structure of immovable resources, but is an imposed system through the invention of the ‘simple trust’ in which all resource is held through the force of arms within the colour of positive (slave) law, as long as the threat of the force of arms is maintained to impose it, it will strand, so long as no one actually challenges it, and demands the proof be presented of ownership, then the state will claim completely, permanently, and inalienably the ownership of the Earth and all upon it, within the boundaries of their fiefdom.

Ownership is claimed so that one man, woman, or entity, such as a monarch, Pope, or corporation (Mafia), of which the first two are simply corporate figure heads, can either deny all utilisation or grant only ‘use’ through their control, demanding the user be tenant, restricted, so must seek permission and pay offerings on demand to the owner (Ba’al), to hold tenancy, build, farm, mine the land, or change fiefdoms, simply to be allowed to take on tenancy, masking the allodial nature of the earth through the false perception of these legal constructed fiction.

The corporations ‘owned’ resources are held as the fiction of ‘property’. For example the largest land ‘owner’ (hoarder) is the “Crown corporation” whose figure head is the ‘Queen’ of England. This corporation claims the fiction of ‘owning’ a 6th of the earth’s landed surface, the Pope as the head of the Vatican Corporation owns roughly 177 million acres of various lands held by the Catholic Church throughout the globe, including the hundreds of Vatican embassies that are “legally” entitled to claim through ‘The Holy See’ they are each independent nations. Commerce (96%) is also owned by only four corporations, that you may not even be familiar with, they control the 147 corporations that own, manufacture and sell almost everything, they are McGraw-Hill, Northwestern Mutual, CME Group, and Barclay’s.

(aka: Crown of Ba'al)
1. "Papal Bull   Romanus Pontifix" Claims ownership of all land on earth

2. Crown of Aragon    Gives him ownership of the birth certificates!

3. The crown of "Cestui que vie"   Granting ownership of the soul.

It must be held in the trust of corporation to be owned, this also removes the burden of inheritance of living souls as corporations do not live to have the burden of death, as new controllers take control, it is of a constant entity, through its agents, working as a municipality they function without conscience, insatiable in their avarice, consolidating through legislated monopoly, a virtual ‘clinical psychopath’, passing from man to man, destroying the natural world, enslaving those under their influence, corrupting and functioning in opposition to community.

“The most valuable things in life are not measured in monetary terms. The really important things are not houses and lands, stocks and bonds, automobiles and real state, but friendships, trust, confidence, empathy, mercy, love and faith.” Bertrand Russell

All Trusts are inequitable contracts, constructed legal fictions, that cannot be recognised in an equitable Witena-gemot of inherent power, no living soul can be a party to a contract (legal fiction), in the same way a soul cannot be a party to a usurious deal without creating a wrong and a wronged within the deal. Contracts are exclusively between constructed legal fictions of corporation, as all equitable reciprocal agreements are constrained by simple principles:

A substantive (having a firm basis in reality), therefore reciprocal (binding equally), forming an inherent Binding (bindan- to tie up with bonds) agreement, which can only be between living souls (those that exist in truth, not that are re-presented as fictions), a legal instrument cannot make written agreement with a living soul as it is a fiction, an incorporeal entity, an invention, and not a soul with equitable reciprocal obligation and responsibility or inherent power, in contrast a contract can only be between constructed legal fictions, the persona, the citizen, the trust, the corporation etc. as a living soul is not a fiction they cannot be a party to any contract.

When agreeing you must apply a wet seal (which is a physical imprint, such as a wet thumb print) that is witnessed with those witnesses giving their seal to an agreement for it to be binding upon you, and only then if the agreement does not break the natural prescriptive axioms of the land. An incorporeal entity cannot seal any agreement; they are an incorporeal fiction of legislation, having no body they have no ability to physically seal.

To bind a reciprocal agreement of bond must also have witness. While a “contract” can be imposed without your reference, seal , or consent, such as a constitution, legislation, statute, because you are re-presented as the property of the corporation issuing its policy, forming such contract, and so the fictions binds you if you accept you are the property of the fiction, (for example by openly stating you are the property and slave of the issuing corporation through stating the Pledge of Allegiance as American slaves do).

If substance is held within estate, it is held in the limbo of resources of a dead body, as estate is the resources of a soul after their death, in equity it cannot continue to be the resources of a corpse, it must be inherited, through a living ‘will’, however, a corporate trust was never living to create a ‘will’, it can have no offspring to inherit, it cannot hold resources equitably, inherently or substantively through a constructed legal fiction of estate, and holds at present through the colour of law, within presumptions of law and fact that are seldom, if ever rebutted.

Trusts are based upon a trinity of parties, from the original holder/s of resources; the title is conveyed to the legal instrument (the incorporeal entity or ‘holy ghost’), this is serviced by the administrator, known as the trustee (the ‘Son’), who cannot be the beneficiary of the trust; meaning they can gain no benefit themselves. The trustee is controlled by the executor, the original grantor of the substance (the ‘Father’) of the trust, those who can gain benefit from the trust can be the grantor or a named beneficiary, as any party acting as grantor (executor) can confer to a beneficiary. This is a way to allow a third party, the trustee, to act as administrator on behalf of the grantor, with the trustee having full powers to administrate the directions of the grantor (executor) but having no power to receive benefits themselves, in effect a trust is a contract based upon a complete lack of trust, so ‘no trust’ exists between the parties contracting, so the estate or resource is held within a legal fiction to prevent the trustee claiming it for themselves.

The equitable inherent system of natural axioms of the land does not support legislation, corporation, or positive law (granted rights and imposed duties); the definition of legislation is in making legal, what was before void or inequitable; to add the sanction and authority of positive law to that which before was without or against the axioms of the land.

All laws are discretionary (imposed on some but not on others), while axioms are universally applicable, because they are founded on inherent power and shown true through the application of reason alone and founded around an innate duty of care binding through reciprocation. Laws govern ‘human’ (serf -slave) affairs and are subject to the discretionary will of the ruler, or those agents’ representative of the constructed legal fiction upon the people. If this was not so, then it would be impossible to make an immoral or unethical law.

Any law duly decreed by a legitimate ruling body, such as the Athenian assembly, would necessarily be lawful, yet history shows again and again that this was obviously false. Some laws are clearly criminal (showing Proof by contradiction).

Positive law is authoritatively (written so with an author) imposed law (policy of the landlords), this means those who invent the positive law are not themselves bound by it, for example the psychopath named Queen of England cannot be prosecuted for any crime.

This means within all legal systems “All crimes pertain to slaves”, and this is why it is not possible for anyone to prosecute the Queen of England, she is above the law of slaves. Crimes are not the same as wrongful acts, crimes are a breach of corporate policy by the corporation’s property.

With all of this surveillance and spying, how could pedophiles, rapists, murderers, war criminals, violent drug cartels, slave traders, despots, and terrorists be unhampered in their activities....
Unless those are the ones who are running the surveillance and spy grids?

Within positive law all crimes involve those who have a commercial obligation to another, and the body of a debtor is security for his debt, the commercial obligation is founded in ownership, as those who own a thing, control a thing, and those who use a thing controlled by another, are bound by the rules that are imposed by its controller (owner) for its use.

So, What Is a Corporation?

A corporation is an artificial persona, an incorporeal entity, known as a legal instrument, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of legislation. Being the mere creature of legislation (corporate policy), it possesses only those properties, which the charter of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as incidental to its very existence.

A charter is a privilege from a perceived superior granting an inferior entity a right or privilege. This means all States are created by charter from a superior corporation, as they are the invention of corporation, to exist therefore they must be invented into existence, authored, as all State Corporations are founded upon ownership of all resources, and the Vatican claims ownership of all resources of the entire Earth, through the pope as substitute of Christ – who they further claim is God as a trinity, they claim this constructed god created the Earth, therefore the Pope is the owner, as the substitute, they then can buy and sell the earth through that manufactured claim, all States by default must be through a Vatican charter, in theory.Fight Your Own Demons with Evil People Quotes - EnkiQuotes

This is the reason, when the Europeans landed in the Americas, it mattered not it had a 100 million indigenous peoples already living there, it mattered not that Australia had 750,000 indigenous when Cook ‘discovered’ it, or that Africa had a vast population, they were not Christian, so could not own, they could not form corporation, although even if they had been Christian, it would have made little difference, they had no part of their population that where members of the ruling families, so the land was considered discovered, and the soulless elite imposed ownership, and established their constructed fiction through colonisation, once they had a monopoly on violence, they could form a corporate subsidiary to drain the wealth from the serf labouring on their lands, claiming the subsidiary corporation was independent, the new independent fiefdom claimed a sovereign State.

"I would like to quote a very prejudicial doctrine that was handed down by the supreme Court in 1823.
It said that the Indian Nations do not have title to their lands because they weren't Christians. That the first Christian Nations to discover an area of heathen lands has the absolute title.
This doctrine should be withdrawn and renounced to establish a new basis for relationship between indigenous peoples and other peoples of the world." ~ Floyd Westerman (Lakota First Nation)

A corporation holds all as chattel, in substance, as a contrivance designed to protect any of its agents, who act criminally, from any personal accountability, by claiming the protection of the corporate entity. Corporation is an instrument of establishing monopoly, privilege, and ownership, to allow the five forms of usury to be expressed freely and to dominate all trade. Link: The Five Forms of Usury Enslave Humanity to a Ba’alist Elite

A corporation is structured upon the concept of a legal construct of a trust, trusts have been widely utilised with slight variations in application; all trusts are based upon the holy trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost – Amon, Mut, and Khons – Ancient Trinitarian Gods are as “one God in three Divine Persons”) this ancient concept is utilised by the Roman Catholic Church Corporation.

The Axioms Of The Land; The Axiom-logical Model

An Axiom is a self-evident or universally recognised truth. Axiom-logical is reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, being the thinking through of rational thoughts and arguments free of the influence of emotion or whim.

The problem isn't that many people can't read or can't think. The problem is that many people don't know what thinking is, they confuse it with feeling.

Axiom-logical principles are values, moral or aesthetic truth, reasoned through rational argument. To determine:

  • The Value of the truth, is it a valiant social principle? If a society does not value objective truth, if reason is rejected for conformity to the dogma of the dominating agents of hierarchies, nothing can save that society. The only answer then, is to form independent models of social interaction within that dying society, like a mighty oak germinating in a field of poisoned weeds.
  • The Moral of the truth, how it pertains to manners of conduct, determined through the inherent nature of reciprocal responsibilities and obligations. The purpose of community is to develop the virtue of the soul through a nurturing collective environment of common unity, that functions to supports such an objective, mastery of innate virtues both lifts up the soul and the community itself.
  • The Aesthetic of the truth, can it be perceived in composition to be an argument that is pleasing in appearance both from the evidence and the logic? We are souls that yearn to exist in perception, engulfed in beauty, the beauty of sights, smells, tastes, sounds and touch, the beauty of truth is the foundation of all beauty, if truth is denied the ugliness of lies fills perception.

If we go back in time to the point before the imposition of the simple constructed legal trust of ownership, imposed by the Roman Catholic Church Corporation, Albien’s natural inherent equities were evolved and self-enforcing in most areas, always free of any sovereign influence, a system founded on the true axioms (based on a duty of care) of the Earth, functioning on community, an equitable system that favours and preserves the common good of all allodarii on the land, within reciprocal protection.

The present ownership fiefdom, an encroachment originally imposed upon Albien by the Vatican agent William the Bastard, formalised at the end of the 20 year genocide, with the completion of the Doomsday book in 1086, which claim established the foundation of the positive law system, with the removal of equity and liberty, and the introduction of the corporate culture of feudalism; created with genocide and concluding with an enslaved people, held subjugated and extorted, a sufferance that has continued until the present day.

-Driving without a seat-belt
-Marijuana & drug use
-Flavored e-cig juices
-Underage drinking

-Working without a license
-Keeping all of the money you earn
-Working for less than $7.25 an hour

Refusing to pay:
-Property tax
-Estate tax
-Sales tax
-Eminent domain
-Asset forfeiture


The axioms of the land are simple; they function to resolve disputes, only when those in dispute cannot resolve equitably between themselves, then a complainer, who feels wronged can seek the help of the community; the Witena-gemot system is simply the facilitator and administrator of the local community in dispute settlements.

A complainer can only be a living soul as a (trespass) terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ is any act that inflicts mental distress, and no fiction (any constructed legal incorporeal entity) can endure mentally to bring any terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ act of another against a living soul, as a fiction of legislation has no consciousness to be injured, nor can it be a party to a reciprocal written or verbal agreement.

Natural inherent equity cannot impose anything, these concepts function ‘only’ to protect, if the modern courts are corrupted and do anything except protect the individual, then it is not an equitable court of arbitration, as the function of arbitration is to give relief to the victim, not to impose punishment upon the culpable.

There are only reciprocal obligation and responsibility inherently upon every living soul in equity, there are no rights, and there is ‘no’ collective right at all, this means you cannot invent collective rights and claim them equitable, as in the fraud of democracy, or in the case of a corporation, which is a body of men acting within the invented rights of the legal fiction of it charter, giving them presumptions of collective rights that are seldom rebutted.

We must understand and apply our ‘inherent power’, which is a supremacy possessed without it being derived from another; being our true reciprocal obligation and responsibility to others, or ability, or faculty of doing a thing, without receiving that as a perceived right, or ability, or faculty granted from another.

Once you have served your Witena-gemot notification (writ) (called a ‘Breve’ because it briefly states the case), the defendant has been ‘instructed’ to be at a certain location, on a certain date, and at a certain time to arbitrate the dispute, and this is known as being arraigned which mean to prepare yourself for Witena-gemot (court). The Witena-gemot notification (writ) details the encroachment and the relief demanded, the time and date of arbitration by a Witena-gemot of your peers and the details of the complainer and retorter and the relief the complainer will accept outside of arbitration. This could be done through an online platform at the start, or once local common unity if established as a physical location, or even a combination of the two.

The Encroachments

The equitable inherent system is based upon the settlement of encroachments, these need not be codified as the individual themselves decides what they feel is an encroachment requiring relief. The Witena-gemot of peers must decide what establishes a terrente – ‘the peace of their mind threatened’ act.

Declared encroachments are known as ‘torts’ which is a word meaning ‘wrongful acts’ this term has been corrupted through legalese, as is the term that replaced trespass, the original term must then be applied whose origins date back to at least the year 935, terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’, originally terrente would have well established equitable reliefs attached to them, established through the verdict of peers within a witena-gemot of inherent power with a permanent and irreproachable record of all proceedings.

The true foundation of inherent power equity is in this idea, ‘each living soul has a reciprocal duty of care for their neighbour’. Officialism functions in disaccord, and opposition to natural duty or affection, and is therefore against community and reason.

The inherent power, equitable reciprocal duty of care, is incumbent upon every living soul, as an unalienable obligation, for example: if you witness someone drowning and have it within your power to save them, but do not, you have failed in your inherent duty of care, so have committed an encroachment to the drowning soul, and relief can be sort of you. This duty is incumbent because it binds in ‘your’ protection, if you were the drowning soul and the stranger did nothing to help ‘you’ this would wrong ‘you’, which makes you helping them a reciprocal obligation.

If a danger ‘to others’ is present in any activity that demands a skill and knowledge base to master, like driving a car on a common road of utilization, or flying a plane over a populated area, competence must be gained before that activity can be undertaken without undue danger to other souls, based upon your equitable duty of care to protect those around you, however ‘Licensing’ of drivers ‘cannot’ be required of free soul, because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the surrender of your unalienable reciprocal obligations and responsibilities, namely who is above me to grant me permission. In equity, reason, and truth, no one.

A permit (license) is when they make something lawful illegal and then force you to commit bribery so you won't be arrested.

To drive a car while being a danger to those around you, while being inexperienced, or inebriated, or contemptuous of the souls around you with no regard for their safety, no one would stop you, however if you had an accident whatever the circumstances, it would be taken as a wanton act of negligence, the relief granted to those encroached would be at the very least tenfold, as you acted without a duty of care. When acting outside your duty of care it is always a premeditated act, so the relief due is without any extenuation. (This can be considered further through the unilateral bond of behaviour of the bonded, forming common unity within a closed bond, that reciprocally express the inherent duty of care and bind through seal and witness in advance to the relief required if that bond is broken.)

Within your remit of a reciprocal duty of care, it’s a wrongful act to witness a wrongful act being committed and not to prohibit it when it is within your power to do so, or to seek and alert others to prohibit it if it’s beyond your ability to do so; and anyone who does not prohibit when they can prohibit is at fault, just as another who condones, through their none action ‘you’ being encroached. This effectively means all are champions of the wronged.

No justification can be declared from the antecedent wrong of another; a wrong does not excuse a wrong.

If a wrong is committed while the retorter, through his own want, is intoxicated, it has no mitigation upon the consequences of their wrongful actions, and would be detrimental upon the consideration of a Witena-gemot of their peers. You chose to become intoxicated therefore any wrongs inflicted are premeditated.

To understand encroachments in greater detail read part six ‘Encroachments, relief and recourse’.

The Court Structure is Founded Upon the Witena-Gemot

Any courts that keep ‘no’ equitable record, is not a true court, even within the positive slave law system, this would include all county courts, which function as internal corporate policy arbitrators, exclusively for those who act in function of the corporation issuing the policy. At present the Bar Guild control almost 100% of judicial assemblies around the world in the worst example of organized crime in recorded history, although the term crime is not accurate to describe these acts of immorality, maladministration, corruption, inequity and perversions of truth and record, which are common place.

A true equitable Witena-gemot of inherent power, records a written transcript, with the augmentation of any additional form of recording if desired, held for a perpetual memorial, containing all the oral and written evidence of witnesses, victims or complainers, those accused or defending, and verdict or relief, of such high and super eminent accuracy, that its truth is not called into question, all recorded and documented under community records.

The Witena-gemot of inherent power with an equitable record, consists of twenty three random peers of the community, twenty three makes a full equitable community; a jury of twelve people would constitute a bare majority which is commonly used by the positive law corporate court. The ancient system of twenty three peers still exists in the grand jury of the corporate courts. These peers must make an equitable vow upon their soul, so solemnly, that they will well and truly arbitrate, and a true deliverance make between the complainer and the retorter, and a true verdict render according to the evidence, the established facts and by the natural inherent axioms of the land, without prejudice or predilection.

A peer is simply any living soul of the community not connected to the complainer or retorter and of equitable standing, . They must be fluent in the language, of sound mind and over 18, posses the skill to reason all things to truth, and be randomly selected. (The skill to reason to truth in the present mafia dominated model is a very rare skill, but should be developed as it’s more important than the skill of math or writing)

The “reasonable” peer determines all judgment of disputes, this is the missing element in a jury. A reasonable individual is endowed with reason, a rare skill in the age of State imposed education. Reason is:

  1. The faculty or power of acquiring intellectual knowledge, either by direct understanding of first principles or by argument.
  2. The power of intelligent and dispassionate thought, or of conduct influenced by such thought.
  3. Kantianism. The faculty by which the ideas of pure reason are created. The ancient method of reasoning to truth was the trivium.

Therefore as reason is the basis of arbitration, all those in judgment of disputes must be tested first, to determine if they can indeed reason.

Jurors – Lat. juro, to swear an oath; as a recognition of God’s authority by the party swearing it; this in effect defers to a fictional construct of a personified sky deity called or invoked, and all religious souls are by default universally corrupt and deceitful, as they take authority as truth, instead of the reasoned truth as their predominant principle.

A better term for a juror would be ‘’peer’ (peer means equal), as one who acts voluntarily to champion the cause of the weak, upon their own vow, their word is their bond, brought together voluntarily to arbitrate a disputed cause.

What in the court model is labelled a head juror called the “foreman” or “presiding juror” would be more accurately referred to as the ‘speaker’ who is chosen by the group before the arbitration begins, or upon the beginning of deliberations, it would be sensible to divide the Witena-gemot peers into three groups of seven or eight, each with one speaker, as people feel comfortable speaking, and they have an easier time reaching a unanimous decision in small groups. The role of the ‘speaker’ is to ask questions on behalf of the Witena-gemot peers, facilitate Witena-gemot peer discussions, and ultimately to read the determination and relief of the Witena-gemot peers.

Since there is always the possibility of jurors not completing the arbitration for health or other reasons, one or more alternate jurors are nominated. Alternates hear the arbitration but do not take part in deciding the determination or relief unless a juror is unable to deliberate.

A determination is established from their own investigation and reason based upon the comprehension of the inherent power concepts, aided in this by Witena-gemot administrators, known as Aldermen (elder men), those of advancing years with high standing (trust) in the community, in respect of trustworthiness. The Trivium, Quadrivium techniques of reasoning and conclusion are good tool to establish reasoned truth, structured upon hypothesis (expressed by the one seeking relief), thesis (expressed by the one rebutting the wrong), antithesis (the determination of the arbiters) through reasoning and constructed rhetoric, to establish the facts and conclude relief, in conjunction with the clear identification of logical fallacies.

The ability to apply reasoning techniques is as important as literacy and numeracy, and should be classified with an equal significance; every child in equity must be afforded the opportunity to be literate and numerate and should also be ratiocinate; this being a duty of every parent, as every parent has an obligation to bestow a proper education upon their children.

Discussion is always better than argument.
Because argument is to find out who is right!
Discussion is to find out what is right.

The four possible verdicts of a arbitrating peer group (jury), a wrongdoer – not a wrongdoer – not proven, deadlocked peers (more investigation must be undertaken and the arbitration continued when this is achieved) – equal in dispute.

All verdicts (a word meaning – to say the truth) must be unanimous, if it ends with hung peers or deadlocked peers, when not all agree upon a verdict after an extended period of deliberation, and are unable to change their opinion due to severe differences of judgement, the considerations of the one or two alternate peers could be applied to reach a unanimous twenty three peer verdict, or a verdict of ‘not proven, deadlocked peers being an acquittal, through lack of evidence, when the peers do not have enough evidence for all the peers to declare in favour of the complainer, or enough sufficiently convinced of the retorter’s innocence to bring in a “not a wrongdoer” verdict, so leaving the case open to re-arbitration when more evidence can be established.

A verdict of equal in dispute, happens where equities are equal, equity will prevail equally. Equity in dispute will provide no specific relief where the parties are found equally at fault.

All living souls shall have relief by the due course of natural equity, however, ‘No one’ is bound to make oath to the fact of their own wrongful actions as a living soul who does wrong hates the light of discovery; no one can be forced to give their own oath in evidence of their guilt. No one is bound to accuse themselves. No one is bound to expose themselves to misfortunes and dangers. No one is bound to betray themselves. Therefore they have a free choice to remain silent. What the jurors make of such a silence, would be up to them.

If a witness or defendant bear false attestation, and it is proven beyond doubt this was the case, the false witness should receive the consequences they had intended to bring on the living soul falsely accused, and the defendant proven to have lied under oath should suffer double relief, all their testimony should be viewed as unreliable and their intention should be arbitrated in light of the declarations of the case.

Likewise if the complainer is ‘proven’ to have, with intention, falsely, and with malice, accused another of a terrente –‘the peace of their mind threatened’ inequitably, then the relief reasonably imposed upon that perjurer, creating the fiction of the wrong invented to defame the innocent, should be the relief that wrong would have generated against their victim.

The Witena-gemot peers adjudicates both the facts of the case and the natural equity axioms themselves, the Witena-gemot (court) administrator performs the function of explaining the simple principles of natural inherent axioms in equity to the arbitrating peers (jurors) and those in dispute, as well as taking oaths, administrating cases and organising the execution of a peers verdict.

Upon the plaintiff (the complainer) rests the proving – the burden of proof; proofs ought to be evident, (that is) clear and easily understood.

Both Parties affected present an affidavit and can speak and act directly, being solely responsible for responding in the Witena-gemot. No one else can represent you in a Witena-gemot, if you are deemed able to act on your own behalf, as any accused is permitted to face his accuser without fear, and any complainer should be able to face the accused without fear. If a child or timid woman fears, they can have another stand with them and represent them in a fearless and confident way to establish truth and establish relief.

No one can sue, meaning make a declaration to have incurred loss as a result of a retorter’s actions in the name of another, unless death or bodily harm prevent that soul seeking relief for themselves, and no soul is bound in consequence of his honest advice.

Equity always regards the intention, as the basis of the truth of every action.

No living soul shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of their reciprocal obligation and responsibility or resources, or extorted or exiled, or deprived of their standing in any other way, nor will any party proceed with force against them, or send others to do so, except by the equitable arbitration of their equals through the implementation of the natural inherent axioms of the concepts of inherent power.

Each living soul has an unalienable reciprocal obligation and responsibility to liberty, if this is denied a prerogative notification (writ) initiated by any living soul on behalf of someone inequitably restrained, functioning by empowering the Witena-gemot with the full bond of the community, to release to the custody of the Witena-gemot from inequitable imprisonment, through improper executive, judicial, or private restraints of confinements within incarceration facilities labelled, prisons, jails, camps, hospitals, re-education facilities, mental institutions, military institutions, or whatever form it may take, all used to restrain others inequitably, any soul that refuses to do so, has openly wronged another and relief can be established.

Protection of liberty demanded release through the notification (writ) of ‘Habeas Corpus’ (held body) from the Witena-gemot (court), which is an ancient relief of the land prerogative notification (writ) – a equitable procedure to which you have an undeniable reciprocal obligation and responsibility. It is an extraordinary relief at equity. Upon proper application, or even on naked knowledge alone, every equitable Witena-gemot (court) is empowered, and is duty bound, to issue the Extraordinary notification (writ) of Habeas Corpus commanding one who is restraining liberty, so holding imprisoned another, to forthwith produce before the Witena-gemot (court) the living soul who is in custody and to show cause why the liberty of that soul is being restrained, and if the Witena-gemot (court) finds no just cause, relief must be established for the victim of that inequitable restraint by every means and every soul. The term imprisonment usually imports a restraint contrary to the wishes of the prisoner; and the notification (writ) of habeas corpus is designed as a relief for them, to be invoked at their insistence, to set them at liberty, not to change their keeper. In the case of an infant or a child of tender years that is detained improperly from the soul protecting them, who is equitably viewed as their custodian and guardian, that being sufficient ground to invoke and maintain the notification (writ) of habeas corpus.

It is clear at the beginning of the establishment of a true model of arbitration of wrongs, to demand anything of the corporate agents of mafia govern mental control would, at best, be ignored, and this is to be expected. As with any monopoly to end it simply create an independent alternative; arbitration of wrongs can be applied using relief methods, of rex and wite.

Part Three – Establishing Universal Accountability – a Substantive Witena-Gemot of Axiological Inherent Power

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